
God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

author:Erudite Flowing Water 8c8b
God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

In this digital era, technological innovation and change never stop. As a leader in life service platforms, Meituan has once again set off a new wave. This time, they set their sights on upgrading the membership system, aiming to bring users a more seamless and high-quality consumption experience.

The core of this change is to gradually expand the "God Membership" system, which originally only covered the food delivery business, to the field of catering, hotels, leisure and entertainment services. This not only means that users can enjoy preferential rights and interests in a wider range of scenarios, but also indicates that Meituan is working hard to break down the barriers between its two core business segments and achieve synergistic development.

God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

This didn't happen overnight. Meituan has set up a dedicated project team, led by senior leaders, to bring together the elite forces of each business line. They have been given the heavy responsibility of "S level", and the goal is to complete the full opening of the membership system within 2-3 months. It's a daunting process, but for Meituan, it's the only way to the next growth curve.

Maximize user benefits

For users, the upgrade of the membership system is undoubtedly an exciting good news. They will no longer be limited to a single scene of takeout, but will be able to enjoy real discounts in all aspects of Meituan.

God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

Imagine that when you order takeout on the Meituan app, the coupon in your hand can not only be used to deduct the current order, but also be used for future hotel reservations or restaurant meals. This kind of cross-business preferential rights and interests will undoubtedly greatly enhance the user's sense of gain and stickiness.

The upgraded God membership system will introduce "Expansion Play". This innovative design adds to the fun and uncertainty of the offer, allowing users to have a different kind of fun experience while enjoying the affordability. When a 5 yuan coupon may swell to tens or even hundreds of yuan in some scenarios, users will inevitably be excited.

God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

And for those loyal members who spend in Meituan all year round, the new version of God membership is undoubtedly a generous gift. Not only can they enjoy discounts in more scenarios, but they can also get more value-added services by virtue of their membership status, such as priority admission and exclusive customer service, so as to further deepen their stickiness with the Meituan brand.

Expanding opportunities for merchants

The benefits for users naturally mean opportunities for merchants. Meituan's upgrade strategy is based on careful consideration of the interests of merchants.

The expansion of God's membership system embodies a sense of fairness. Merchants in different industries will have the opportunity to allow more Meituan members to reach their own products and services through discounts. This is undoubtedly a boon for those merchants who have been eager to get more exposure.

God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

By participating in the God Membership Campaign, merchants will get more placements on the Meituan APP, such as the homepage "Guess You Like", search results pages, etc., thereby increasing visibility and exposure. In the Internet era, traffic is the lifeline, and the more exposure opportunities you get, the higher the upper limit of business.

Reasonably designed coupon gameplay, such as full reduction, expansion, etc., can stimulate users to increase the amount of a single purchase, thereby bringing more revenue to merchants. As a value-added service, God membership will also attract high-quality user groups with a certain amount of spending power and loyalty, which will help merchants build long-term customer relationships with them.

God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

After the universal membership system, merchants will no longer need to comprehensively consider the allocation of their marketing budget among different businesses, thus saving a lot of time and energy costs.

The upgrade of God's membership system has brought new opportunities for merchants to show their strength on a broader stage and achieve sustainable business growth.

A win-win situation for the platform ecosystem

The benefits of users and merchants naturally mean the gains of the platform itself. The upgrade of Meituanshen membership is a win-win situation for users, merchants and platforms.

God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

For Meituan, the opening of the membership system will not only help strengthen the coordinated development of the two core businesses, but also further improve the stickiness of users, thereby bringing new growth momentum to the platform.

With the expansion of the rights and interests of God members, the activity of users on the Meituan platform will surely increase significantly. They will not only consume in the takeaway scenario, but will also be attracted to other business areas such as catering and hotels, forming a virtuous circle.

More merchants joining the Shen membership system will also bring a richer supply of goods and services to the platform, further improving Meituan's ecological layout. When the interests of users, merchants and platforms reach a high degree of unity, the entire ecosystem will enter a new stage of development.

God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

This upgrade didn't happen overnight. It requires Meituan to deeply integrate at multiple levels such as organization, data, and systems to break down the original barriers and barriers. But in the long run, all this effort will be worth it, as it will put Meituan in a better position to compete in the future.

The birth of a new pattern in the industry

Meituan's move actually reflects a development trend in the entire Internet industry: the membership economy is becoming a new highland for major platforms to compete for.

In the past, membership services were often seen as a complementary value-added function, mainly used to maintain user stickiness and brand image. But today, it has risen to become a core business model, and it has become the key for platforms to win users and merchants.

God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

Behind this change is the profound evolution of the platform economy pattern. In this new era, a single business model is no longer sustainable, and the platform needs to closely integrate various businesses through the membership system, so as to form an organic ecosystem and achieve a win-win situation.

In the future, more Internet giants will follow the example of Meituan and Alibaba, and set off a new round of competition in the field of membership economy. They will attract more users and merchants to join their camp through innovative membership benefits and services, and finally win and lose in this battle.

God members help Meituan, open up the two major businesses, and bring you more surprises!

And for consumers, this competition is undoubtedly good news. It will promote the continuous innovation and optimization of membership services on major platforms, so that we can enjoy a more high-quality and personalized consumer experience even when we get affordable.

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