
6 "culprits" that cause blood pressure to rise, if you account for more than one, then be careful

author:99 Health Net

High blood pressure, an increasingly common disease in modern society, has become a major threat to people's health. There are many reasons for the increase in blood pressure, and 6 of the main factors are considered to be the "culprit".

If you have more than any of them, then you need to be vigilant and make lifestyle changes to avoid the effects of high blood pressure on your health.

6 "culprits" that cause blood pressure to rise, if you account for more than one, then be careful

6 "culprits" that cause high blood pressure

1. Eating the food is too salty

The sodium in table salt is one of the main causes of increased blood pressure. Excessive sodium intake can lead to water retention in the body, increasing pressure on the walls of blood vessels, which can lead to increased blood pressure. Therefore, reducing salt intake and choosing low-sodium foods is an important measure to prevent hypertension.

2. Lack of exercise

Moderate exercise can help the body maintain normal blood pressure levels. Lack of exercise can lead to weight gain, which in turn increases the burden on the heart, leading to an increase in blood pressure. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling.

3. Have the habit of drinking

Alcohol stimulates the heart, causing a higher heart rate and higher blood pressure. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can also damage blood vessels and increase the risk of arteriosclerosis. Limiting alcohol consumption, especially hard alcohol, is essential to prevent high blood pressure.

4. Excessive pressure

Long-term mental stress can cause the sympathetic nervous system to become overactive, which can cause an increase in blood pressure. Learning to manage stress effectively, such as through meditation, yoga or counseling, has a positive effect on maintaining stable blood pressure.

5. Irregular work and rest

Irregular work and rest habits, such as staying up late, insomnia, etc., can affect the body's endocrine balance and lead to an increase in blood pressure. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and getting enough sleep can help prevent high blood pressure.

6. Have the habit of smoking

The nicotine in tobacco stimulates the heart and blood vessels, causing a higher heart rate and higher blood pressure. Smoking also damages the lining of blood vessels, increasing the risk of hardening of the arteries. Quitting smoking is an important measure to prevent high blood pressure.

6 "culprits" that cause blood pressure to rise, if you account for more than one, then be careful

What are the manifestations of elevated blood pressure

Although hypertension may have no obvious symptoms in the early stages, as the disease progresses, patients may experience several manifestations:

1. Headache:

People with high blood pressure often experience a constant, dull pain in the head, especially in the back of the head or temples. This headache tends to be most severe when you wake up in the morning and may gradually lessen as the day progresses.

2. Vertigo:

Elevated blood pressure may cause dizziness or a feeling of loss of balance, especially when standing quickly. This vertigo can be caused by changes in blood flow to the brain due to fluctuations in blood pressure.

3. Tinnitus:

Patients may experience buzzing or other noises in their ears.

4. Heart palpitations:

High blood pressure can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat, and people may feel their heart beating abnormally, and sometimes even feel their heart "jumping".

5, Breathing Urgent:

People with high blood pressure may experience difficulty breathing during light activity or at rest, which may be the result of the heart working faster to maintain adequate blood circulation.

6, chest pain:

Elevated blood pressure may cause chest pain, especially after physical activity. Chest pain can be a sign that the heart is not getting enough blood and requires immediate medical attention.

6 "culprits" that cause blood pressure to rise, if you account for more than one, then be careful

6 blood pressure lowering habits were shared

1. Reduce salt intake:

A high-salt diet can increase blood pressure, so reducing salt intake and choosing low-sodium foods is an effective way to lower blood pressure.

2. Increase the amount of exercise:

Regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, can improve cardiorespiratory endurance, improve blood circulation, and help control blood pressure.

3. Get enough sleep:

Lack of sleep or poor quality can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Ensuring 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep each night can help lower blood pressure and improve overall health.

4. Quit smoking and limit alcohol:

Both tobacco and alcohol can have a negative impact on vascular health, and quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake are essential to control blood pressure.

5. Manage stress:

Long-term stress may cause blood pressure to rise. Manage daily stress effectively through meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or other relaxation techniques.

6. Eat a balanced diet:

Consuming foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, can help regulate electrolyte balance in the body, which can help lower blood pressure.