
Again: it's really dangerous to take blood pressure medication like this! Many patients are still guilty and should be reformed as soon as possible

author:39 HealthNet

Do you know anything about statin drugs?

@津津: This is a medicine for high blood pressure, right, as if the elderly around you will carry it with you?

@懒洋洋的头顶: This medicine is wrong, people say that taking this medicine will cause kidney failure! Those who really know how to eat it have long since stopped.

@幸福一生: I have been paying attention to the latest pharmaceutical forums, this drug has been researched to delay aging!

With so many claims, which ones are true? Let's find out in a few days

Again: it's really dangerous to take blood pressure medication like this! Many patients are still guilty and should be reformed as soon as possible

1. New research: statins may delay aging

Statins are a common treatment for patients with cardiovascular disease. Recently, a professor from the Medical University of Vienna published a special report, in which he said that by comparing the changes of two senescent cells under the action of violent statins, it was found that statins can induce the death and rapid clearance of senescent cells.

In this study, it was also added that three high-concentration lipophilic statins, mainly for simvastatin, lovastatin and atorvastatin, have a certain clearance effect on senescent vascular endothelial cells.

It can be seen that this study has expanded a new section in the field of statin drug research, and still provides a new path for the elimination of senescent cells, but the study also shows that there are still certain limitations at this stage.

Again: it's really dangerous to take blood pressure medication like this! Many patients are still guilty and should be reformed as soon as possible

There are also many people who believe that long-term use of statins may lead to kidney failure, is this view correct?

Xiao Jiu replied to you, there is indeed a certain possibility, but this situation is relatively rare.

Statins, which are commonly used to treat arteriosclerotic disease, are mainly metabolized by the liver and can cause liver damage. However, it is important to point out that the occurrence of kidney failure is not solely due to statins. Decreased kidney function can be caused by a variety of factors, such as kidney disease, renal ischemia, genetic inheritance, and urinary tract obstruction.

Therefore, patients need to strictly follow the doctor's instructions before taking any medication, and taking the medication on time and in accordance with the amount is also an important measure to avoid adverse reactions. If symptoms such as significant muscle soreness and weakness occur, the drug should be discontinued immediately and medical attention should be sought immediately.

Again: it's really dangerous to take blood pressure medication like this! Many patients are still guilty and should be reformed as soon as possible

Second, muscle soreness is actually caused by statins?

We all know that statins have a significant role in lowering blood lipids and preventing cardiovascular disease, however, the symptoms of muscle pain or weakness they cause are also an important concern for doctors and patients.

In a study conducted by the European College of Cardiology, it was stated that in the first year of taking statins, although some patients reported symptoms of muscle pain or weakness, only about 15 cases could be attributed to statins.

This suggests that for most patients taking statins, the likelihood of developing muscle-related symptoms is actually very small.

Again: it's really dangerous to take blood pressure medication like this! Many patients are still guilty and should be reformed as soon as possible

In addition, the study found that the risk of muscle pain or weakness associated with high-intensity statins was slightly higher than that associated with moderate-intensity statin therapy. This suggests that when choosing a statin, the efficacy of the drug should be weighed against the risk of side effects based on the patient's specific situation and needs.

Therefore, for patients who need to take statins, they should insist on taking the medicine according to the doctor's instructions and never stop the drug on their own! At the same time, doctors should also choose the most suitable treatment plan according to the specific situation of the patient, and conduct regular follow-up and monitoring.

Statins play an important role in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, and although it may cause some side effects, as long as we use them wisely and pay close attention to the patient's response, we can maximize their efficacy and reduce the risk.

Again: it's really dangerous to take blood pressure medication like this! Many patients are still guilty and should be reformed as soon as possible

2. Keep in mind 4 tips to maintain healthy blood pressure

Diet management is an integral part of the daily life of people with hypertension. A balanced diet not only helps maintain a healthy weight, but also lowers blood pressure. However, some foods may be "hidden" in our daily diet, having an adverse effect on blood pressure. How can we control our blood pressure through diet?

Method 1: Increase dietary fiber intake

Dietary fiber can help the body absorb water better and promote intestinal peristalsis, which helps to flush out waste products from the body. You can eat more vegetables, fruits and other foods rich in dietary fiber, such as spinach, apples, etc. But avoid excessive consumption to avoid problems such as bloating.

Method 2: Limit alcohol consumption

After drinking alcohol, alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate in the short term, leading to a decrease in blood pressure. But after a few hours, blood pressure may rise again due to the sympathetic excitement caused by the alcohol, causing fluctuations in blood pressure. This fluctuation in blood pressure may increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Again: it's really dangerous to take blood pressure medication like this! Many patients are still guilty and should be reformed as soon as possible

Method 3: Control your water intake

Water is the source of life, and sufficient water is conducive to maintaining blood circulation and blood pressure stability. Drink at least about 1500ml of water a day, in divided doses, and avoid drinking a lot of water at one time.

Method 4: Control your weight

Being overweight can put a strain on the heart and cause blood pressure to rise. Control your weight by eating a balanced diet and exercising, and get at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, etc.

In conclusion, dietary management is essential for blood pressure control. It is recommended to monitor blood pressure regularly, maintain good lifestyle habits, and seek medical attention if you feel unwell.

Again: it's really dangerous to take blood pressure medication like this! Many patients are still guilty and should be reformed as soon as possible


[1] "Does Taking Statins Hurt the Liver?". Popular Science Time". Healthy China. 2023-10-14.

[2] "Shaping Heart School| What to look out for with statins? 》. Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.2023-12-28.

[3] "Are Statin Adverse Reactions Really So Common? Recommendations for the latest scientific statements. China Medical Tribune Cycle Today.2022-09-20

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