
"Hitting the Golden Branch" is not so warm, it is the secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, full of murderous intentions

author:Ash laughs about the past and the present

When it comes to the heroes of the Tang Dynasty, Guo Ziyi can definitely be among the best, and his name is as loud as thunder in history. There is also a family incident in the Guo family that almost set off a monstrous wave, which is not a simple family quarrel, but a deep duel involving imperial power and loyalty. When Guo Ziyi's son, Guo Xuan, hit the emperor's daughter, his wife, on impulse, this matter almost shook the foundation of the Tang Empire!

Guo Ziyi, the national pillar of the Tang Dynasty, rebuilt the Tang Dynasty twice in his life, which can be described as a meritorious achievement. On the occasion of his 70th birthday, a small family matter almost turned into a national event, which is really not simple. Think about it, a birthday party, which was supposed to be laughter, why did it cause a royal turmoil?

"Hitting the Golden Branch" is not so warm, it is the secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, full of murderous intentions

The cause of the incident starts with Guo Hua, the sixth son of the Guo family. The teenager was extraordinarily handsome, but ill-fated. He married Princess Shengping, the daughter of Tang Dynasty Sect, which was a good thing to add to the cake, but who knew that it became the bane. It stands to reason that the daughter of the royal family marries and has a respected status, and whichever family the princess marries, that family will have the same scenery. But what is the price behind the scenery? That's endless family strife and power struggles.

Guo Hua's married life is not satisfactory. Princess Shengping, as the daughter of the emperor, is naturally arrogant, she is reluctant to salute her in-laws, which was the norm in the Tang Dynasty, but in the Guo family, it is not the case. In the Guo family, even the emperor's daughter cannot escape family law. So, on Guo Ziyi's birthday, the brothers and sisters all brought their families to celebrate the birthday, but Guo Hua was alone, which was somewhat embarrassing.

"Hitting the Golden Branch" is not so warm, it is the secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, full of murderous intentions

After three rounds of drinking, Guo Hua went up with alcohol, and took the initiative to Shengping Gong on impulse. What's more, he even said wildly: "You just rely on your father to be the emperor!" These words were not something that could be said casually, and they were enough to cost him his life. Princess Shengping was angry and ran back to the palace to complain.

Do you think Tang Dynasty Sect will be furious? Not really. Tang Dynasty's response was unexpected, he agreed with Guo Xuan's words, thinking that if Guo Ziyi really wanted to seize power, their Li family would be nothing for a long time. This is not only a ruthless remark, but also a sign of weakness, Tang Dynasty Zong's words are actually telling Princess Shengping that her status does not affect the overall situation.

"Hitting the Golden Branch" is not so warm, it is the secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, full of murderous intentions

When the news came back, Guo Ziyi broke out in a cold sweat. The veteran general immediately imprisoned Guo Hua and personally entered the palace to plead guilty, showing his loyalty and wisdom as a minister of a country. Guo Ziyi's move was not only a punishment for his son, but also a statement of his position and loyalty to the emperor.

Emperor Tang Daizong's handling of the matter was also quite wise, he did not make a big deal about it, but handled it with a lenient attitude. His words "not stupid, not deaf, not a writer", are actually telling Guo Ziyi that he understands that this is just a small dispute within the family and does not need to be taken too seriously. Through this treatment, Tang Dynasty not only stabilized the imperial court, but also preserved the face of the Guo family, and further consolidated the stability of imperial power.

"Hitting the Golden Branch" is not so warm, it is the secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, full of murderous intentions

Guo Ziyi, who returned home, although he knew it in his heart, in order to give an explanation to the emperor and the princess, and to teach his son a lesson, he still severely scolded Guo Yu. This beating is not only a punishment for his son, but also a reaffirmation and education of power and status.

"Hitting the Golden Branch" is not so warm, it is the secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, full of murderous intentions

Through this incident, it is not difficult for us to see that although it seems to be just a small episode between families on the surface, in fact, there is a deep power game and the maintenance of social order hidden behind it. In an era of imperial supremacy, any struggle for power could cause a fierce storm. Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect not only demonstrated their wisdom and skill through the handling of this incident, but also ensured the stability of the Tang Dynasty.

"Hitting the Golden Branch" is not so warm, it is the secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, full of murderous intentions

Much more than a family feud, the story reflects the complex views of the era about power, family and personal destiny. In the game of thrones, each individual is not just a family member, but a product of the times in which they live. Guo Xuan's impulsiveness, Princess Shengping's complaint, Tang Dynasty's handling, and Guo Ziyi's response are all maintaining a delicate balance at every step.

"Hitting the Golden Branch" is not so warm, it is the secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, full of murderous intentions

Through Guo Ziyi's wisdom in dealing with the conflict between family and power, we see the multifaceted nature of a historical figure and his choices in the context of the big era. This is not just a story about a power struggle, but a lesson about how to stay sober and sane in the midst of turmoil.

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