
I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

author:Interviews with real people


I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

This is the 3,865th real story we have told

I am Miss Sandy@ Xuan living in the United States, born in the 70s, growing up in a family full of love and joy, rich in literature and art.

Misfortune and blessing rely on, and blessing and misfortune lurk. The beautiful family of origin made me imagine the world very beautifully, and the first business in college was more successful, and I was a little arrogant in my early 20s, and I was a little impetuous.

As a result, when people reach middle age, their marriage fails, their second business ends, and they watch their good hands play poorly.

Fortunately, God is always fair, and the ups and downs of life have created my ability to bottom out, and in the end, I not only found the career I loved, but also achieved positive results in my birth year and the current situation in the United States.

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(The scene of my wedding with Lao Bai)

In those historical years, my parents were sent out after graduating from high school and went to the countryside. Because of their common family background, my parents met and sympathized with each other during the devolution, and they got married and had a sister and me.

After that, his parents were transferred from the countryside to the county seat, his father entered the cultural system, and his mother went to a pharmaceutical factory.

The young father was an avid reader, and his study was neatly stocked with all kinds of literary books. The first book I read in its entirety, The Legend of the Condor Heroes, when I was a child, was found in my father's bookcase.

After working in the county literary and art group for a period of time, his father entered the county cultural bureau as the director of the creative office with his profound literary skills and excellent writing ability, and joined the Hubei Writers Association.

My mother didn't stop at being an ordinary female worker in a pharmaceutical factory, even with two children, she still found time to study Western medicine on her own. In the end, my mother obtained a doctor's qualification certificate by herself and entered the county people's hospital as the chief pharmacist of the western pharmacy.

My parents have carved a strong, enterprising, and indomitable spirit into my personality through their actions.

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(I went out to eat with my parents and sister)

Due to the influence of the literary family since I was a child, I began to host the show at the age of 8, and started my own business for the first time at the age of 19, setting up my own literary and artistic group, specializing in hosting large-scale literary and artistic activities. In the millennium, we were fortunate to organize and host the Wuhan Olympic bid party, which won unanimous praise from the media and society.

In 2006, I traveled to Tibet and met a group of Shenzhen travelers who loved self-driving travel. So, everyone hit it off and cooperated to set up a self-driving tour club in Shenzhen.

In the two years since the operation of the self-driving travel club, we have gone to Tibet twice with charitable donations from caring people and enterprises in Shenzhen, and donated money and materials to build a love primary school in Congjiang, Guizhou Province along the way, and at the same time donated money and materials to orphanages and poor schools in Tibetan areas.

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(Off-road in the desert)

At that time, Shenzhen Satellite TV's "First Scene" column team reported on us throughout the whole process and broadcast it live in real time, becoming the No. 1 rated column that year.

In those years, we organized and participated in a lot of car tourism and racing activities in Shenzhen, and came into contact with a very well-known off-road vehicle activity and cultural community organization in China - off-road e-people.

I am also fortunate to be invited by the off-road e-family to participate in and host the internationally renowned automobile culture and sports event - Alxa Heroes Club for many times. Little did I know at the time that I had planted a seed in the desert that would pull me out of the quagmire in the future.

A few years later, I met my ex-husband and we had a lovely son after we got married. Life tends to be stable, and I also started my business in the field of international education with my ex-husband's family, which is also my second business.

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(Participate in the Alxa Heroes Club)

We registered an education and training company in Vancouver, Canada, and my ex-husband's family is responsible for foreign resources, and my ex-husband and I are responsible for domestic business. Although I have shares in the company, in line with the attitude of entrepreneurship and mutual trust, except for the basic household expenses every month, I have never asked for a penny of salary, and the company's accounts are controlled by my ex-husband, so I never ask.

The ex-husband has a gentle appearance, treats people kindly, especially likes children and small animals, and seems to be a very caring person. But in fact, he is very deep in the city, and his relationship with friends is complicated, and many things are not only hidden from me, but also from his family members who have supported and helped him for many years.

After starting a business together, he was mainly responsible for expanding the domestic market, and I was mainly responsible for maintaining the relationship between the school and foreign teachers coming to China to apply for certificates.

One year, because I was in charge of the Hubei market, I stayed in Wuhan for a long time. During that time, he often lost contact, and when asked, he only talked about him left and right, or remained silent. I put my heart and soul into my children and career, and I chose trust unconditionally.

