
Insider's Sharing: How to Use Fats and Oils Correctly to Create a New Trend of Healthy Eating!

author:Fun cheese
Insider's Sharing: How to Use Fats and Oils Correctly to Create a New Trend of Healthy Eating!

Rational use of oil is an important part of maintaining a healthy diet. This article will introduce you to how to choose the right oil and how to use it wisely to help you avoid obesity and chronic diseases.

Insider's Sharing: How to Use Fats and Oils Correctly to Create a New Trend of Healthy Eating!

The merits of the oil

Fats and fats play an important role in our diet. They provide energy, aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and are involved in cell building and repair.

However, improper use of oils and fats may lead to an increased risk of chronic diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, choosing the right grease is crucial.

Insider's Sharing: How to Use Fats and Oils Correctly to Create a New Trend of Healthy Eating!

How to choose the right grease?

1. : Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which helps lower cholesterol levels and protect heart health. It is recommended for cold salads or when cooked at low temperatures.

2. : Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, good for the heart and brain. It is suitable for cold food and should not be cooked at high temperature.

3. : Contains Omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids, which is a healthy choice. Suitable for high-temperature cooking and frying.

4. : Rich in medium-chain fatty acids, which increase metabolism and increase energy expenditure. Ideal for high-temperature cooking, stir-frying and baking.

5. : Multi-purpose fat, suitable for high-temperature cooking and frying.

Insider's Sharing: How to Use Fats and Oils Correctly to Create a New Trend of Healthy Eating!

How to use oil and fat rationally?

1. : Although fats and fats are important, excessive intake can increase caloric intake. Reasonably control the amount of oil used according to the requirements of the recipe.

2. Different greases are suitable for different cooking methods. For example, for frying, stir-frying, and frying vegetables, choose oils and fats with good antioxidant properties, such as coconut oil and sunflower oil. For cold dressing, low-temperature cooking, choose oils that are rich in healthy fatty acids, such as olive oil and flaxseed oil.

3. Animal oil is rich in saturated fatty acids, and excessive intake can increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Reduce the use of animal oils and choose vegetable oils as much as possible.

4. When using fats and oils rationally, you should also pay attention to reducing salt intake. Choose low-salt or unsalted condiments to avoid negative health effects.

Insider's Sharing: How to Use Fats and Oils Correctly to Create a New Trend of Healthy Eating!

Rational use of oil is an important part of maintaining a healthy diet.

Choosing the right oils and fats and using them wisely can not only help you manage your weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, but also promote health and vitality.

Starting today, develop a good habit of rational use of oil, and stay away from obesity and chronic diseases!

Hopefully, the above knowledge about the rational use of oil can inspire you. If you want to learn more about the topic of healthy eating, follow my headlines. Let's stay away from obesity and chronic diseases and enjoy a healthy life!

Insider's Sharing: How to Use Fats and Oils Correctly to Create a New Trend of Healthy Eating!

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