
Fan Chenghua presided over the study seminar of the theoretical study center group of the party group of the municipal government

author:Handan release
Fan Chenghua presided over the study seminar of the theoretical study center group of the party group of the municipal government

Fan Chenghua presided over the study seminar of the theoretical study center group of the party group of the municipal government

Solidly carry out the study and education of party discipline in the government system

Ensure the high-quality development of Handan with strict discipline

Fan Chenghua presided over the study seminar of the theoretical study center group of the party group of the municipal government

In accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Party Committee and the Party Discipline Study and Education Arrangement of the Party Group of the Municipal Government, recently, Fan Chenghua, Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Government and Mayor of the Municipal Government, presided over the study seminar of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Party Group of the Municipal Government. Provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of Handan.

At the meeting, Li Xuejun, Jin Lubing, and Zhao Hongshan spoke, and other members submitted written statements to exchange learning experiences and implement measures.

Fan Chenghua pointed out that the municipal government system should conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, fully implement the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee, and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of carrying out party discipline learning and education. More upright ethics and stronger responsibility, with the practical actions and results of party discipline study and education, loyally defend the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards".

Fan Chenghua emphasized that it is necessary to know discipline and responsibility, put the construction of discipline in a more prominent position, know the boundaries, guard against fear, and abide by the bottom line, strengthen both the symptoms and the root causes, and systematically administer the treatment, strictly enforce political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline, persevere in implementing the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, vigorously rectify formalism and bureaucracy, and always be strict with oneself, strictly assume one's responsibilities, and strictly manage one's jurisdiction. It is necessary to promote the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, maintain a high-pressure situation of punishing corruption, strengthen the strong deterrence of not daring to be corrupt, tighten the rigid constraints that cannot be corrupted, build a strong ideological dam that does not want to be corrupt, take the lead in serious political life within the party, promote the formation of a refreshing and refreshing comrade relationship, a well-behaved relationship between superiors and subordinates, and a new type of political and business relationship that is pro-Qing and unified, and strive to create a political ecology with a clean atmosphere and a clean Haiyan River.

Fan Chenghua presided over the study seminar of the theoretical study center group of the party group of the municipal government

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Source: New Handan client reporter/Cheng Jungang

Fan Chenghua presided over the study seminar of the theoretical study center group of the party group of the municipal government

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