
Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

Gossip in the entertainment industry

2024-05-17 08:46Posted in Zhejiang Entertainment Creators

Everyone thinks that whose melon in the entertainment industry so far can be said to be enduring, obviously everyone will say that it is Big S in unison, indeed Big S is really not a moment for netizens and Wang Xiaofei to stop, to be honest, the last melon has not been completely swallowed, and new melons have popped up again, so if you go on like this, I feel that the hot search is going to hold a special session for Big S.

Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

On May 20th, Wang Xiaofei will rush to the Taipei court again to respond to the lawsuit, which is also Wang Xiaofei's 17th defendant, if Wang Xiaofei was in a nervous mood to respond to the lawsuit before, and this time Wang Xiaofei obviously will not feel any pressure, after all, from the current situation, Big S is undoubtedly in a passive state, and Wang Xiaofei basically occupies the initiative.

In the previous cases, the court also ruled in favor of Wang Xiaofei, and the police and lawyers even came to warn Da S not to interfere with Wang Xiaofei from seeing the child, which is a very fatal blow to Da S who wants to continue to threaten Wang Xiaofei with the child in the future.

Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

And I have to say that today's Wang Xiaofei is indeed very smart, recently the media revealed that Wang Xiaofei has chosen to withdraw from the shareholders of Wang Xi's company, and the shares have not been taken away, this sudden move is obviously to deal with the big S's lawsuit this time, and the reason for the defendant is very clear, that is, to ask for the shares of the hotel.

Big S's reason is that the hotel has made a lot of money by relying on its own fame, and he should get shares, but the fact is that the hotel publicity work is actually during the marriage between Big S and Wang Xiaofei, and Big S has already enjoyed the rights and interests of dividends, and it is even revealed that Big S is likely to be suspected of fraud, suspected of using public funds to buy private items, and will have to suffer a lawsuit.

Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

Judging from Wang Xiaofei's actions, it is estimated that Big S will not get a penny this time, after all, they have all withdrawn from the shareholders, and the shares have not been taken, where should Big S get the shares if he wants them?

In fact, I suddenly remembered one thing, Da S also did a similar move at that time, when Da S transferred the property to his mother's name, and then fought a lawsuit with Wang Xiaofei with peace of mind.

Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

Recently, an incident broke out, saying that Da S had asked his mother for money, but it seemed that S's mother refused, and there was a conflict because of this, and I don't know the truth of this incident.

Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

In the past few days, there are more than these fierce news, just on May 16th, a domestic entertainment media exposed another fierce news, and it was very exciting, saying that Gu Junye had left Da S's house, and it was also said that he was kicked out of the house by Da S, it seems to mean that Da S thinks that Gu Junye can't help him up at all, and Da S is also crying here.

As for why Gu Junye left the house?

Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

The news exposed was that because it was previously rumored on the Internet that the court had ruled that Wang Xiaofei no longer needed to pay alimony, and the child support fee had been reduced from NT$40 million to NT$3 million, this result seemed to be very disappointing for Gu Junye, which led to the high living expenses promised by Big S before coming to naught.

Another reason is that Gu Junye's concert was only held in a small place with a capacity of 400 people at that time, which is estimated to have made Gu Junye lose face;

Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

Moreover, on the issue of changing the child's name, Gu Junye's mother and child were opposed, which led to a series of debates;

And it is said that at that time, because of the loss of 40 million Taiwan dollars, the husband and wife quarreled very fiercely, which was the revelation of the neighbors.

Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

How to say it, it is inconclusive whether this revelation is true or not, but I did see the picture of Gu Junye leaving with a box in his hand late at night on the Internet, but I can't be sure if there is a connection, after all, there is no conclusion, everything is just an Internet rumor.

Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

However, it seems that for a large number of netizens, regardless of whether the news is true or not, their hearts are already happy, obviously today's big S and Gu Junye, the "pension couple", have been ridiculed very miserably, after all, one is to threaten Wang Xiaofei with the child as much as possible to ask for money, and the other is a "Adou" who can't help up, sleeping in the house bought by his wife's ex-husband, and he doesn't even bother to change the mattress, and the wind review is already extremely bad.

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  • Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million
  • Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million
  • Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million
  • Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million
  • Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million
  • Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million
  • Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million
  • Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million
  • Gu Junye exposed the fierce news! is suspected of leaving Da S's house, and it is rumored on the Internet that it is related to the reduction of 40 million child support to 3 million

Personal opinion, for reference only

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