
Peking University studies enlightenment, morality, government and enterprises draw a blueprint for development

author:See Quanzhou

Recently, our county successfully held a five-day "Government and Enterprise Ability and Quality Improvement Training Course" at Peking University, aiming to deepen and expand the action of "striving for excellence, daring to be the first, and striving for efficiency through hard work", improve the innovation ability and management level of party and government leading cadres and relevant personnel of enterprises, and promote the high-quality development of our county to a new stage.

Peking University studies enlightenment, morality, government and enterprises draw a blueprint for development

This training brings together industry elites and academic authorities, and the course content covers digital financial innovation, a new generation of artificial intelligence, county economic development and other fields, with both theoretical depth and practical breadth. In the classroom of Peking University, the students not only absorbed cutting-edge knowledge, but also stimulated innovation vitality in the collision of ideas, further promoted cadres to enhance their sense of innovation, broaden their forward-looking horizons, and improve their management level, so as to promote high-quality development in an all-round way and accelerate the construction of a happy and livable world porcelain capital.

Open up thinking and stimulate the innovation vitality of cadres

Peking University studies enlightenment, morality, government and enterprises draw a blueprint for development
Peking University studies enlightenment, morality, government and enterprises draw a blueprint for development

"Walking into Peking University, listening to the lectures of Peking University, and feeling the spirit of Peking University, people can broaden their horizons and improve their realm. In the past few days, I have listened to a number of special lectures by experts, professors and scholars. Their wonderful lectures looked at the development of new productive forces from the spirit of the "two sessions"; from emerging industries, new forms of business to new business models; From artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing to 5G communications; From cultural industry, cultural industry, cultural economy to humanistic economy; From the situation to the prospect; Profound theories, cutting-edge research, and innovation of thinking inadvertently cultivated my sentiments and purified my soul in the wonderful explanations of experts. Xu Changyi, head of Spring and Autumn Family Farm, said.

It is reported that the training course held by our county at Peking University this time is to improve political literacy, feel the political atmosphere, inherit the red gene, continue the spiritual blood of the Communists, and draw strength from it to unite and forge ahead; In order to update the concept of thinking, the students came to learn with problems, in-depth thinking, and practical learning, so as to enrich the knowledge system, expand their thinking horizons, improve their ability and quality, and build a high-quality cadre team for the development of our county; At the same time, in order to promote high-quality development, we should jump out of Dehua to see Dehua, learn from Beijing's advanced experience, learn from experience and practices in industrial innovation, urban construction, enterprise management, brand marketing, etc., improve standards and efficiency, and boost development.

"Our county has a thousand years of ceramic cultural heritage, we must firmly implement the 'three strategies', grasp the 'three promotions', further dig into the connotation of ceramic culture, tell the brand story of ceramic culture, continue to expand international influence, enhance process innovation, and enhance market competitiveness." Through learning, Xu Congqing, Secretary of the Party Committee of Gade Town, felt that in the field of tourism, our county should adhere to the development concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", closely combine green development with the new format of rural revitalization, look at the county's cultural tourism projects from the perspective of "humanistic economics", and use projects to connect humanities, arts, technology, sports, commerce, value and brand, and make every effort to promote the high-quality development of the county economy.

During the five-day study, the students devoted themselves to learning, gathered their wisdom, collided ideas and opened up their thinking in listening to the lectures, and were touched and inspired by the visit and study, and absorbed more knowledge and nutrients; At the same time, the trainees will apply what they have learned, apply what they have learned, bring good experience and good practices back to Dehua, and transform them into a powerful driving force to accelerate a new round of high-quality development of Dehua.

Deepen integration and seek high-quality new development

Peking University studies enlightenment, morality, government and enterprises draw a blueprint for development
Peking University studies enlightenment, morality, government and enterprises draw a blueprint for development

"Thank you very much to the county party committee and county government for arranging this learning opportunity for the enterprise, through 5 days of study, listening to the wonderful explanations of the professors, which opened my eyes, I have the most profound feelings about Professor Liu Huapeng's "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence and Future Business Ecology" and Professor Xiang Yong's "Strategy and Mechanism for the Integrated Development of Culture and Tourism Industry in the New Era". Artificial intelligence plays a positive role in the development and promotion of our ceramic industry, and we are looking forward to it, and we will combine it with the actual situation of our company to improve. Qiu Zhenke, head of Sunbird Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd., said that the creative tourism of cultural and tourism integration, the essence is a new form of tourism with deep integration of culture and tourism, ceramic culture as an important part of Chinese culture, how to deeply integrate "ceramics + culture + tourism"? It will be the most important direction for the company's further development in the future.

Look up to Peking University, feel the charm of Peking University, and enlighten your heart. The professors used theory and practice, combined with the current situation of our county and the actual teaching of enterprises, so that the students' ideas were suddenly open and refreshing. Professor Wang Hongying talked about the impact of data empowerment on enterprises, the digitization of enterprise data (operation) assets to digital asset finance (securitization) and then to digital finance (valuation) transactions, and he listed the landing of the first data asset financing in Fujian Province in September 2023 (, and the "chief financing officer" and so on are full of dry goods; Professor Zhang Chunxiao's "first establish and then break", based on the original advantages of basic industries to accelerate innovation and development, the formation of new quality productivity, our county practice "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" development concept is the epitome of new quality productivity. The concept of "green ceramics" mentioned by him is worthy of our cherishment and pride; Professor Liu Huapeng's speech on scientific and technological innovation and future business ecology, the new quality productivity is three-dimensional productivity, from artificial intelligence to the original universe, from the business model to the drainage model to the integration of resources, listing the application of artificial intelligence in the Dehua ceramic process and the application of "Internet of Things + agriculture" and so on are more brilliant and full of reverie. Professor Dai Hongwei talked about making good use of the time, optimizing the geographical advantage, creating "production and harmony" and the development of the county's industrial development. Professor Xiang Yong's new cultural tourism, new cultural creativity, and new principles are all integrated into the new green development concept of Mr. Song Hongyuan, which can be summarized in one sentence: new quality productivity itself is green productivity. Several lectures were wonderful, bringing deep knowledge and insights to the participants, as well as giving them a deeper thinking and understanding of many issues.

Peking University studies enlightenment, morality, government and enterprises draw a blueprint for development
Peking University studies enlightenment, morality, government and enterprises draw a blueprint for development

In addition, the training also focuses on field trips and on-site teaching. The students went to the National Museum of China, the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China and other places to experience the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture and the great power of the revolutionary spirit.

Reporter | Xu Huasen

Edit | Lin Jiajia

Audit | First trial: Lai Lujing

Second trial: Zheng Shifa

Third trial: Chen Zhiming