
Kangxi used to love Yinxiang very much, why did he suddenly dislike him? What did Yinxiang do wrong?

author:The volume of history

Among the many children of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, the fate of the thirteenth son Yinxiang can be described as extremely dramatic. used to be the darling in Kangxi's eyes, no matter where he went, his footprints followed, whether it was calligraphy or martial arts, Yinxiang performed well. Such a favored prince suddenly fell out of favor and even almost disappeared from politics.

Kangxi used to love Yinxiang very much, why did he suddenly dislike him? What did Yinxiang do wrong?

Speaking of Emperor Kangxi's children, Yinxiang always makes people feel both surprised and curious. In 1686, an ordinary palace maid Zhang Jia gave birth to the thirteenth son Yinxiang for Emperor Kangxi, which not only changed Zhang Jia's fate earth-shatteringly, but also laid the groundwork for Yinxiang's later life.

Kangxi used to love Yinxiang very much, why did he suddenly dislike him? What did Yinxiang do wrong?

Yinxiang has shown extraordinary talent since he was a child, not only knowledgeable, but also strong in martial arts. He has been touring with Emperor Kangxi since he was 12 years old, whether it is calligraphy or riding and shooting, Yinxiang has performed with ease. It can be said that among Kangxi's many heirs, Yinxiang is undoubtedly the one with the most imperial qualities. Although his mother came from a humble background, Kangxi's love for him even surpassed that of many noble-born princes.

In 1699, when Yinxiang was only 13 years old, his mother Zhang Jiashi died, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to him at a young age. Out of love for Yinxiang, Emperor Kangxi specially issued an order to posthumously crown his mother as Concubine Min, which was extremely rare at that time. Kangxi also entrusted Yinxiang to Concubine Wu Ya to raise, who was Yongzheng's mother, which also made Yinxiang and Yongzheng closer.

Kangxi used to love Yinxiang very much, why did he suddenly dislike him? What did Yinxiang do wrong?

Yongzheng attaches great importance to Yinxiang's education, and he not only teaches him mathematics, but also teaches him how to be a qualified leader. Yongzheng once recalled that the day he taught Yinxiang was the most gratifying and proud moment in his life. Under the influence of Yongzheng, Yinxiang not only made rapid progress in his studies, but also became more and more mellow.

In 1702, Kangxi took Yinxiang and several other princes on a southern tour, and in this southern tour, Yinxiang's performance was particularly outstanding. Kangxi held a calligraphy competition in the palace, and Yinxiang's calligraphy was well received by all the courtiers present, and some even praised his calligraphy for reaching everyone's level. Yinxiang also has extraordinary talents in riding and archery, he once bravely rescued Emperor Kangxi in a hunt, and he was a fierce beast, and this heroic behavior made Kangxi even more impressed with him.

Kangxi used to love Yinxiang very much, why did he suddenly dislike him? What did Yinxiang do wrong?

Just when Yinxiang's star journey seemed bright, a series of changes followed. First of all, Kangxi abruptly abolished the status of the crown prince Yinren in 1712, which shocked the entire royal family and made Yinxiang's position precarious. Although Yinxiang is gifted and intelligent, his political sense is not sensitive, which is a fatal weakness in the complex palace.

What's more serious is that as Emperor Kangxi reconsidered the position of the crown prince, the intrigue in the palace intensified. Although Yinxiang has a backer like Yongzheng, he gradually lost Kangxi's trust because of some personal mistakes and misbehaviors. According to some historical records, Yinxiang once left his post without permission and participated in an equestrian competition without Kangxi's permission, which was extremely irresponsible in Kangxi's eyes and seriously violated royal discipline.

Kangxi used to love Yinxiang very much, why did he suddenly dislike him? What did Yinxiang do wrong?

Some of Yinxiang's people were also investigated for suspected corruption and improper transactions, and these scandals indirectly affected Yinxiang's image. Kangxi was very disappointed and angry about this, and he thought that a person who couldn't even manage the people around him could manage a country well. Kangxi began to gradually alienate Yinxiang, excluding him from many important decisions and activities.

Kangxi used to love Yinxiang very much, why did he suddenly dislike him? What did Yinxiang do wrong?

In Kangxi's later years, Yinxiang almost completely disappeared from the court and political arena, and his life turned low-key, trying to avoid any affairs that might cause his father's displeasure. He began to devote himself more to learning and the arts, trying to regain his father's approval by raising his cultural level.

Kangxi used to love Yinxiang very much, why did he suddenly dislike him? What did Yinxiang do wrong?

The wheel of history is cruel, and Emperor Kangxi finally chose Yinzhen (later Emperor Yongzheng) as his heir. Despite his outstanding performance for a time, Yinxiang was unable to maintain his position as a contender for the throne for various reasons. The loss and helplessness in this can only be left to history to comment.

Kangxi used to love Yinxiang very much, why did he suddenly dislike him? What did Yinxiang do wrong?

Yinxiang's life is full of ups and downs and changes. From a much-loved prince to a corner almost forgotten by history, his story reflects the brutal power struggles and the impermanence of personal fortunes in the royal palace. Although Yinxiang did not become the king of a country in the end, his talent and experience are still an indelible memory in the history of the Qing Dynasty. In the face of the wind and rain of fate, although Yinxiang was lost for a time, his hard work and perseverance also showed an indomitable royal demeanor.