
Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

author:Stories come flooding back to me

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain?

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

When I was a child, which of our rural children was not a master of tree climbing, and which one had never seen a bird's nest on a tree? At that time, the woods were lush and green, and the nests built by the birds were scattered on the branches like works of art.

But have you ever noticed that most of these nests are built towards the sky, upside down on the branches like small bowls? You may wonder, aren't the birds afraid of getting wet in the rain when they build their nests like this? Today, let's talk about this interesting topic and increase knowledge together.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

1. Bird's nest, a warm home for birds

First of all, we have to understand what a bird's nest is, a bird's nest, in simple terms, is a place where birds lay eggs, incubate eggs, and raise young birds.

For birds, this is not only a simple nest, but also their home, an important place for their growth and breeding, in the wild, where to choose where to nest, what materials to use to build the nest, are the decisions made by the birds after careful consideration.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

2. What is the mystery of the bird's nest built in the sky?

Next, let's talk about why most of the bird's nests are built facing the sky. Actually, there are several important reasons for this.

1. Prevent young birds from falling

You think, if the nest is facing downwards or sideways, the little bird is crawling around in the nest and can fall out if you are not careful, which is a big problem.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

Because for newborn birds, once they fall from a height, they are likely to be seriously injured or even killed, and the nest built towards the sky is like an upside-down bowl, even if the bird climbs to the edge of the nest, it is supported by branches or leaves, which greatly reduces the risk of falling.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

2. Easy to build

Let's talk about construction. If the nest is facing downward, how much effort does it take for the birds to get the material up? Imagine birds having to fly to the ground again and again, pick up branches and leaves, and then fly back to the trees to put the materials in place. That's a lot of work! The bird's nest built in the sky is much more convenient, and the birds only need to pile the materials up, which is simple and labor-saving.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

3. Is the Bird's Nest really not afraid of rain?

After talking about the reason for the construction of the bird's nest, let's talk about what to do when it rains. Is it true that the bird's nest built against the sky is not afraid of getting wet in the rain?

Actually, you don't have to worry about that. First of all, nests are not shelters for birds, and their main purpose in nesting is to breed offspring, not to shelter from the rain. When it rains, most birds take refuge in the woods or other shelter and wait for the rain to stop before coming out.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

Secondly, birds also have their own waterproofing measures, and their feathers are very waterproof, just like the raincoats we wear, even if they get wet in the rain, they can dry quickly.

The nest itself, because it is built with natural materials such as leaves and branches, also has a certain waterproof function. Coupled with the shelter of the trees themselves, there is no water accumulation in the nest, so the birds are not worried about getting wet in the rain.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

Fourth, a special nesting master - swallows

Of course, there are also some birds that choose to nest in relatively safe and dry places such as under the eaves and in burrows, such as swallows, which like to nest under the eaves of humans.

This is not only because these places are relatively safe and dry, but also because they are able to provide them with adequate shelter and food sources.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

When it comes to swallows, they are the master builders of birds, their nests are not only durable, but also beautiful, and when they build their nests, they carefully select materials, mix dirt and fine grass with saliva, and build up layer by layer until they build a perfect nest. Such a nest will not only be able to withstand wind and rain, but will also be able to provide them with enough warmth and protection.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

5. The wisdom of bird nesting

In fact, the nesting skills of birds are not only for the purpose of breeding offspring, but also a manifestation of their survival skills. In nature, each species has its own unique way of survival and skills. These skills are not just about adapting to the environment, but also about prolonging life.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

So, when we see those nests built towards the sky, don't think they're silly or worry that they'll get wet in the rain. These are the wisdom of birds and the mysteries of nature. We should respect every life, their choices and ways of being.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

6. Protect birds and protect the ecological environment

In closing, I would like to say that with the continuous expansion of human activities and the continuous deterioration of the environment, more and more birds have lost their homes and habitats.

Many birds have to give up the opportunity to breed because they can't find a suitable place to nest. This is not only a threat to the birds, but also a warning to us as humans.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

We should cherish and protect our environment more and provide more living space for birds and other creatures. Only in this way can we live in harmony with nature and create a beautiful home together.

Why are most of the bird's nests built facing the sky, not afraid of being caught in the rain? Popularize science and increase knowledge

Well, that's all for today's topic. I hope that through today's sharing, everyone can have more understanding and awareness of the bird's nest and birds. Let's respect life, protect nature, and live in harmony with nature!