
Lei Jun donated 1.3 billion yuan in cash to avoid taxes? Calculate how much "cheapness" the Qing Lei Army can take

author:Cute rabbit

The truth behind Lei Jun's donation of 1.3 billion yuan in cash: tax avoidance or public welfare?

Lei Jun donated 1.3 billion yuan in cash to avoid taxes? Calculate how much "cheapness" the Qing Lei Army can take

Recently, the news that Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi Group, donated 1.3 billion yuan to his alma mater, Wuhan University, has aroused widespread attention from all walks of life. This huge donation not only refreshed the record of the largest single donation since the establishment of Wuhan University, but also became the largest personal cash donation received by an alumnus in a university in China. However, the question also arises: Is Lei Jun's move to avoid taxes? Today, we will take a deep look at this issue and reveal the truth behind it.

Lei Jun donated 1.3 billion yuan in cash to avoid taxes? Calculate how much "cheapness" the Qing Lei Army can take

First of all, we need to be clear that donations can indeed be used as a legitimate means of tax avoidance. According to the provisions of the mainland tax law, the money donated by individuals and enterprises to education, science, culture and other public welfare undertakings can be deducted in the declaration of individual income tax or enterprise income tax, so as to reduce the amount of tax payable. This is also a preferential tax policy introduced by the state in order to encourage the development of public welfare undertakings.

Lei Jun donated 1.3 billion yuan in cash to avoid taxes? Calculate how much "cheapness" the Qing Lei Army can take

However, to determine whether Lei Jun's donation of 1.3 billion yuan is for tax avoidance, we need to analyze it from multiple angles. First of all, in terms of amount, 1.3 billion yuan is undoubtedly a huge amount. However, you must know that Lei Jun, as the founder of Xiaomi Group, has already reached an astonishing height of personal wealth. Therefore, from a financial point of view, this 1.3 billion yuan may not be an unaffordable figure for Lei Jun.

Lei Jun donated 1.3 billion yuan in cash to avoid taxes? Calculate how much "cheapness" the Qing Lei Army can take

Secondly, from the perspective of the motivation for donation, Lei Jun, as an alumnus of Wuhan University, has a deep affection for his alma mater. In an interview, he said that this donation is out of love and gratitude to his alma mater, and he hopes to contribute to the development of his alma mater. This emotional factor plays a crucial role in donating and is one of the important reasons why many entrepreneurs choose to donate.

Lei Jun donated 1.3 billion yuan in cash to avoid taxes? Calculate how much "cheapness" the Qing Lei Army can take

Furthermore, from the perspective of tax treatment, although the donation can be deducted from the taxable income, it does not mean that the donor can obtain more tax savings than the donation amount. In fact, the donation is deducted from the taxable income, not directly deducted from personal income tax. Therefore, even if Lei Jun donated 1.3 billion yuan, he still needs to pay personal income tax at the corresponding tax rate. Moreover, if the amount of his donation exceeds the amount of his annual income, he still needs to pay personal income tax in accordance with the tax law.

Finally, from the perspective of social impact, Lei Jun's donation undoubtedly sets an example for public welfare. His actions not only inspired more entrepreneurs and individuals to participate in public welfare, but also increased the attention and participation of the society in public welfare. This social effect cannot be measured in monetary terms.

To sum up, we can conclude that Lei Jun's donation of 1.3 billion yuan in cash to Wuhan University was not entirely for the purpose of tax avoidance. While it is true that donations can be used as a legitimate means of tax avoidance, in this case, emotional factors and social effects played a much more important role. Lei Jun's donation not only reflects his deep affection and gratitude to his alma mater, but also makes positive contributions to the development of public welfare. We should praise his good deeds and encourage more entrepreneurs and individuals to join in public welfare undertakings and jointly contribute to the development and progress of society.