
【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"

author:Wushan Melting
【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"

Xinwushan News (Reporter Kang Zhengdong, Wang Jiming, Yang Tongqing) "This box of bees is a model worker, you see this honey, how much goes down!" Let our journalist friends taste it first and see if it's sweet. "On May 14th, the sky was high and cloudy. As soon as he had eaten at noon, Yu Xiaolong, deputy director of the village committee of Wangshan Village, Longtai Town, Wushan County, beckoned beekeeper Deng Pengjun and Yu Jiaping, an enthusiastic person in the village, to inspect the village's "sweet cause".

【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"

"Sweet, really sweet! Eat it with a sweet throat. After eating a piece of honey with wax, the reporter gave a thumbs up to Wangshan Village's "sweet cause".

"That's a must. The honey of our Wangshan Village is ecological honey. After receiving the affirmation, Yu Xiaolong talked endlessly about the process of beekeeping in Wangshan Village to strengthen the collective economy of the village while cutting honey.

【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"

Wangshan Village is located in the north of Longtai Town, on a cloudy day and smoky, sunny days with birds singing and flowers, and the ecology is very good. In recent years, in terms of strengthening the collective economy of the village, through analysis and judgment, it has been determined that beekeeping will be taken as a road. In 2022, the village cadres took the lead in the experiment and raised a few boxes sporadically, and the effect was not bad. Last year, Murakami expanded the scale of breeding, and finally relied on the collective economy of the "sweet cause" village to earn 40,000 yuan.

【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"

"This year we have 76 boxes of bees. Recently, the surrounding rape flowers are in full bloom, and the bees are also diligent, so this time it is also a big harvest to see the honey cutting. Yu Xiaolong introduced that in addition to cutting honey once on the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also the harvest season, "Enjoy the joy of harvesting twice a year." ”

【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"

"My honey was just cut yesterday, it's better than this!" Deng Pengjun was invited to help cut honey today. When he returned to his hometown last year, he chose to take care of his family while developing a "sweet career" in his beautiful hometown.

【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"

Not far away, a wheat field, surrounded by golden rape flowers, is Deng Pengjun's "paradise".

"At the beginning, there were 50 boxes of bees, and after the bees 'split', now there are 60 boxes." Deng Pengjun showed each box of bees to reporters like a child, and his eyes were full of light.

【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"

Returning to the village collective economic beekeeping ground, Yu Xiaolong and Yu Jiaping are still harvesting honey from other beehives.

"Oh, no, the bee protested and took a bite of me, come and take a look at it for me." Suddenly, Yu Xiaolong, who was busy, shouted, and Deng Pengjun quickened his pace and ran over. At the same time, the bees that have come back from collecting honey are also going hand in hand. In the world of rape flowers, the hard-working people of Wangshan Village and the little bees create a "sweet cause" together.

【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"
【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"
【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"
【Rural Tour, Look at Revitalization】Wushan Longtai Wangshan Village: Ecological Beekeeping Brewing "Sweet Business"

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