
The Korean hostess ridiculed: Made in China is cheap and imitation, the professor asked rhetorically, let her

author:Xiaomi porridge $

The South Korean hostess ridiculed Made in China, and the professor's witty retort sparked heated discussions

Recently, at an international science and technology forum, a South Korean female host openly ridiculed "Made in China" as a synonym for cheap and imitation products when she made a statement. However, the subsequent witty rhetorical question of a well-known technology professor not only made the hostess blush instantly, but also sparked a million-level reading craze on social media, becoming a hot topic in the technology field.

During the forum's Q&A session, when the South Korean hostess expressed her views on the quality of Made in China, she bluntly said that Chinese-made products are often known for their low prices and imitation designs, which are difficult to compare with international brands. As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction among the Chinese audience present.

The Korean hostess ridiculed: Made in China is cheap and imitation, the professor asked rhetorically, let her

However, at this moment, a well-known science and technology professor from China stepped forward. He first affirmed the important position of Chinese manufacturing in the global supply chain, and pointed out that after decades of development, China's manufacturing industry has made remarkable achievements in many fields. Then, he asked the hostess: "So, how many of the core components of the electronic products you use are 'not made in China'?" ”

This rhetorical question made the hostess momentarily speechless, because she obviously did not realize that in modern technology products, Chinese-made components have become ubiquitous. Whether it's smartphones, computers, or other electronic devices, many of these core components come from Chinese manufacturers. The quality and technical level of these components have long been recognized by the global market.

The professor's remarks not only attracted praise from the audience, but also attracted widespread attention and discussion on social media. Many netizens said that the professor's rhetorical question was very powerful, which not only revealed the important position of Made in China in the global science and technology industry chain, but also showed the confidence and strength of China's science and technology community.

The Korean hostess ridiculed: Made in China is cheap and imitation, the professor asked rhetorically, let her

In fact, Made in China is no longer synonymous with cheap, imitation products of the past. With the continuous progress of science and technology and the advancement of industrial upgrading, China's manufacturing industry has gradually moved from low-end to high-end, from imitation to innovation. In many fields, Chinese manufacturing enterprises have the strength and ability to compete with international brands.

The events at this forum not only let more people understand the actual situation and development trend of China's manufacturing industry, but also triggered people's in-depth thinking and discussion on the future development trend of the field of science and technology. In the context of globalization and the rapid development of science and technology, cooperation and competition between countries will become more intense, and Made in China will continue to play an important role in promoting the progress and development of the global science and technology industry.

The Korean hostess ridiculed: Made in China is cheap and imitation, the professor asked rhetorically, let her

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