
Looting people's wealth to the point of being unreasonable! Farmers also have to pay a fee for parking in their yards

author:Lele sees the world


Recently, a "parking fee" incident in some rural areas of Shanghai has aroused heated discussions from all walks of life. The originally quiet and peaceful rural life seems to have gradually ushered in the change of "urbanization", however, this change is not as beautiful and convenient as people expect, but has made the life of farmers more difficult and uncomfortable. In the face of this sudden "parking fee" policy, many farmers have expressed their dissatisfaction and protests, feeling that their rights and interests have been violated and their quality of life has also been invisibly affected.

In fact, this is not the first time that the issue of "parking fees" has been the first time in rural areas that there has been controversy and contradictions. Previously, similar incidents have occurred in some places from time to time, but this time, the location of the incident turned out to be in the bustling Shanghai, which undoubtedly added a lot of interest and attention to the whole incident. So, what exactly caused this "parking charge" incident to happen? What do farmers think of this policy? In response to these problems, I believe many people are very curious, next, let's unveil this "parking charge" incident together, to see what happened.

Looting people's wealth to the point of being unreasonable! Farmers also have to pay a fee for parking in their yards
Looting people's wealth to the point of being unreasonable! Farmers also have to pay a fee for parking in their yards

First, the "parking fee" incident in rural areas has sparked heated discussions

Looting people's wealth to the point of being unreasonable! Farmers also have to pay a fee for parking in their yards

Recently, a "parking fee" incident in some rural areas of Shanghai has attracted widespread attention. It is understood that recently, some rural areas in Fengxian District, Shanghai have successively appeared in the situation of "parking fees", and the introduction of this policy has also made a trace of waves in the originally peaceful rural life.

Looting people's wealth to the point of being unreasonable! Farmers also have to pay a fee for parking in their yards

It turned out that previously, some rural areas in Fengxian District have built a number of "smart parking lots", and in order to better manage and maintain these parking lots, the local government has launched a "closed intelligent parking fee management" policy, requiring all parked vehicles to enter the designated parking lot for parking, and need to be charged according to certain standards.

Looting people's wealth to the point of being unreasonable! Farmers also have to pay a fee for parking in their yards

However, many farmers expressed their dissatisfaction and protest against this sudden "parking fee" policy. It turns out that in these rural areas, many farmers have their own yards and open spaces, and they are used to parking their vehicles in the yard instead of parking their vehicles outside.

However, since the introduction of the "parking fee" policy, the livelihood of these farmers has been affected to a certain extent. Because the policy requires all vehicles to enter the designated parking lot for parking, vehicles that were originally parked in their yards are now required to pay a corresponding "resource occupation fee" to continue to park in their original locations.

In this regard, many farmers have expressed dissatisfaction, they feel that their rights and interests have been violated, and the introduction of this policy has not been fully solicited for opinions, which is indeed a bit "forced" for farmers.

Looting people's wealth to the point of being unreasonable! Farmers also have to pay a fee for parking in their yards

2. Farmers protest against the "parking fee" policy

In the face of this sudden "parking fee" policy, many farmers have expressed their dissatisfaction and protests. They feel that this decision of the government has not fully taken into account the actual situation of the peasants, nor has it obtained their consent and support, and has arbitrarily demanded that they pay "resource occupation fees", which has undoubtedly brought a certain amount of trouble and burden to the peasants' lives.

In the eyes of the peasants, their originally quiet and peaceful life seems to have been completely broken by these "parking fee" policies, and the government's so-called "management and maintenance" has not brought them any practical convenience and security, but has made their lives more difficult and uncomfortable.

Some farmers joked that the government now requires them to park their vehicles in designated parking lots, apparently in the hope that they can "live at the rhythm of city people", and that parking, which should be a very ordinary thing, now seems to have become a "luxury".

In addition, farmers also said that they are not completely opposed to the policy of "parking fees", they feel that appropriate fees can help better manage and maintain parking lots, and can also play a certain role in guiding and restraining them, but the introduction of policies must have full democratic procedures, and also need to fully respect the opinions and demands of farmers, and cannot simply and rudely impose "compulsory fees" on farmers.

Looting people's wealth to the point of being unreasonable! Farmers also have to pay a fee for parking in their yards

Third, the rights and interests of farmers need more attention

Through this "parking charge" incident, it is not difficult for us to find that there are still many shortcomings and deficiencies in the protection of farmers' rights and interests, and more attention and support from all walks of life and government departments are needed.

The development of rural areas is inseparable from farmers, and the quality of life and happiness of farmers should also become one of the priorities of governments at all levels. When introducing similar policies, government departments must give full consideration to the actual situation of the peasants, listen to their opinions and suggestions, and must not insist on going their own way, still less can they put the interests of the peasants in a secondary position.

At the same time, it is also hoped that the general public and all sectors of society will pay more attention to the current situation and problems in rural areas, speak out for the legitimate rights and interests of farmers, and let farmers truly become "beneficiaries" rather than "victims" in the process of social development.

To improve the quality of life of farmers, what is needed is not only "well-off" and "wealth" on the material level, but also "happiness" and "satisfaction" on the spiritual level. It is hoped that through the triggering of this "parking fee" incident, more people's thinking and attention to rural problems can be aroused, and it can also sound the alarm for the protection of farmers' rights and interests, so that similar incidents will not happen again, and farmers' lives will really become better and better.

Looting people's wealth to the point of being unreasonable! Farmers also have to pay a fee for parking in their yards


The occurrence of the "parking charge" incident has undoubtedly brought a lot of inspiration and reflection to people. In this era of continuous development and change, our living environment and ways are undergoing earth-shaking changes, and this change will inevitably bring certain impacts and challenges to people from all walks of life and various groups.

In the face of such shocks and challenges, how should we do it, and what kind of understanding and support should we give? I believe that this is not only a matter of concern to farmers, but also a problem that everyone should think about and think about.

I hope that through such thinking and exchanges, our society can be more harmonious and beautiful, and everyone can get their own happiness and satisfaction in such a social environment.

Looting people's wealth to the point of being unreasonable! Farmers also have to pay a fee for parking in their yards