
Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

author:Small fish and shrimp love to eat melons
Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

Wang Xiaofei domineeringly demanded that Big S must appear in court

Big S and Wang Xiaofei started to fight lawsuits again. Big S couldn't get the painting after asking for money, and he set his sights on the shares of Wang Xiaofei's hotel.

Wang Xiaofei's actions this time are indeed domineering, and he asked Da S to appear in court during the trial on May 20, hoping that the two can resolve their disputes with each other face-to-face. This requirement not only reflects his firm attitude towards resolving disputes, but also reflects his dissatisfaction with Big S's frequent prosecution but reluctance to appear in court in person.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

Wang Xiaofei's rhetoric is full of sarcasm and criticism of Big S. He accused Big S of always finding a reason to sue, but he was unwilling to face the trial in person, but played the routines of the entertainment industry behind his back. He criticized Big S for his lack of cultural literacy and for blindly pursuing personal interests without taking into account the feelings and dignity of others.


In addition, Wang Xiaofei also mentioned the relationship between Da S and Gu Junye, implying that she quickly found a new partner after the divorce and was proud of it. He believes that Da S's behavior not only disgraced the woman's face, but also damaged the image and reputation of the two of them. He accused Big S of lacking the ability to operate, and even if he obtained the right to operate a hotel, it was difficult to operate successfully.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

The courtroom confrontation between the two will undoubtedly be a fierce contest. The dispute between them has been going on for a long time, involving many aspects such as property, child custody, etc. In court, they will need to confront each other's evidence and accusations and accept the judge's ruling. The outcome of this lawsuit will have a direct impact on their interests and future.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

Whatever the outcome, this lawsuit is a reminder of respect for the law and the court's rulings. When resolving disputes, we should take reasonable and lawful measures to avoid excessive emotion and personal aggression. At the same time, we should also reflect on our own behavior in marriage and family relationships, and strive to maintain a harmonious and stable family environment.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

Netizen comments

In response to Wang Xiaofei's request that Da S must appear in court during the trial on May 20, netizens' comments showed a variety of views.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

On the one hand, some netizens expressed support for Wang Xiaofei's approach, believing that he was very tough and direct this time, which helped to promote the solution of the problem. They appreciated Wang Xiaofei's courage to face Big S, instead of always handling disputes between the two through lawyers. At the same time, these netizens also believe that Big S should appear in court in person, instead of always hiding behind the lawyer and commanding remotely, so that the problem can be solved more fairly and justly.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

On the other hand, some netizens expressed sympathy and support for Big S. They think that Wang Xiaofei's rhetoric is too fierce and mean, and does not respect Big S's privacy and feelings. These netizens believe that the dispute between the two should be resolved in a more gentle and rational way, rather than attacking and accusing each other in public. They called on both sides to calm down, sit down and have a good talk, and find a reasonable solution.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

Some netizens are neutral, believing that this is a private matter between the two and outsiders cannot interfere too much. They stated that everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness and interests, and as long as they solve the problem within the legal scope, there is no need to blame and comment too much.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

In short, netizens have commented on this incident in a variety of ways, reflecting different people's views and attitudes towards marriage, family, law and other issues. In any case, we should respect the rights and privacy of both parties and view this incident in a rational and fair manner.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."
Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

Personal profiling

From a personal point of view, Wang Xiaofei's request that Da S must appear in court during the trial on May 20 reflects his firm attitude and determination to resolve the dispute between the two. This practice reflects his hope that the two sides can communicate face-to-face and directly resolve their differences and contradictions.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

From a legal point of view, appearing in court is a way for parties to fulfill their legal obligations, and it also helps the court to have a more comprehensive understanding of the circumstances of the case and make a fair ruling. Therefore, Wang Xiaofei's request for Da S to appear in court is not only out of respect for the legal process, but also to promote the progress of the case.

However, Big S doesn't change his life, and he thinks of a way to sue his ex-husband as soon as he has no money, which is really unbearable. It's really embarrassing, and it's no wonder that the bald head can stand it, because if she doesn't fight a lawsuit, her wife won't have the money to support him.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

From a social point of view, this incident has also sparked a wide range of public discussions on marriage, family, law and other issues. It reminds us that when dealing with family disputes, we should focus on communication and negotiation, respect each other's rights and feelings, and avoid emotional and personal aggression. At the same time, legal procedures should be observed, court rulings should be respected, and social justice and stability should be maintained.

To sum up, from a personal point of view, although Wang Xiaofei's request for Da S to appear in court reflects his firm attitude and determination, it is also necessary to pay attention to staying calm and rational when dealing with disputes, and respecting the rights and feelings of the other party. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the social discussion triggered by this incident, and think about how to better maintain family relations and social stability in modern society.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

Final summary

In general, Wang Xiaofei's request that Da S must appear in court during the trial not only reflects the firm attitude of both parties to resolve disputes, but also reflects the importance and complexity of marriage, family relations and legal procedures in the eyes of the public.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

From Wang Xiaofei's point of view, he hopes to resolve his differences with Big S through legal means and direct face-to-face communication, and this direct and resolute way shows his urgency to solve the problem and his respect for the legal process.

However, from another perspective, this incident also exposed the possible miscommunication and emotional problems between the parties when dealing with family disputes. Family disputes often involve complex emotional entanglements, which need to be faced and resolved by both parties in a calm and rational manner.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

In addition, the incident has sparked a wide public debate about marriage, family relations and legal procedures. It reminds us that when dealing with family disputes, we should focus on communication and negotiation, respect each other's rights and feelings, and avoid emotional and personal aggression. At the same time, we should also abide by legal procedures and respect court rulings in order to maintain social justice and stability.

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

In short, although this incident is an isolated case, the issues involved are universal. It reminds us that we should be more rational, calm and respectful of the law when dealing with family disputes, and at the same time, we should also pay attention to and think about how to better maintain family relations and social stability in modern society. #全国头条热榜##热点爆料##爆料#

Big S frequently sued and was unwilling to appear in court? Wang Xiaofei sarcastically "played routines, and netizens exploded."

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