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(Participate in the Alxa Heroes Club)

In 2015, on the eve of the child's third birthday, our life exploded! It turned out that my ex-husband went to Macau to gamble many times without telling his family, not only losing all the funds that my parents supported us and all the money we started a business, but also suspected of fraud, putting himself in prison, leaving our small family with no way out.

I was in a trance after a huge blow, my brain was empty, and when I reached middle age, my career and family were gone overnight!

During the summer vacation, I took my son and mother to Rushan, Shandong Province, and lived in this quiet seaside town to completely empty myself.

I couldn't sleep all night, so I got up in the early hours of the morning and put on my headphones to run, turned on the music to the maximum, and slowly healed myself with time, exercise, and music.

In August, due to some matters left by my ex-husband, I handed over my son to my mother and mustered up the courage to return to my former home in Shenzhen.

The second elder said with guilt: "I really don't understand, such a good family, such a good wife and children, why did he choose to take this path......

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(I'm hosting in the desert)

After taking care of everything, when I was confused and hesitating, I received an invitation from the off-road E clan to host the 10th anniversary Alxa Heroes Club. The seeds of hope planted so many years ago have taken root!

In this desert hosting event, I was fortunate to meet a newly established automotive media and was invited to join the satellite TV as a professional media reporter and host.

Later, I was invited to join a well-known sports and culture company in China as a senior executive, and went to Europe with the company to represent China, organized the International Youth Sports Dance Invitational Tournament and the Palace Ball, and participated in the grand event with the Chinese Ambassador to Austria Li Xiaosi, his wife and a number of senior Austrian government officials, in the Hofburg Palace of the Austro-Hungarian Dynasty with a history of more than 700 years.

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(Officiating at the ball)

Because of the company's business relationship, I got to know the teachers and students of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School and HSBC Business School. At that time, the Communist Youth League of Peking University was building the Nanyan Art Troupe, and it needed to train its own event host, so it invited me to be a training instructor.

The students who hosted the training course were mainly from the Graduate School of Peking University and HSBC Business School, as well as several international students from Canada, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and other countries. I really enjoyed teaching in the classroom and interacting with the students, which planted the seed for a career in education.

During the New Year of 2020, when the new crown epidemic broke out in Wuhan, I happened to return to Han from Shenzhen to visit relatives. Luckily, the whole family is together and safe and healthy. Since my son has been studying in Wuhan, after careful consideration, I decided to stay in Wuhan to accompany my children.

My best friend, who has been teaching at the higher vocational school for many years, heard that I was staying, so she invited me to teach at the higher vocational school, and at this moment another seed of hope took root and sprouted!

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(Me and my students)

That's how amazing life is. Although the income from teaching is far less than that of working in Shenzhen, and the life is relatively simple and monotonous, living by my parents' side, being able to accompany my children at all times, coupled with simple and dedicated teaching work, has made me settle down and gain a full sense of security and happiness after wandering abroad for many years.

In December 2019, I met my current Lao Bai online. He is a retired American veteran who has served in the army for 27 years, has been divorced for many years, and has a son and a daughter, but the children are all married.

I like him to be upright, optimistic, simple and smiling, and he likes me to be cheerful, generous, warm and kind. We had video calls every day, and he met my whole family on video.

We had a good conversation, and we were going to show up for the New Year in 2020, but due to the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in Wuhan, the ticketing software automatically returned Lao Bai's round-trip ticket after the lockdown. Our relationship reluctantly went back online.

The severe epidemic swept the world, and when the epidemic in the United States was serious, it was impossible to buy masks, so I bought masks in China and sent them to Lao Bai, and he was very moved.

We continued to video call every day, and my family witnessed the development of our relationship, and they all liked Lao Bai very much, and found him down-to-earth and warm.

However, in the next few years, the epidemic came and went, and my passport expired and I could not renew it, let alone apply for a U.S. visa, and the two of them were far away from seeing each other. The endless exotic love made me retreat in my heart.

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(and Lao Bai video)

In the second half of 2022, a local man pursued me, I wanted to try dating, and after thinking twice, I told Lao Bai frankly and said that I had to disconnect from him before starting this relationship.

