
has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

author:Zhong Haoqi

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Text: Zhong Haoqi

Editor: Zhong Haoqi

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then


Life is like a play, and drama is like life.

On the big stage of the entertainment industry, how many people have been high-spirited, and how many people have been unknown?

Some people become famous overnight, some people become late bloomers, and some people leave the circle completely after suffering a blow.

However, no matter how the fate may have come and gone, it is those who are truly worthy of our learning and admiration who have remained positive and optimistic despite the hardships.

Today, let's walk into the legendary life of Hong Kong kung fu actor Bruce Leung.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

Difficult and difficult years of growth

Liang Xiaolong was born into a large poor family, and he was the eldest to take care of his nine younger brothers and one younger sister.

His father is a troupe leader, his mother has no job, and the livelihood of more than ten people is supported by his father.

In order to seek a better life, my father moved his family from Guangdong to Hong Kong, hoping for this prosperous land where every inch of land is valuable.

However, the reality has not become any more lenient as a result.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

When he was 8 years old, the little Liang Xiaolong was ruthlessly sent to his grandfather's house, which had a bad relationship with his father, and since then he has lived a more poor life.

Liang Xiaolong, who lives in someone else's house, has to face all kinds of difficulties from the landlord every day.

I was willing to turn on the lights after 7 o'clock in the evening, and I was reluctant to add a few briquettes in the cold winter.

Once, Liang Xiaolong also dreamed of being able to play and study carefree in a warm and bright room like other children, but the burden of life forced him to let go of his childhood longing prematurely.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

In order to earn more money to supplement the family, 11-year-old Liang Xiaolong followed his father to start his career as a martial arts actor.

In front of the screen, he once rode a high-headed horse full of ambition; In reality, he has to jump from a 30-story building and bear the weight of life with his immature body.

The thrilling jumps were not only for the hard work of 30 yuan, but also for the livelihood and future of the family.

Emerging on the road to kung fu superstardom

One day in 1974, Liang Xiaolong was scuffling with people on the street.

Skinny, he bravely chased after a few big men and beat them fiercely, although the disparity in size, his agile skills and unyielding fighting spirit were eye-catching.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

This funny and heroic scene attracted the attention of Wu Siyuan, chairman of the Hong Kong Film Society, who was passing by.

Where did the young and vigorous Liang Xiaolong think that this ordinary street fight would open the door to his acting career.

Wu Siyuan admired Liang Xiaolong's courage and kung fu and decided to give this young man a chance.

Since then, Liang Xiaolong began his studies and training in the film industry.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

Liang Xiaolong, who has been practicing martial arts for many years, finally ushered in an important turning point in his life in 1981.

The martial arts drama "Huo Yuanjia" co-starring with Huang Yuanshen was a great success, and Liang Xiaolong, who was not tall and mediocre in appearance, suddenly entered the audience's field of vision.

He played Huo Yuanjia's apprentice Chen Zhen in the play, with his vigorous martial arts and unruly personality, which deeply attracted the attention of the audience.

Immediately afterwards, he starred in many popular martial arts dramas such as "Chen Zhen", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which established the super popularity of "Kung Fu Boy".

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

Especially in Stephen Chow's "Kung Fu", the "Fire Cloud Evil God" played by Liang Xiaolong is even more amazing, showing the demeanor of a martial arts master with every move.

From an unknown martial arts actor to a well-known kung fu star, Bruce Leung used his hard work and sweat to interpret an inspirational "Hong Kong dream".

The love scene is proud, and the marriage at the peak of his career is happy

In 1972, Liang Xiaolong, whose career was thriving, met Li Ailian on the set of "Hungry Dragon".

Li Ailian, who is 1 year younger than Liang Xiaolong, not only has a delicate face of mixed Chinese and British blood, but also has a good voice that makes people intoxicated.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

Her beauty and talent quickly captured the hearts of many men on the set.

However, in the face of the noble and elegant young lady, Liang Xiaolong, who was from a humble background, was discouraged.

In his opinion, his fame and wealth are not worthy of Li Ailian's affection.

Love has never been a game of money and status.

The infatuated Li Ailian persistently pursued, not only sending breakfast to Liang Xiaolong every day, but also frequently sending various gifts, touching the heart of this martial arts master with sincerity.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

The love between the two blossomed happily in the double harvest of their acting careers.

After marriage, Liang Xiaolong became more dedicated and created one classic kung fu image after another, while Li Ailian emerged in the music world, and the two can be described as a double harvest in career and love.

However, the good times did not last long, and bad news came.

