
In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

author:History of Shiqi
In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

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What are some of the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China in the past 100 years?

If I say that China actually has a psychic force dedicated to the study of supernatural events, would you dare to believe it?

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

This institution is the famous 749 Bureau, and its establishment is even inseparable from Qian Xuesen's strong support.

So, why did Qian Xuesen, as a scientist who believes in materialism, support the establishment of an organization dedicated to the study of the supernatural?

The mysterious 749 Bureau, what unknown supernatural events have been studied?

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

Mysterious 749 rounds

During the Cold War in the last century, the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, both tried to develop the special functions of the human body and use them in national defense technology.

For example, the Soviet Union's secret service organization KGB took the special function of the human body as a research topic, and later it was said that a special unit was set up, codenamed 10003, and the members of the unit were all legendary "superpowers" who had been developed by special functions, and specially infiltrated the United States to spy on some top-secret information that ordinary people could not get at all.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

Not to be outdone, the United States established DARPA in 1958, the full name of which is the Department of Advanced Research Projects of the U.S. Department of Defense, dedicated to the study of human science.

In the seventies and eighties of the last century, the United States even launched the "Jedi Project" and the "Stargate Project", which were expected to form a psychic force composed of people with special functions, trying to train "wall piercing" and clairvoyance, so that they could be used in military operations, especially to compete with the Soviet Union's special function troops.

Seeing that the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, were involved in this mysterious field, China naturally couldn't sit still, and felt that this must be a popular research field with great prospects, so the 507 Institute, which was the predecessor of the 749 Bureau, came into being.

However, in fact, the first 507 Institute mainly studied human science related to astronauts, which was quite a serious science and took the road of pure materialism.

However, due to the arrival of a decade of turmoil, the normal work of many research institutes was forced to come to a standstill, and the 507 Institute was on the verge of closure due to lack of funding.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

As the "father of aerospace" on the mainland, Qian Lao naturally didn't want to see the years of hard work of the 507 Institute, so he decided to change the research direction of the 507 Bureau, and this new research direction was the special function of the human body, which was quite hot in the United States and the Soviet Union at that time!

So in the blink of an eye, the 507 Bureau shook its head and turned into the 749 Bureau, and began to completely embark on the road of studying supernatural phenomena, and also learned from the United States and the Soviet Union, trying to apply the research results of the special functions of the human body to national defense science and technology.

You must know that from the fifties to the eighties and nineties of the last century, there were frequent supernatural events around the world, and all kinds of phenomena that could not be explained by science emerged one after another, which is why China, the United States and the Soviet Union invested so much energy in this field.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

For example, those who have developed the special functions of the human body not only have the ability to see, but also have the legendary synaesthesia, such as being able to recognize the words written in a cardboard box without using their eyes, but directly with their ears and even their fingers.

They can even use their minds to take things, and even use their minds to kill people.

Some people are said to have the ability to predict and read minds, and the most famous one is the KGB's most powerful prophet: Wolf. Messing, legend has it that he successfully predicted the end of World War II and the specific time of Hitler's death, and even the epidemic in 2020 was expected by him.

However, it is also said that Wolfe. Messing is a completely apocryphal, and there is no such person in real life. So there is no way to know whether it is true or false.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

But what is certain is that in the last century, the United States and the Soviet Union did launch a vigorous "competition" in the field of special functions of the human body and various supernatural phenomena.

And our 749 Bureau in China, naturally, was not to be outdone, and began to search for all kinds of people with special functions across the country to investigate supernatural events.

At that time, the 749 Bureau was said to have a total headquarters in the country, as well as branches in various regions in the southeast, northwest, and northwest, so no matter where the supernatural events occurred since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the investigation of the 749 Bureau could basically be seen.

It is said that one of the earliest unsolved mysteries investigated by the 749 Bureau is the disappearance of Lop Nur Peng Jiamu and the Pisces Jade Pendant incident.

