
Xiao County Police Open Solicitation!

author:Xiao County Media
Xiao County Police Open Solicitation!
Xiao County Police Open Solicitation!

In accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, the Anhui Provincial Public Security Department, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Xiao County Public Security will severely crack down on outstanding violations and crimes in the fields of food and drugs, ecological environment, and intellectual property rights in accordance with the law. The broad masses of the people in the county are requested to actively participate, provide clues to the public security organs on suspected illegal and criminal acts, and build a good pattern of co-governance and sharing, and the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

Xiao County Police Open Solicitation!

01 Fight the battle of pollution prevention and control in depth, focusing on the following criminal activities

the crime of polluting the atmosphere by emitting pollutants in excess of the standard; Crimes of illegally discharging, dumping, or disposing of solid waste and hazardous waste polluting water bodies; Crimes of illegally discharging, dumping, or disposing of solid waste and hazardous waste polluting soil to sensitive areas such as nature reserves and agricultural land; Crimes in the field of the environment by providing false documents and sabotaging computer information systems.

02Focusing on ensuring national food security and mineral resource security, we will focus on cracking down on the following criminal activities

crimes of destroying nature reserves and illegally occupying agricultural land; Illegal mining in the vicinity of important military facilities and key projects, illegal mining in the name of "engineering construction, ecological restoration, and cultivated land management", mining enterprises crossing layers and crossing borders, and other crimes such as stealing mining resources without a license.

03Focusing on biodiversity and the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, we will focus on the following criminal activities

the crime of destroying ancient and famous trees and endangering national key protected plants; illegal logging and indiscriminate felling of forests; crimes against precious and endangered wildlife; crimes against migratory birds and other wild birds; Crimes of illegally hunting, purchasing, transporting, or selling terrestrial wildlife for the purpose of eating; Serious damage to wildlife resources or habitat ecology, as well as illegal hunting crimes involving firearms and explosives; the use of "no-account nets", "electric poison bombing" and professional illegal fishing of aquatic products; Crimes involving the Internet and transboundary destruction of wildlife resources.

04Focus on the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the masses, deepen the effectiveness of the "food safety" protection and "thunder" actions, and focus on cracking down on the following criminal activities

Frequent crimes in the field of meat products, condiments, edible agricultural products and health products; In the field of food, "two supers and one non-ex", especially the illegal addition of new derivatives to food, the illegal use of "clenbuterol", the prohibition of agricultural and veterinary drugs and other crimes; food safety crimes in centralized dining units such as campuses, construction sites, and elderly care institutions; the crime of making and selling fake seeds, fake fertilizers, fake pesticides and other fake and inferior agricultural materials; The crime of illegally producing and selling "special liquor".

05 Focus on ensuring the safety of the people's drug use, deepen the effectiveness of the crackdown on counterfeit and shoddy drug crimes in rural areas, and focus on cracking down on the following criminal activities

Crimes of illegally manufacturing and selling drugs against vulnerable "elderly, women and children" and patients with high costs, large dosages, and long dosages (major diseases, chronic diseases, and special diseases); Crimes involving the production and sale of counterfeit products in the field of Chinese herbal medicines; the crime of illegally purchasing and selling drugs that defraud medical insurance; Prominent crimes in the fields of medical devices, cosmetics, and medical beauty products.

06Accurately align high-quality strategic directions with industrial development needs, focus on scientific and technological innovation, public safety and business environment, and focus on cracking down on the following criminal activities

Infringement of patents and trade secrets of high-tech enterprises; Crimes of stealing, espionage, buying, or illegally providing trade secrets abroad; "slimming" cables, gas products, fire-fighting equipment, building materials, auto parts, tobacco products and other fields of counterfeit and shoddy criminal activities; Infringement and counterfeiting crimes in areas such as e-commerce platforms, live streaming, audio-visual works, and online literature.

The Xiao County police called on the broad masses of the people to take active action to resolutely struggle against illegal and criminal activities in the above-mentioned key areas, and to actively report and expose clues to illegal and criminal activities. The public security organs will protect the personal information and security of the whistleblower in accordance with the law; Those who maliciously report, falsely accuse, frame others, or retaliate against whistleblowers will be severely punished in accordance with the law.

Hotline: 0557-5013800

Report email: [email protected]

Mailing address for reporting: Food and Drug Crime Investigation Brigade of Xiao County Public Security Bureau

Source: Suzhou Xiao County Public Security Online