
How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

author:Meet Minhou

We are no longer young

But I'm always reminiscing about my childhood

When I was a child, I could fill it up with 1 yuan

The time of "happiness" in a trouser pocket is gone

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

Take a time machine and go back to the 90s of the last century together-

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

"The paper airplanes of my childhood, now they are finally flying back into my hands"

Hop on this "snack express"

Go back to the happy moments in the memories of the post-80s and 90s

Big roll bubble gum

"Delicious and fun big roll of bubble gum"

"Big bubble gum, the more you blow it, the bigger it gets" who remembers the advertising slogan 🙋

I bought it when I was a child

A long roll feels like you can eat it for a long time

(And always remember "Don't swallow!") ”)

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★★★

Spicy strips

1 cent a long strip of spicy strips must not be forgotten! I was really happy to buy one after school and eat it!! (But this thing has to be eaten 🤨 by an adult)

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★★★★

Turtle sour plum powder

The sweet and sour turtle powder is the favorite of many girls, 1 cent a bag, and it is also accompanied by a small spoon 🤤

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★★★

ice pack

There was always a bunch of kids that summer

Gather in front of the school shop to buy ice packs

Hold the frozen ice pack in your hand

Then put it on your face

Finally, it bites it up

Cool down, cool down, and quench your thirst in one go 😋

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★★

Hopping candy

Just like its name, each jumping candy is a soul dancer, before the candy enters the mouth, it becomes the "dancing king", it also has a variety of fruit flavors, you can choose! (But I have to admit that it still hurts a little after entering my mouth). 😵

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★★★

Hundred Cup

2 cents a cup

Tear open the package and don't waste the chocolate sauce on it! It has to be licked clean 🧐 (the picture suddenly becomes wrong), but the cookie dipping sauce is really delicious!

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★★★

Stone sugar

At first glance, it looks like a real stone

Colorful, when you eat it, it is very hard in your mouth at first, and you will have some sticky teeth after chewing, but your appearance is always very attractive

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?
How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★★

Oil-paper umbrella cake

Do you still remember the little oil-paper umbrella when you were a child, and the happiest thing back then was not to be able to eat the cake, but to collect the small umbrellas on the flower basket cake! (We don't know if the cake is sweet or not, we must get a small paper umbrella.)

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★★★

Devil candy

The popularity of devil candy in school days is no joke, and if someone spits out a red, purple or green tongue at you, don't worry, it must be eating devil candy to scare your bear child

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?
How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★

Little raccoon crisp noodles

When you were a child, how many crispy noodles did you eat for Jika? I think that a rare card back then could be exchanged for the envy, jealousy and hatred of a group of 😸 friends

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?
How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?
How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?
How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★★★

Ji open stomach pill

I don't know who still remembers the "Jigong Stomach Pill" that I ate back then, and there are about dozens of sweet and sour grains in each small box, as well as the taste of traditional Chinese medicine

(I won't say much about it here.)

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

✍ Nostalgia Index: ★★★★★

✍ Repo Index: ★★★★

Warm reminder: Some seemingly ordinary snacks may hide potential threats to health. Therefore, when buying snacks, you should also pay attention to food safety and health. Parents can learn to make some natural and delicious snacks, such as homemade sugar gourds, dried fruits, etc., which can not only meet the taste of children, but also ensure the freshness and safety of food. In addition, it is crucial to understand the origin and processing of food products, and avoid buying snacks that contain chemical additives and unknown ingredients.

Every snack can represent an era, and each era has a unique taste

If you want to vote for a childhood snack C position

Who will you vote for? 👀

What other childhood snacks stand out to you? Come and share it in the comment section

How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?

Minhou County Rong Media Center Li Xiaolong/General

Editor: Huang Ziling, Li Xiaolong

Proofreader: Li Wenjun, Wu Zihang

Review: Wu Xin, Pan Jie

Producer: Xie Yongjie, Ni Xinxin

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How many of these "childhood memories" have you eaten?