In 1980, Peng Jiamu, a famous scientist, led an expedition team to Lop Nur.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

Just when the team was forced to stop moving forward due to a serious lack of water and fuel and waited for rescue, Peng Jiamu suddenly disappeared.

Before his disappearance, Peng Jiamu only left a note in the car, which said that he had gone east to find water, so he disappeared.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

Unsolved mysteries

It is said that you have to see people alive and corpses when you die, but since 1980, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has sent search and rescue teams of more than 1,000 people four times, but they have not found him, and since then, his whereabouts have become an unsolved mystery.

Some people may think that there are so many dead or missing people in Lop Nur, why is Peng Jiamu's disappearance particularly eye-catching?

Because other people who died in Lop Nur can find corpses or relics, but Peng Jiamu is directly dead and can't see the body, and not even a single relic has been found! His whole person seemed to have suddenly evaporated from the world, and he was never seen again.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

And according to the memories of the scientific expedition team members who searched for him, when Peng Jiamu's footprints walked to a place of 7.8 kilometers, they suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and it was rumored that where Peng Jiamu's footprints disappeared, only his left footprints were found, and his right footprints were nowhere to be found.

Of course, there is another reason why the state is more worthy of sending a large number of people to search for him, that is, Peng Jiamu's scientific research project in Lop Nur happens to be related to another very strange unsolved mystery.

That is, in the fifties and sixties, as long as some explorers went to the ruins of an ancient city in Lop Nur, they would inexplicably look like ghosts on their bodies, dead and crazy.

After conducting autopsies, scientists have mysteriously discovered that they all died of the same unknown toxin, and the source of this toxin is an unknown plant in their stomachs that has not yet been fully digested.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

And the missing Peng Jiamu happened to be carrying a specimen of this poisonous plant. Under such circumstances, how could the state not mobilize the public for his mysterious disappearance?

An even more bizarre coincidence is that a few years after Peng Jiamu's disappearance, the famous Pisces jade pendant was born during the archaeological excavation of an ancient tomb in Mongolia.

What is creepy is that the pattern of this Pisces jade pendant is exactly the same as a fish-shaped device found in the ancient ruins of Lop Nur, which often kills people.

So, what is the bizarre connection between the Pisces jade pendant patterns in these two places?

It is said that scientists have done an experiment on the Pisces jade pendant, that is, to put a fish in front of the jade pendant, but a frightening scene suddenly happened, that is, on the back of the jade pendant, there was a copy of the identical fish!

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

However, the two fish behaved completely differently at the same time, so the scientists injected one of the fish with venom to kill it, and the other copied fish, although at first unharmed, also died seven hours later.

From this, scientists deduced that this Pisces jade pendant may have a lot to do with the rumored quantum entanglement and space replication, and the space it replicates is exactly seven hours away from the space we really have.

Therefore, there are also rumors that Peng Jiamu may be the "key person" of the mysterious Pisces Jade Pendant incident, with a special secret mission, and Lop Nur may also be the junction of parallel universes.

There is also speculation that perhaps the real Peng Jiamu is not actually dead, but was "copied" by Pisces Jade Pei, so in order to avoid causing panic among the masses, the state claimed that he disappeared mysteriously.

Of course, all this is just rumors and conjectures, and the truth of it is probably only known to those in the know who have been listed as a top secret project by the state.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

However, it is undeniable that it was after the emergence of this mysterious event that greatly shook the direction of China's scientific research at that time, so that China has since disappeared in the direction of "qigong fever" and "human body research fever".

It's a pity that most of the so-called "masters" who rub the heat of these special functions of the human body are liars, and few of them have real skills. It is estimated that people with real special functions have long been protected by the state and will not be known to the outside world.

However, Bureau 749's research on supernatural events continues.

In 1995, several zombies that could kill people suddenly appeared in Chengdu, and the city was in an uproar, it is said that this zombie bit people everywhere, and many people have died because of zombies.

