
The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

author:Poetic stream Emz

The live broadcast storm of the Chinese music scene: a double test of strength and traffic

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

When the live broadcast competition system of "Singer 2024" came to an end, a "real voice challenge" in the Chinese music scene finally came to an end. In this music arena with no embellishments and no filters, the stars of the Chinese music scene and foreign singers launched a double contest of strength and traffic. However, the result was a big surprise - many well-known singers in the Chinese music scene suffered Waterloo in this live broadcast storm, losing to two foreign singers Vanxia and Shantimo.

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

This musical feast is not only a contest of technology, but also a baptism of emotions. Under the lens of the live broadcast, every singer seems to be placed under a magnifying glass, and every detail and emotion of them is fully seen by the audience and judges. And it is this kind of truth and cruelty that makes this music competition a deep reflection on the Chinese music scene.

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

Before the game, many stars in the Chinese music scene were pinned on high hopes, and they were hailed as the leaders of the Chinese music scene, with countless fans and followers. However, in this live broadcast format, they encountered unprecedented challenges. Without the blessing of technology and the packaging of the behind-the-scenes team, they can only conquer the audience and judges with their real singing skills and stage performance.

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

However, it was this "naked test" that exposed the true strength of many Chinese singers. They either lose their voices because they are nervous, or they behave abnormally because they are not adapted to the live broadcast environment. And those singers who are highly praised on weekdays have also fallen one after another in this live broadcast storm, which makes people sigh at the cruelty and difficulty of the Chinese music scene.

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

At the same time, foreign singers Fan Xia and Shantimo conquered the audience and judges with their excellent singing skills and professional stage performance. Their performances are not only shocking, but also make people feel the power and charm of music. This display of strength and talent not only made the stars of the Chinese music scene feel pressure, but also made many audiences begin to re-examine the current situation and future of the Chinese music scene.

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

The sharp comments of CCTV and other official media pushed this music competition to a climax. They bluntly criticized the lack of strength of the participating singers, and even used words like "practice more dishes" to warn the artists. This kind of merciless criticism not only makes people lament the harshness and fairness of the official media, but also makes people full of expectations and concerns about the future development of the Chinese music scene.

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

In this live broadcast storm, we also saw the stories and emotions behind many stars. Some singers feel pressured because of their lack of strength, and even have insomnia and anxiety on the eve of the competition; Some singers feel remorse and guilt for their mistakes; There are also singers who feel desperate and powerless because of the strength of their opponents. These emotional entanglements and mental journeys not only make people sigh at the cruelty and difficulty of the entertainment industry, but also make people feel the hardships and dedication of every singer to work hard for their dreams.

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

This live broadcast storm is not only a deep reflection on the Chinese music scene, but also a wake-up call to the entertainment industry. It allows us to see the impetuousness and chaos in the entertainment industry, and also allows us to see the direction in which the Chinese music scene needs to work hard and progress. In this era when traffic is king, many singers pay more attention to how to become popular quickly than how to improve their musical strength. However, this impetuous atmosphere has not only affected the growth and development of singers, but also affected the healthy development of the entire Chinese music scene.

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

Therefore, we need more forces to jointly promote the healthy development of the Chinese music scene. We need to pay attention to and support those singers who are truly powerful and talented, so that they can shine in the Chinese music scene; We also need to reflect on and correct the chaos and impetuous atmosphere in the entertainment industry, so that the Chinese music scene can return to its true nature and improve its quality.

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

In addition, this live broadcast storm also let us see the opportunities and challenges of the Chinese music scene. On the one hand, it makes us realize the problems and shortcomings of the Chinese music scene, and also allows us to see the direction of the Chinese music scene's efforts and progress. On the other hand, it also provides us with a stage to show our talent and strength, so that those singers who are truly strong and talented can stand out.

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all

In the days to come, we look forward to seeing more powerful and talented singers emerge in the Chinese music scene, bringing us more wonderful music works and performances. At the same time, we also hope that the Chinese music scene can return to its true nature, improve its quality, and become a healthier and more prosperous music industry. Let's work together to contribute to the future development of the Chinese music scene!

The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all
The contestants of "Singer" were condemned by the central media, and the language was sharp, which really didn't save face at all