
Why is Qingming this year on April 4 instead of April 5? Expert: Here's why...


Why is Qingming on April 4 this year? Experts reveal the astronomical mysteries behind it

In the spring season, we ushered in a special festival - Qingming Festival. However, attentive people may notice that this year's Qingming Festival seems to have come earlier than usual, falling on April 4 in the Gregorian calendar instead of April 5 as people are accustomed to. The reason behind this is actually a profound astronomical, historical and cultural connotation.

First of all, we need to understand that Qingming Festival is not a fixed date in the Gregorian calendar, but is determined according to the 24 solar terms of the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. The 24 solar terms are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese people, which divides the year into 24 equal parts according to the change of the position of the sun on the ecliptic, and each solar term represents a natural phenomenon or climatic characteristics. As one of the important solar terms, Qingming Festival marks the official beginning of spring, when the weather is getting warmer and everything is recovering.

Why is Qingming this year on April 4 instead of April 5? Expert: Here's why...

So, why does the date of Qingming Festival change between April 4 and 6 in the Gregorian calendar? This is mainly related to the speed of the Sun's movement on the ecliptic. In fact, the movement of the Sun on the ecliptic is not uniform, but is influenced by a variety of factors, such as the rotation of the Earth, its revolution, and its gravitational interaction with other planets. As a result, the time it takes for the sun to reach a particular position varies from year to year, which leads to a change in the date of Qingming Festival.

Specifically, in 2024, the reason why Qingming Festival falls on April 4 is because at a specific time of the year, the sun happens to reach the position corresponding to Qingming Festival. This moment not only marks the arrival of spring, but also carries people's deep thoughts about their deceased loved ones.

So, does this change mean that our traditional customs of the Qingming Festival will also change? Not really. Although the date of Qingming Festival has changed, people's respect and commemoration of this festival have never changed. Traditional customs such as tomb sweeping, ancestor worship, and outing are still cherished and inherited by the majority of people.

Why is Qingming this year on April 4 instead of April 5? Expert: Here's why...

Of course, such a change has also caused some people to worry and confuse. In some areas, it is customary for people to carry out grave sweeps on April 5, and this year's changes may disrupt their plans. But we need to understand that this kind of change is not controllable by man, it is the embodiment of natural phenomena and astronomical laws. We should respect and conform to nature, and at the same time arrange our lives and activities reasonably according to the actual situation.

It is worth mentioning that this year's Qingming Festival also coincides with the 26th day of the second lunar month, which deviates from the usual third lunar month. This change stems from the advance of the date of the beginning of spring, which leads to the advance of the entire solar term. Such changes, while rare, are a reflection of the diversity and complexity of nature. It makes us realize more deeply how complex and delicate the relationship between time and nature is.

In this special Qingming Festival, we should not only cherish the memory of our ancestors and be grateful to history, but also cherish the present and look forward to the future. Let us meet every challenge and opportunity in life with a more open mind and an inclusive mind. At the same time, it also allows us to pay more attention to nature, respect nature, protect nature, and jointly create a harmonious and beautiful home.

Why is Qingming this year on April 4 instead of April 5? Expert: Here's why...

Of course, in the discussion of this topic, we can't help but think about the question: why do we pay so much attention to the specific date of a festival? This may have something to do with our cultural heritage and historical memory. In the depths of our hearts, every traditional festival carries a special emotion and memory. They are not only a bridge between us and our ancestors, but also a medium for our dialogue with the future. Therefore, the focus on the date of the festival is actually our cherishing and respecting of cultural heritage and historical memory.

However, in this era of rapid development, should we pay more attention to the cultural connotation and spiritual value behind the festival? Perhaps, we should pay more attention to inheriting and promoting the excellent elements of traditional culture, so that they can radiate new vitality and vitality in the new era. At the same time, we should be more open to accepting and integrating the best elements of different cultures, and jointly promote the progress and development of human civilization.

Finally, let us welcome the arrival of every traditional festival with a grateful heart and a heart of awe. Let us cherish the past and cherish the present, while also looking forward to the future and looking forward to the future. In this era full of changes and challenges, let us move forward together to create a better future!

Why is Qingming this year on April 4 instead of April 5? Expert: Here's why...

The date change of Qingming Festival: a dialogue between culture and nature

The date change of Qingming Festival is like a dialogue between culture and nature that spans thousands of years. This is not just a simple date change, but also an in-depth exploration of traditional culture and astronomical laws. As the ancients said, "Heaven is constant, not for Yao, not for ruin." "The date change of Qingming Festival is a vivid embodiment of the interweaving of natural laws and human culture.

The insights of netizens are even more exciting. Someone sighed, "During the Qingming Festival, it rains a lot, and the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." "It's not just a tribute to the memory of a loved one who has passed away, it's a celebration of the harmonious coexistence of nature and culture. Some people see the call for the inheritance of traditional culture, "Although the date of the Qingming Festival has changed, our traditional customs and cultural connotation cannot change." ”

Why is Qingming this year on April 4 instead of April 5? Expert: Here's why...

In my opinion, the change of the date of Qingming Festival not only reminds us to cherish and inherit traditional culture, but also inspires us to respect and conform to nature. Let us welcome the arrival of every traditional festival with a more open mind and an inclusive mind, and jointly protect our cultural roots and our common home.

Netizens' messages bloom like flowers, and some people feel that the meaning of the Qingming Festival is becoming more and more profound in the passage of time, as the ancients said, "the years are clear, and the present is clear", every year's Qingming is a reverence and reflection on life. This is not only the fusion of nature and culture, but also the resonance of human hearts and history. The sincere emotions of netizens make the cultural connotation of the Qingming Festival more colorful.