
"Gongfu Weicheng" digital intelligence future

author:Tancheng Condenser

In order to thoroughly implement the development strategy of "strong industrial city", comprehensively promote the digital strategy of "Gongfu Shandong" and "Gongfu Weifang", strengthen the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and plug in the "digital wings" for the high-quality development of the industrial economy in the region. On May 14, Weicheng District held the "Gongfu Weicheng" digital transformation and "Benefiting Enterprises and Serving the Grassroots" policy publicity and implementation activities.

"Gongfu Weicheng" digital intelligence future
"Gongfu Weicheng" digital intelligence future
"Gongfu Weicheng" digital intelligence future

At the meeting, the project leader of China Telecom Weicheng Branch publicized and interpreted "Cloud-Network Integration, Digital Intelligence and Mutual Growth-China Telecom's Digital Application" and "Tianyi Security Brain Escorts the Cloud Transformation and Digital Transformation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", and gave specific guidance on the application of this year's digital transformation project, guiding enterprises to actively use the resources and support policies of the "Gongfu Weicheng" digital transformation platform to accelerate the digital transformation development of enterprises. The person in charge of Weifang Branch of Minsheng Bank explained the ways and means suitable for financing small and medium-sized enterprises, encouraged enterprises to strengthen their confidence in development, and focused on supporting the high-quality development of enterprises.

"How to move the offline process to the online and solidify", the representatives of Weifang Dashan Petrochemical Machinery Co., Ltd. couldn't wait to put forward the company's informatization status and confusion. In the on-site Q&A session, the participating enterprises actively interacted with the teaching experts, and the experts patiently answered the questions, which played a good role and effectively enhanced the enthusiasm of the enterprise project declaration.

In the next step, Weicheng District will continue to promote the digital strategy of "Gongfu Weifang", make good use of the activity of "Benefiting Enterprises and Serving the Grassroots", increase policy publicity and implementation, and accurately provide guidance services. It calls on all enterprises to strengthen the study and research of the digital transformation policy of the manufacturing industry, combine it with the actual situation, take the initiative to learn the policy, grasp the policy, and use the policy, seize the development opportunity, improve the quality and efficiency of enterprise development, and promote the high-quality development of the industrial economy in the whole region.

"Gongfu Weicheng" digital intelligence future