Lao Bai was sad, but he respected my choice, and he stopped contacting me after that. My family is also very sorry and sad. Although we have never met, we all think that Lao Bai is a trustworthy and trustworthy person. My sister sent a private message to Lao Baifa saying: You are our eternal family in the United States, and we welcome you to China at any time!

I spent about half a year with this local man, but due to different values and life philosophies, we finally broke up the relationship after several break-ups.

After the breakup, I tried to send a message to Lao Bai, and he replied in seconds! After knowing that I broke up, Lao Bai immediately said that he was going to buy a plane ticket to come to China to see me immediately, saying that this was an opportunity given to him by God, and he never wanted to miss it again, and I was very moved.

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(Lao Bai and I ate at the restaurant)

After discussion, we arranged for him to come to China in July during my summer vacation. On July 14, 2023, after a long flight of more than ten hours, he finally arrived in Shenzhen. It was early in the morning, and our first meeting was accompanied by my "pounding" heartbeat and his slightly shy smile, which started a new journey in our lives.

Since Lao Bai really wanted to go to Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie, Hunan, I arranged my itinerary in advance. Throughout the trip, Lao Bai was both enthusiastic and easy-going. He is delicate and observant, and whenever he finds that I am sleepy and tired, he will help me massage and tell jokes to make me laugh.

We got along naturally and closely, and the fellow travelers thought we were old husbands and wives. After returning to Wuhan, Lao Bai and my family officially met, and he brought gifts for everyone.

This 1.90-meter-tall veteran was still a little nervous about my parents, but he still firmly told my parents that he wanted to marry me and start a new family with me. Seeing that we got along harmoniously and happily, and our son naturally called Lao Bai "Dad", the family was very pleased.

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(I, Lao Bai and my son)

After my trip to China, I returned to the United States with Lao Bai. Located in Salem, the capital of Oregon, the U.S. state, the Old White House is located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, with idyllic scenery and verdant greenery right outside the door. The fresh air and quiet city make me feel at ease and comfortable.

Lao Bai began to work after returning to China. After retiring from the army for many years, Lao Bai was not satisfied with retirement, he obtained the qualification of an auto mechanic and worked for a century-old Oregon automobile company.

Lao Bai worked during the day, so I learned to cook all kinds of food at home and waited for him to come back and enjoy it. On weekends, he spends his time at home doing chores, or takes me around the city or downtown for coffee and local food.

On this day, when he came back from work, he suddenly got down on one leg and pulled out a ring. Although I had already guessed that he would propose to me, when the moment actually came, we were all very emotional and hugged for a long, long time.

Lao Bai knew that I was reluctant to let my parents and family go, and he said that he hoped to bring my parents to the United States in the future, and he also welcomed my sister's family to live with us. The intimate relationship with my original family for so many years is the reason why I am most reluctant to leave home.

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(and Lao Bai in the United States)

The day before I returned to China, I was cleaning up the kitchen, Lao Bai silently hugged me from behind, and when I turned around, I found that he had burst into tears, and my eyes were wet instantly, I knew that he was reluctant to let me go. For the first time, this strong, tall man showed his vulnerability in front of me.

After returning to China, the two of us were busy preparing the marriage registration materials for each other. There are still video calls every day, and Lao Bai's "good morning" and "good night" are still as punctual as an alarm clock.

On January 23, 2024, we registered our marriage in Shenzhen and held a grand church wedding in Wuhan on January 27. At the warm Chinese wedding banquet, we shared our happiness and joy with many relatives and friends!

In the second half of this year, my son and I will go to the United States to reunite with Lao Bai and start our new family life.

This was the first half of my life. I want to say, "Life is a process of constantly moving from darkness to light, and when we are in the darkness, we must have firm faith and hope, because the light is ahead!" ”

I, born in the 70s, experienced a double collapse of family and career in middle age, and at the age of 48, I have achieved positive results with the current cultivation in the United States

(Welcome to watch: "Miss Xuan's American Life")


[Written by: Picking up the moon]

[Editor: Xiaoqi]

We can't experience different lives, but we can feel different life trajectories here, every photo here is a bit of life, every story is a real life, if you also like it, please click to follow! @真实人物采访

(*This article is based on the oral statements of the parties, and the authenticity is the responsibility of the oral narrator.) Friendly reminder from this account: Please identify the relevant risks by yourself, and do not blindly follow the trend to make impulsive decisions. )

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