
Night reading: Don't worry about the past, just laugh for the rest of your life

author:Zhenyuan Fusion Media
Night reading: Don't worry about the past, just laugh for the rest of your life

Text | Li Tingying Photography | sole

来源 | 百草园书店(Bai-Cao-Yuan)

Don't worry about the past, just laugh for the rest of your life, Zen tea, 6 minutes

Let yourself walk in the sun, feel the warmth of the season in this shallow time, and let yourself be in hope, content with the ordinary fireworks in the world, one hand fireworks, the other hand poetry.

For the old things, it is unbearable to look back on, and let it pass away with the wind, we spend too much energy to recall the old stories, and we also have to spend time to forget.

Because, the road of life is a parting that is gradually distant.

Night reading: Don't worry about the past, just laugh for the rest of your life

After all, we must continue to pursue the beauty of the future in the affectionate years.

In the midst of all the dust and fireworks, even if the days are dull and pale, you must also strive to make yourself better. In the days to come, don't worry about the past, just laugh for the rest of your life.

There is no need to be rich and expensive in life, just seek peace and health. In the difficult days, Xu himself has a clear heart, neither humble nor arrogant, and lives every day of his life with his heart.

No matter what the future holds, don't give up easily, as long as your heart is full of sunshine, you will definitely be able to get closer to happiness step by step.

Night reading: Don't worry about the past, just laugh for the rest of your life

Many times, we always work hard for many things that are out of reach, but we forget that the real happiness in life is nothing but the warmth of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Looking back at the last few years, no matter how well you live, no matter how much money you make, what ups and downs and hardships you have experienced, please remember that if you have peace and health now, it is the best one.

In the days to come, let us have light in our eyes and warmth in our hearts, follow the footsteps of the season, and brew a spring of our own.

No matter what kind of season, whether it is warm or cold, we just need to be ourselves. Don't live up to the good years, and don't live up to the good spring.

Night reading: Don't worry about the past, just laugh for the rest of your life

I slowly discovered that there is a beauty of life hidden in every period of time, and I carefully store the touching and warmth around me. On the road of life, every day there is new hope, and our own story happens.

Walk the road to the future and discard some unnecessary old dreams.

Don't imprison yourself in the stories of the past, learn to let go of what you don't get and what you have lost. On the road of life, we know ourselves warmly and coldly, and when we are sharpened, we also become brave and strong.

The years have given us the bitterness of life, and at the same time, it has also taught us what is the sweetness of life. Between gains and losses, there are also many good things.

Night reading: Don't worry about the past, just laugh for the rest of your life

Abandon the sorrow in your heart, and in the spring landscape, each section has its own joy.

The best luxury in life is to have a good mood every day, in this world of plants and trees, with a good mood to touch the spring, this is the best interpretation of beauty.

The best gesture in life, do not think of the past, do not fear the future, and do not miss the present. The years are affectionate, in the days to come, listen to the wind and rain, understand life with your heart, and do not let yourself be disappointed and regretful.

*Author: Li Tingying (pen name Nan Yingzi), a member of the Panzhihua Writers Association in Sichuan Province