
Wang Chuqin taught Chen Meng a trick? Sha Fan questioned Chen Meng's rapid rise, and the truth may be related to this master

author:Spicy Family Army 2153718707

Chen Meng's recent performance is simply open, no, he once again defeated Sun Yingsha in the game. This made many Sun Yingsha's fans feel a little uncomfortable, and they have caused a storm on the Internet, saying that Chen Meng got Wang Chuqin's cheats, and suddenly all the skill points were opened?

Let's talk about this Wang Chuqin first, although he and Chen Meng are both leaders in the table tennis world, does this eldest brother really have time to teach Chen Meng to play? This is not a TV series, how can there be so many mysterious episodes of teaching stunts. Chen Meng's progress actually has a lot to do with the coach Sun Xun who is working silently behind her. Sun Xun, the coach, is not an ordinary role, he is definitely an expert in the study and tactical arrangement of the game.

Wang Chuqin taught Chen Meng a trick? Sha Fan questioned Chen Meng's rapid rise, and the truth may be related to this master

So, is Chen Meng's victory really so mysterious? Actually, it's still the old saying, the level is there. In the match between Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, every duel is like a blockbuster climax, the two of them come and go, sweating, showing the demeanor of a top master. Chen Meng was able to win this time, mostly because of his good condition on the day of the game, coupled with Coach Sun Xun's careful layout, he found Sun Yingsha's flaws.

Wang Chuqin taught Chen Meng a trick? Sha Fan questioned Chen Meng's rapid rise, and the truth may be related to this master

When it comes to the reaction of fans, it is really mixed. Sun Yingsha's "only fans" may not be very happy, and they try their best to express their dissatisfaction on major social platforms, thinking that Chen Meng's sudden outburst is a bit strange. But in fact, how can there be so many sudden outbreaks in sports competitions, especially table tennis, which is a fierce sport? Behind this is the accumulation of countless sweats and tears.

Wang Chuqin taught Chen Meng a trick? Sha Fan questioned Chen Meng's rapid rise, and the truth may be related to this master

Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, the two players actually have a good relationship in private, but on the competition field, you must go all out. This kind of scene, for fans, may be a roller coaster of emotions, one moment happy, another moment lost.

Wang Chuqin taught Chen Meng a trick? Sha Fan questioned Chen Meng's rapid rise, and the truth may be related to this master

Looking forward to the future, the cooperation between Chen Meng and Coach Sun Xun will definitely continue to be optimized in the next training and games. Their goal is clear, to be ready for the Paris Olympics and to do better there. And Sun Yingsha, as a leader of the younger generation, she still has a long way to go, there are many opportunities, and winning or losing is part of her growth.

Wang Chuqin taught Chen Meng a trick? Sha Fan questioned Chen Meng's rapid rise, and the truth may be related to this master

Overall, this turmoil actually reflects the enthusiasm of sports fans and their support for their idols. However, as spectators and fans, you should also be more rational, appreciate the game, and respect the efforts and dedication of all players. After all, every athlete who fights the field deserves our respect and encouragement.

Wang Chuqin taught Chen Meng a trick? Sha Fan questioned Chen Meng's rapid rise, and the truth may be related to this master

At this point, I hope you can see the spirit of sportsmanship and the efforts behind the athletes from these distractions. Let's look forward to the next exciting matchup and see what these top players will bring to us!

Wang Chuqin taught Chen Meng a trick? Sha Fan questioned Chen Meng's rapid rise, and the truth may be related to this master

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