
The second round of investigation, start!

author:i Gold Mountain
The second round of investigation, start!

According to the work requirements of the Municipal Fine Refinement Office, from April 18th to April 28th, our district relied on grid management to carry out the first round of safety investigation of rural operating self-built houses and electric bicycles in urban villages, with a total of 10,644 points, a completion rate of 100%, 34 problems found, and a disposal rate of 100%.

The second round of investigation, start!

Recently, according to the latest work requirements of the Municipal Fine Office, on the basis of the special investigation of rural operating self-built houses in the early stage, the second round of grid investigation of self-built house electric bicycles and housing safety hazards was launched, with a total of 104,980 inspection points, involving 5 types of problems such as electric bicycle charging violations, housing structure safety hazards, and outdoor electric bicycle charging facilities.

The second round of investigation, start!

On May 8, the District Urban Transportation Center held a grid supervision and management meeting on electric bicycles and housing safety hazards in self-built houses in Jinshan District online to carry out special deployment and further clarify the scope, content, reporting requirements and time arrangement of the investigation.

The urban transportation center of each street and town (high-tech zone) attaches great importance to it, and quickly implements grid supervisors to go deep into rural areas and residential areas to conduct a full investigation of potential safety hazards of electric bicycles and houses, so that there are no dead ends in hidden danger investigation and no blind spots in safety management. At the same time, strengthen the closed-loop management of the whole process to ensure that all kinds of potential safety hazards should be everywhere.

In the next step, the District Urban Transportation Center will continue to give full play to the advantages of grid management, focus on urban management, weave a dense safety net, tighten the safety valve, make every effort to ensure the safety of urban operation, and actively create a safe and harmonious community environment.

Source: District Urban Transportation Center Editor| Yu Lanting is responsible for editing | Pantene Chen Weiting

The second round of investigation, start!