
凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

author:The owner is forgotten

The rise of domestic chips, performance overtaking, who will win?

Domestic chips have been developed for many years and have finally made a breakthrough in the field of graphics processing. The GP201 chip independently developed by Wuhan Lingjiu Microelectronics has surpassed the AMD veteran E8860 in a number of performances. This indicates that domestic chips are catching up with the international advanced level and sounding the clarion call for independent and controllable charge. In what field will domestic chips achieve breakthroughs? What are the challenges? Let's wait and see.

In recent years, with the strong support of the national industrial policy, the mainland chip industry has made great progress. The advent of Lingjiu Micro GP201 chip is the latest achievement of independent innovation of domestic chips. This chip excels in 3D rendering, image processing, OpenCL computing, etc., and surpasses AMD's E8860 embedded graphics card launched ten years ago.

凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

As a young chip company, it is not easy for Lingjiu Micro to launch this high-performance chip in a short period of time. This embodies the hard work and sweat of domestic chip practitioners for nearly 20 years. Looking back on the development process of domestic chips, there are many difficulties, but we have never given up our determination to innovate independently.

In the eighties and nineties of the last century, the mainland chip industry started late, and it was far from the international advanced level. In the new century, the state has increased investment and introduced a number of support policies, creating a good environment for the development of the chip industry. A number of independent brands came into being, such as Loongson, Shenwei, Haiguang, etc., which have made breakthroughs in specific fields.

凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

Compared with international giants, the overall strength of the mainland's chip industry is still weak. High-end chips have long relied on imports, and the degree of autonomy and controllability is not high. This not only restricts the development of the information industry, but also affects national security. It has become a top priority to accelerate the independent innovation of chips and improve the domestic substitution rate.

In recent years, the state has further increased its support for the chip industry and introduced a series of major policy measures. On the one hand, we will continue to increase financial investment to support enterprises to strengthen research and development; On the other hand, improve the talent training system and cultivate and introduce high-end talents for the chip industry. The government also promotes the coordinated development of the industrial chain and promotes close cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises.

凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

With the strong support of policies, the development of the mainland chip industry has entered the fast lane. Not only the strength of traditional leading enterprises has been continuously enhanced, but a number of emerging forces have also grown rapidly, and Ling Jiuwei is one of them. These companies keep up with the forefront of technology and continue to make breakthroughs in characteristic fields, which has promoted the improvement of the overall level of domestic chips.

We must also be soberly aware that compared with the international advanced level, there is still a certain gap between domestic chips. The road ahead will not be smooth and will require more hard work. The ability to innovate in technology needs to be strengthened. The mainland chip industry has long relied on foreign technology, and its independent innovation ability is insufficient. Only by continuously increasing R&D investment and cultivating high-end talents can we truly master the core technology.

凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

The industrial chain system needs to be improved. At present, the chip industry chain in mainland China is relatively scattered, and the upstream and downstream supporting capacity needs to be improved. Only by strengthening collaborative innovation and forming a complete industrial ecology can we give full play to the overall strength of the chip industry.

There is a long way to go in market development. Although domestic chips have made breakthroughs in specific fields, their market share in mass markets such as consumer electronics and communications is still low. In the future, it is necessary to increase market development efforts, improve the cost performance and user experience of products, and win the favor of more users.

The pressure of international competition cannot be ignored. At present, some developed countries have imposed technical blockades and trade restrictions on the mainland chip industry due to geopolitical and other factors. This has undoubtedly brought great resistance to our development. We need to maintain strategic focus, adhere to independent innovation, and actively integrate into the global industrial division of labor system to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

The road to the development of domestic chips is not smooth sailing, and it still faces many challenges and difficulties. First of all, there is a certain gap between the technical level and the international advanced enterprises. Although domestic chip companies have made great progress in independent innovation in recent years, compared with international giants such as Intel and Samsung, there is still a certain gap in core technology fields such as chip design and manufacturing process.

Domestic chips are also facing fierce competition in the international market. Due to the advantages of international giants in terms of brand influence and marketing network, mainland chip companies face many obstacles when exploring overseas markets. To solve this problem, domestic enterprises need to strengthen brand building, improve product quality and cost performance, and actively explore emerging markets to find new growth points.

凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

The domestic chip industry chain still needs to be improved. The chip industry chain is very large and complex, involving multiple links such as design, manufacturing, packaging and testing. At present, there are still shortcomings in some links in the mainland, such as design software, manufacturing technology, etc., which restricts the development of the entire industrial chain to a certain extent. We need to speed up the construction of the industrial chain, form a complete ecosystem, promote close cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises, and improve the overall competitiveness.

The shortage of talents is also a major bottleneck restricting the development of domestic chips. The chip industry has extremely strict requirements for talents, requiring a large number of high-quality engineers and R&D personnel. At present, the domestic talent pool in this area is still relatively weak. The solution is to increase talent training efforts and expand the talent reserve from the source; The second is to actively introduce international talents to inject new vitality into domestic chips.

凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

In the face of these challenges, we must not stand still. I believe that as long as we maintain our strategic focus, adhere to independent innovation, improve the industrial chain, and strengthen talent training, we will be able to finally realize the rise of domestic chips.

The development prospects of domestic chips are very broad. This is mainly due to the following favorable factors:

The domestic market demand is strong, which provides a broad space for the development of domestic chips. As the world's largest chip consumer, the continent has a huge demand for chips and will continue to grow in the next few years. With the continuous development of emerging technologies such as 5G communications, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, the demand for high-performance chips will further expand. This provides a valuable market opportunity for domestic chip companies.

凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

The strong support of the national industrial policy has injected strong impetus into the development of domestic chips. In recent years, the state has introduced a series of supportive policies, such as providing financial subsidies and tax incentives, aiming to encourage enterprises to increase R&D investment and enhance their independent innovation capabilities. At the same time, the country has also increased talent training efforts to deliver a steady stream of fresh blood to the chip industry. With the strong support of the state, the development of domestic chips will be stable and far-reaching.

Scientific and technological progress has provided favorable conditions for the development of domestic chips. With the continuous emergence of new materials and new processes, chip manufacturing technology is also constantly updated and iterated. This provides a window of opportunity for domestic chip companies to catch up. As long as we seize the opportunity and increase innovation, we will be able to narrow the gap with the international advanced level and achieve overtaking in corners.

凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

The continuous enhancement of the strength of domestic chip companies has also laid a solid foundation for future development. After years of development, a number of leading domestic chip companies have begun to take shape and have made breakthroughs in some segments. They not only have advanced technical strength, but also in the brand influence, market development and other aspects are also increasingly enhanced. It is believed that in the future development path, these enterprises will play a greater leading role.

凌久微GP201国产GPU量产,多项性能强于AMD E886

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