When Lai Ailian was walking in Tsim Sha Tsui, she was splashed with a strong sour face by the gangsters instructed by her ex-boyfriend, and her fair face was ruined from then on, and her brilliant acting career was ruined.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

She could no longer sing on stage or smile on screen.

Li Ailian, who lost her face, fell into deep self-blame and despair, and committed suicide several times, which broke Liang Xiaolong's heart.

In order to give his wife plastic surgery, Liang Xiaolong gave everything he had, but even if his appearance could be restored, the wounded heart would be difficult to recover.

Busy with his career for many years, but having to be distracted to take care of a sensitive and desperate wife, even the strongest person can hardly bear.

Li Ailian's emotions were out of control again and again, which also made Liang Xiaolong feel exhausted.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

In the end, Lao Yan flew apart and the marriage was broken.

This shocking marriage has become an indelible scar in Liang Xiaolong's life.

One sentence led to a ban, and he did not forget his original intention when he went to the sea to do business

Losing the double blow of career and love, Liang Xiaolong's life fell to the bottom.

In an interview in 1987, his sentence "The mainland is my motherland" attracted a 20-year ban.

For a while, the kung fu star who was constantly announcing in the past has become an outdated movie star that no one cares about.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

Familiar friends can't be avoided, and new opportunities can't be talked about.

In order to make a living, Liang Xiaolong endured humiliation and joined the business world, but repeatedly hit a wall.

From the failure of the auto parts business to the compromise on the wine table, the once dominant "Chen Zhen" was almost crushed by life.

He began to drink heavily, getting drunk every night unconscious, but the next day he still had to fight hard and face the harsh reality.

Sometimes, Liang Xiaolong also thinks, if he hadn't said that sentence at the beginning, would everything have been different?

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

But he never regretted it, because that was his heart, his pride as a Chinese.

However, Liang Xiaolong did not give up.

He gritted his teeth, got up again and again from his falls, and learned from his lessons.

After years of hard work, he finally broke out of the world in the business world.

Although it is not as beautiful as the original kung fu star, it is enough for him to regain his dignity and self-confidence.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

The love career ushered in the second spring, and the white head will never give up

When life falls to the lowest point, it is often pregnant with bright hope.

In 1991, Liang Xiaolong met Song Xiang, who was 20 years younger than him, in a hotel opened in Shenzhen.

The lively and cheerful Song Xiang moved Liang Xiaolong, who had gone through vicissitudes of life, like a clear spring.

In the face of Song Xiang's passionate pursuit, Liang Xiaolong tried to believe in love again.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

The two overcame the age difference of 20 years and entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

For this belated love, Liang Xiaolong did not hesitate to go all the way to Shenyang and moved Song Xiang's parents with sincerity.

With a new family and a stable career, Liang Xiaolong's life ushered in a second spring.

Song Xiang not only gave birth to a son and a daughter for Liang Xiaolong, but also supported her husband's return to the film industry everywhere.

With his wife's support and encouragement, Liang Xiaolong regained his confidence and once again devoted himself to the cause he loved.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

With the passage of time, the film industry, which has been silent for many years, has finally extended an olive branch to this kung fu master.

In 2001, 53-year-old Liang Xiaolong was invited to participate in the new version of "Chen Zhen".

When he appeared in front of the audience again, although the years had carved marks on his face, his vigorous skills and sharp eyes still made people shine.

The amazing movements tell the charm and tension of the precipitation of the years.

Since then, whether it is "God of Food" or "Kung Fu", Liang Xiaolong has brought unexpected surprises to the audience.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

He used his strength to prove to the world that a real kung fu superstar will not be crushed by years and blows.

To this day, Liang Xiaolong, who is in his 70s, is still active in the film and television industry, using his undiminished efforts to interpret the immortal legend of an actor.


Liang Xiaolong's life is a kung fu legend, but also an inspirational life.

Although he came from a poor background, he achieved the glory of a generation of kung fu superstars with diligence and perseverance.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

He has experienced the ups and downs of love and career, but he has never forgotten his original intention and re-emerged.

In his later years, Liang Xiaolong opened a martial arts gym in Chengdu to inherit kung fu culture with his children.

He used his ups and downs of life to interpret a truth: no matter the ebb and flow, people with dreams and down-to-earth will eventually create an extraordinary life.

As Liang Xiaolong said: "The mainland is my motherland", and the motherland is our eternal reliance and the source of power in life.

has been banned for 20 years in one sentence, and after looking at Liang Xiaolong's current situation, I finally understand how correct his decision was back then

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