
Land Rover was hit! The 260-pound Malayan tiger was hit and killed, how terrible are human activities?

author:The Eight Precepts speak of science

As the saying goes, "When people are unlucky, they drink water and stuff their teeth", but recently, a traffic accident in Malaysia has pushed this saying to a new level - a 260-pound Malayan tiger was tragically killed in a car accident, this bizarre accident shocked the world.

Land Rover was hit! The 260-pound Malayan tiger was hit and killed, how terrible are human activities?

On May 16, a heart-wrenching traffic accident occurred in Malaysia. A sturdy Malayan tiger was killed on the spot when he was hit by a high-speed car while crossing the road. The dash cam recorded this thrilling scene.

Online video shows the vehicle speeding at 102km/h when suddenly, a Malayan tiger bursts into view. In an emergency, the driver tried to brake, but the tragedy could not be avoided. The scene of the accident was shocking, the tiger was killed on the spot, the front face of the vehicle also suffered serious damage, the bumper fell off, the front hatch was deformed and rolled up, and the air filter and other parts in the car were also seriously damaged.

Land Rover was hit! The 260-pound Malayan tiger was hit and killed, how terrible are human activities?

The Malayan tiger, the national animal and national symbol of Malaysia, represents courage, strength and majesty. However, as their numbers continue to decline, their survival has attracted widespread attention around the world. This accident once again reminds us of the importance of wildlife conservation.

Land Rover was hit! The 260-pound Malayan tiger was hit and killed, how terrible are human activities?

Many netizens said: "Land Rover was hit, no matter what the situation is, it is the responsibility of other drivers." "This is a sick tiger, if it were a normal adult male tiger, he could knock over a car and eat it in one bite" "Poor tiger, but what to do, since the birth of Homo sapiens, from Africa to Europe, from Asia to Oceania, across the entire Americas, how many species have been extinct along the way" and so on, what is the current status of the Malaysian tiger population?

What kind of animal is the Malayan tiger? What is the current situation?

The Malayan tiger, also known as the Malaysian tiger, is a big cat that lives in the Southeast Asian region. They usually live in the rainforests of regions such as Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and southern China.

Land Rover was hit! The 260-pound Malayan tiger was hit and killed, how terrible are human activities?

The Malayan tiger is a typical mountain forest animal, living in tropical rainforests, evergreen broad-leaved forests in the central and southern parts of the Malay Peninsula, and is active around rivers between forests, often infesting ridges, low forest shrubs and rocky or gravel ponds and other mountainous areas.

Due to habitat destruction and the impact of human activities such as poaching, the population of the Malayan tiger has declined dramatically, and the Malayan tiger is also an endangered species that is currently in very limited numbers in the wild, mainly threatened by habitat destruction, poaching and illegal trade.

The Malayan tiger is an excellent hunting animal and usually preys on large mammals such as wild boars, deer and monkeys. They have strong bodies and sharp teeth, which allow them to quickly catch their prey and kill them.

Land Rover was hit! The 260-pound Malayan tiger was hit and killed, how terrible are human activities?

However, due to human interference and destruction, the prey population of Malayan tigers is also decreasing, causing their living environment to become more hostile.

Currently, the Malayan tiger is listed as an endangered species and is under the attention and protection of international conservation organizations. Many countries have taken a range of measures to protect this rare animal, including the establishment of nature reserves, the prohibition of poaching and illegal trade, and more.

However, despite some of these efforts, the survival of the Malayan tiger remains dire and more people are needed to work together to protect the species.

Land Rover was hit! The 260-pound Malayan tiger was hit and killed, how terrible are human activities?

Overall, Malayan tigers are a valuable animal resource and they play an important role in the ecosystem. Each of us has a responsibility to protect these endangered species and work together to protect our planet. It is hoped that through everyone's efforts, the Malayan tiger will be able to get rid of the endangered situation and continue to live and reproduce freely in the forest.

How terrible is human activity?

In the ecological environment of the earth, human beings, as the advanced intelligent life on the earth, can be described as the absolute hegemon on the earth, but human activities are also a nightmare for many wild animals, and even a large number of wild animals have died tragically due to human activities.

Land Rover was hit! The 260-pound Malayan tiger was hit and killed, how terrible are human activities?

First, habitat destruction: Human activities, such as urbanization and forestry development, have led to smaller and smaller living spaces for wild animals. These activities destroy the habitat of the animals, depriving them of food sources and shelters.

Second, hunting and poaching: In some areas, people hunt and poach wild animals, leading to a sharp decline in the number of certain species, or even endangerment. This illegal activity poses a serious threat to the survival of wildlife.

Land Rover was hit! The 260-pound Malayan tiger was hit and killed, how terrible are human activities?

Third, environmental pollution: various pollutants produced by human activities have caused serious damage to the living environment of wild animals. These pollutants include plastic waste, chemical waste, heavy metals, etc., which can cause great harm to their health when ingested or inhaled by wild animals.

Fourth, climate change: Human-induced climate change is also having a profound impact on wildlife. Climate change phenomena such as rising temperatures and rising sea levels are destroying wildlife ecosystems and making it difficult for them to adapt to new environmental conditions.

Three vivid cases: the tragic death of wild animals in human activities

In 2014, in a scenic spot in Xiamen, a fallow deer was strangled to death because it could not digest a plastic bag discarded by tourists.

In September 2015, a stranded finless porpoise was found on the coast of Quanzhou, and then it was found that it had ingested a large amount of foam garbage, plastic bags and other foreign objects during the rescue process, and finally died due to ineffective rescue.

Land Rover was hit! The 260-pound Malayan tiger was hit and killed, how terrible are human activities?

In August 2021, a large sea turtle stranded on a beach in Sanya had a large amount of plastic foreign body in its stomach and eventually died of intestinal obstruction and necrosis.


Countless innocent wild animals have suffered irreparable doom due to human activities, and their lives have been lost in human negligence and greed. This cruel phenomenon makes us have to face up to the huge impact of human activities on the living environment of wild animals.

We must be deeply aware that every living thing is an integral part of nature, and they share the web of life with us.

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