
Sorry, super cute hey

author:Li Kexin
Sorry, super cute hey

This little corgi, round and like a lively and intelligent little pom-pom, makes a person fall in love at first sight and can't help but want to hold it tightly in his arms. Although it has short limbs, it contains amazing strength and is fun to run. Large, erect ears that always seem to be focused on listening to the sounds around them are particularly vigilant.

Sorry, super cute hey

Corgi's eyes are like two sparkling bright gemstones. There seems to be endless curiosity and happiness. Whenever it stares at you, pure eyes can always melt your heart in an instant.

Sorry, super cute hey

Corgi has a lively and active personality and is always full of endless energy and enthusiasm. On the lawn, it has a lot of fun, chasing its little tail, and its innocent appearance always causes bursts of laughter. Whenever he takes it out for a walk, it becomes a little explorer, full of curiosity and a desire to explore everything around it.

Sorry, super cute hey

At home, Corgi is also a happy elf. It loves to rub around you, seeking your touch and hugs. When you sit on the sofa to rest, it will gently jump on the sofa, find a comfortable place to curl up, and quietly accompany you through every warm moment. Sometimes, it can be mischievous, like sneaking away your slippers, but when you pretend to be angry, it will look at you with big innocent eyes, making it unbearable for you to blame it.

Sorry, super cute hey

Little Corgi is such a lovely being who brings endless happiness and warmth to our lives in its own way. It is not only our pet, but also a friend in our life, accompanying us through every wonderful time.

In the hustle and bustle of Wuhan, there is a special existence, and that is the super cute long-haired corgi. It is not only a pet, but also a member of our family, bringing us endless happiness and warmth.

When we first brought the little corgi home, its round body and cute eyes instantly captured our hearts. Its long, soft hair runs like a gorgeous cape like a small movable furball, which is very cute.

Its name is "Pudding" and it seems to have been born. Pudding has a unique personality, sometimes lively, sometimes lazy and comfortable. Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight spill into the room, Pudding would happily run over and rub our wet nose against us, as if to say, "Good morning, get up and play with me!" Looking into its expectant eyes, how can we stand the rejection.

The living room is Pudding's favorite activity area. It's always there to run and play. Although its short legs don't run fast, its efforts look fun. It chases its little toys or plays hide and seek with us. Sometimes, it playfully puts its slippers aside and proudly watches us look around. When we find it, it surrounds us with excitement.

It was also fun to take the pudding out for a walk. Walking in the streets and alleys of Wuhan can always attract the attention of many people. Adults and children alike will be attracted by its cute appearance and stop to tease. I don't know anything about it. It always greets everyone warmly, waging its little tail as if to show the world its happiness.

I remember one time, we went to the park with the pudding. The park is full of green grass and flowers. Pudding excitedly runs around the meadows, exploring this new world. Suddenly, it saw a butterfly and immediately chased after it. Butterflies flutter and pudding chases behind. Its clumsy and cute appearance made us laugh all the time. Although he didn't catch up with the butterflies, he didn't seem discouraged and started a new exploration.

When we got home, Pudding would be quietly with us. When we watch TV, it will lie at our feet and occasionally look up at TV as if it is watching with us. When we are tired of working or studying, all fatigue will dissipate immediately, as soon as we see its lovely appearance.