And the origin of these zombies, there are many theories, some say that these zombies disappeared in the ancient tomb of the Qing Dynasty dug near the Wuhou Temple, and some say that they ran out of the Jiulao Cave that Qingcheng Mountain is not open to the public.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

It is said that during the zombie outbreak, many old Chengdu people have the impression that because it is rumored that this zombie eats young students, many schools have canceled the last class in the afternoon and asked parents to come to pick up and drop off as soon as possible.

As for how to deal with these zombies in the end, there are also different opinions, some people say that it was the 749 bureau to get rid of it, and some people say that the PLA laser unit was dispatched and burned to death with lasers and flames, in short, it took a lot of effort.

Although this Chengdu zombie incident is well-known, because there are too many versions of its rumors, it is impossible to know whether it is true or not.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

Science can't explain it

There is also the Changbai Mountain Tianchi Water Monster, which is also quite bizarre, but it has not been confirmed so far, what kind of creature it is.

According to the memories of those who have witnessed the Tianchi Water Monster in Changbai Mountain, this thing looks like an iron pot, a buffalo and a dinosaur, but most of the time it dives under the water and will not show its face easily, but it is certain that it is definitely not a creature within the range of our knowledge.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

Therefore, some people speculate that the water monster in Tianchi of Changbai Mountain may be the descendants of ancient creatures, but after investigation and research, "Approaching Science" believes that the possibility of descendants of prehistoric creatures in Tianchi is quite small, and it is more likely that it should be an otter or a sunfish swimming into Tianchi in Changbai Mountain from the Sea of Japan tunnel.

The truth or falsehood of these unsolved mysteries has long been unknown, but with the arrival of unsolved mysteries and supernatural events, the research boom of "human special functions" has once ushered in an explosive development at the level of phenomena, especially in the United States and the Soviet Union, and the competition in this field has risen to the "fraud level".

In 1958, less than two years after the world's first U.S.-built nuclear submarine, the Nautilus, France published an article claiming that the U.S. Navy had used extrasensory perception on the nuclear submarine.

The article vividly reported how the "Nautilus" received telepathic information from an experimental center in Maryland in the United States without the help of any scientific means of information and only by mind while sailing on the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

Of course, this report naturally attracted the attention of the Soviet Union, and a Soviet psychologist even declared: "The discovery of the potential of the human body is as important as the discovery of atomic energy!" ”

However, coincidentally, when the Soviet Union also launched a large-scale study on electrocardiogram, many Soviets suspected that the report on the "Nautilus" was completely a designed hoax to lure the Soviet Union into this mysterious field, which was similar to the later space race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Unexpectedly, not long after, an American expert specializing in the Soviet Union revealed that the Soviet Union was preparing to manufacture special functional weapons such as "hyperspace amplifiers" and "photon barrier" regulators.

This news immediately exploded in the US Congress, and some people even exclaimed that the Soviet Union was already far ahead of the United States in the race for "spiritual space"!

As a result, the U.S. Department of Defense immediately asked the government to increase funding for further research on "special functions" to narrow the gap with the Soviet Union.

In the past 100 years, what are the famous unsolved mysteries or strange events in China?

Therefore, some US congressmen and military officers have proposed to design and manufacture a "hyperspace nuclear howitzer" that will directly transmit people in the United States to the gate of the Soviet Kremlin through explosions. Either that, or to design a time-bending anti-missile system capable of transporting nuclear bombs fired by the Soviet Union to the United States directly to the ancient Jurassic ......

It all sounds so sci-fi and whimsical, but during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, and even in China's eighties and nineties, it was all serious and thought to be achievable.

All in all, many of the current unsolved mysteries and supernatural events are not actually caused by strange forces and feudal superstitions, but because our current level of science and technology is not enough to fully explain their existence, and I believe that in the near future, we will be able to uncover the answers behind these puzzles.

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