
Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

author:Call me the Lazy King

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In the big drama of the entertainment industry, Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong's "triangle story" is undoubtedly one of the most eye-catching dramas.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

Having said that, the grievances and hatreds of these three people have come to an end, and finally ushered in a seemingly happy ending.

Today, let's take a look at this twisted and bizarre story.

In other words, this love triangle dates back to more than 20 years ago, when Nicholas Tse was still young and vigorous, and he only wanted to chase his idol Faye Wong.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

As for Faye Wong, she has just been divorced and is at a low point in her life.

The result? At a party in 1999, the two of them met, and Nicholas Tse chased after him fiercely!

In today's words, it is a typical "little milk dog chasing big sister".

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

Moreover, Faye Wong was 30 years old at the time, and Nicholas Tse was only 19 years old.

The young and vigorous Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong are called a sweet, holding hands, couple tattoos or something, showing affection and love until they fly.

But the good times didn't last long, and in March 2002, they separated.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

Nicholas Tse, turned around and was with Cecilia Cheung.

Isn't this fate wonderful? In fact, Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung met as early as 1999 when they were filming "Old Master".

After going back and forth, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and they also announced their relationship in mid-2002.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

However, this relationship is also a great toss, and at the end of the year, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong are back together.

Just when Faye Wong was at the trough of falling out of love, Li Yapeng made her debut.

This buddy is a veteran of the love field, and he used the "crazy text message pursuit method", it is said that hundreds of text messages a day properly warmed Faye Wong's heart.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

Imagine that a woman who has just experienced a broken love receives warm care and sweet words every day, and anyone will be tempted.

Li Yapeng used this unremitting effort to finally get the beauty, and the two got married in 2005.

The wedding of the two was a sensation, Faye Wong's remarriage broke the hearts of many fans, but also made many people happy that she had found new happiness.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

On the other hand, the love story of Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung has not stopped.

After breaking up, Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung rekindled the fire of love, and the relationship between the two progressed at a great speed, not only getting back together, but also quickly getting married and having children, so fast that Xie Xian (Nicholas Tse's father) didn't react for a while.

You must know that Xie Xian is a handsome guy who is suave and suave, and he was also a master of love back then, but he didn't expect his son's speed to be faster than himself.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung's marriage began to be as sweet as ever, and in 2007, they gave birth to a son, Lucas, and the family was happy.

The two show their babies every day, and the sweet photos have exploded the entertainment page, and everyone thinks that this golden boy and girl will always be happy.

However, the good times did not last long, and in 2008, Cecilia Cheung and Edison Chen's nude photos incident broke out, and the whole family was almost torn apart.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

To say that this nude photos incident is really a big shock in the entertainment industry, involving several popular stars, and Cecilia Cheung, as one of them, has been subjected to huge public pressure.

Nicholas Tse's attitude at that time was a resolute one, publicly expressing support for his wife and standing beside her to face it together.

However, the aftermath of the incident still caused irreversible damage to the relationship between the two after all, and once the rift of trust is generated, it is difficult to repair.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

Faye Wong and Li Yapeng's marriage did not last long, and the two divorced peacefully in 2013.

Although this marriage did not come to an end, Faye Wong and Li Yapeng showed extremely high emotional intelligence when they divorced, and the two broke up peacefully and still maintained a good relationship.

The news of the divorce made many fans regret, but it also made people see the respect and decency of a marriage from the beginning to the end.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

In 2014, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong got back together, and the former brother and sister lovers got together again.

As soon as the news of the reunion of the two came out, it immediately caused an uproar, and fans expressed their shock and blessings.

After so many years of going around and around, they finally came together again, and this kind of fate is really amazing.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

After reuniting this time, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong chose to handle their lives in a low-key manner, no longer showing affection in a high-profile manner, but enjoying calm happiness.

They no longer appear frequently in the public eye, but live the life of ordinary people.

Nicholas Tse continues to be busy with his career, opening restaurants, doing variety shows, and his career is booming; And Faye Wong continues to make her music, occasionally appearing in concerts, and is still the maverick diva.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

The relationship between the two has gone through so many twists and turns, and they can still come back together, and the persistence and true love in this are really touching.

They use their own experience to tell us that true love is not afraid of wind and rain, as long as the two hearts are still together, no amount of twists and turns can stop them.

Although Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung's past is a foregone conclusion, the goddess still found a new direction in her life, and she resolutely decided to add another child and gave birth to her third child.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

Hi, this mother is really amazing, she suddenly became a "parenting master", the house is lively every day, and the rhythm of coaxing the baby to change diapers has never stopped.

Moreover, Cecilia Cheung's life is not lost to young mothers at all, idle? Inexistent!

She is comfortable between family and career, and lives a happy and fulfilling life, which is called "a strong woman, everything is fine".

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

Now, Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong have all started a new life.

As a single mother, Cecilia Cheung bravely took on the responsibility of raising her children and continued to develop her career in the film and television industry.

And Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong chose to enjoy the world of the two in a low-key manner, and their occasional public appearances are always full of sweetness.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

This seemingly complex "triangle story" reflects the truth and cruelty of the entertainment industry to a certain extent, and also shows the complexity and beauty of human nature.

The three stars have achieved great things in their respective fields, and their stories have brought us a lot of joy and insight.

Cecilia Cheung's strength and independence are really admirable.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

In the face of the huge blow of the breakdown of her marriage, she did not feel sorry for herself, but quickly cheered up and told everyone with her actions: A woman can hold up the sky alone.

Not only did she take on the responsibility of raising her children, but she also continued to shine in her acting career.

Every time she appears, she is so confident and calm, people have to praise her.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

Nicholas Tse's talent and hard work are also worth learning from.

This versatile man not only has an excellent performance in music and acting, but also has a good cooking skill.

Watching the kind of focus and seriousness he cooks on the show really makes people feel like he can do his best no matter what he does.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

Nicholas Tse proved with his practical actions: men can not only work hard in their careers, but also find their own fun in life.

Their story is a good story in the entertainment industry, and it is also a revelation in the life of each of us.

No matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we encounter, as long as we stick to our dreams and beliefs and face them bravely, we will definitely be able to find our own bright road.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

The charm of the entertainment industry is also the charm of life.

In this story full of love and hatred, we see the brilliance of humanity and the courage to pursue happiness.

No matter how tortuous the road ahead is, as long as you have love and dreams in your heart, you will definitely be able to walk out of a bright road of your own.

Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, the triangle story ushered in a happy ending! No more concern for each other

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