
What should I do if the sales of new energy vehicles exceed that of fuel vehicles, and car insurance is expensive? The premium catch-up mechanism is here

author:Liberty Brian 4e8
What should I do if the sales of new energy vehicles exceed that of fuel vehicles, and car insurance is expensive? The premium catch-up mechanism is here

New energy vehicles are selling well, car insurance companies have nothing to do, who will protect the rights and interests of car owners?

In recent years, with the advantages of energy conservation and environmental protection, new energy vehicles have been promoted by the strong support of national policies and the improvement of consumers' awareness of environmental protection, and their sales have been rising, and they have surpassed traditional fuel vehicles and become the new favorite of the automobile market. Major car companies have also accelerated the pace of electrification transformation to seize the new energy vehicle market.

In stark contrast to the booming sales of new energy vehicles, auto insurance companies are facing an unprecedented dilemma. Due to the large differences between the power battery, motor and other core components of new energy vehicles and traditional fuel vehicles, auto insurance companies have encountered great difficulties in assessing the accident risk and maintenance costs of new energy vehicles. In the event of an accident, the maintenance cost of new energy vehicles is often high, resulting in heavy claims expenses for insurance companies.

What should I do if the sales of new energy vehicles exceed that of fuel vehicles, and car insurance is expensive? The premium catch-up mechanism is here

Traditional car insurance products are obviously no longer able to cover the risks of new energy vehicles, and car insurance companies have to choose to refuse to insure new energy vehicles, or offer sky-high premiums to avoid the risk of potential huge claims. This undoubtedly brings a heavy burden to new energy vehicle owners.

A new energy vehicle owner complained to reporters: "My new energy vehicle has been driving for two years, and I have not been able to buy suitable insurance. Last year, there was a small scratch, and the repair fee was as high as tens of thousands of yuan, but fortunately I had a deposit, otherwise I couldn't afford it. "

What should I do if the sales of new energy vehicles exceed that of fuel vehicles, and car insurance is expensive? The premium catch-up mechanism is here

Another new energy vehicle owner said: "I bought this new energy vehicle for environmental protection and energy saving, but I didn't expect the insurance premium to be more expensive than fuel vehicles, which made my use cost greatly increased, and I was very helpless." "

In the face of such a predicament, new energy vehicle owners have called on relevant government departments to introduce practical policies to protect their rights and interests, so that the use of new energy vehicles can be more secure.

The voices of new energy vehicle owners have not gone unnoticed. Recently, the relevant departments said that they will promote the establishment of a "comprehensive guarantee mechanism" for new energy vehicle insurance to effectively safeguard the rights and interests of new energy vehicle owners.

What should I do if the sales of new energy vehicles exceed that of fuel vehicles, and car insurance is expensive? The premium catch-up mechanism is here

The core content of this mechanism is that insurance companies must clearly cover new energy vehicles and must not refuse to insure them for any reason. Insurance companies also need to launch "basic + change" combination insurance products.

The so-called "basic" insurance provides protection for the basic configuration and common faults of new energy vehicles; The "change" insurance covers core components such as power batteries, and the premium will fluctuate according to different models, battery life and other factors.

Through this combination, new energy vehicle owners can choose different protection schemes according to their own needs and obtain a full range of risk protection.

What should I do if the sales of new energy vehicles exceed that of fuel vehicles, and car insurance is expensive? The premium catch-up mechanism is here

"This is undoubtedly good news. A new energy vehicle owner said happily, "If such a policy is really implemented, we will no longer have to worry about insurance, and we can enjoy reasonable premiums." "

There are also new energy vehicle owners who have expressed doubts about this. "Although there is a 'catch-up guarantee', it remains to be seen what the specific implementation rules will be and how the premium level will be formulated. "

A senior car owner said: "The cost of using new energy vehicles is already higher than that of fuel vehicles, and if the premium is set too high, then the original intention of buying a car will be greatly discounted." "

What should I do if the sales of new energy vehicles exceed that of fuel vehicles, and car insurance is expensive? The premium catch-up mechanism is here

Another car owner is worried, "After the power battery is scrapped, will the insurance company continue to provide protection?" This requires a clear agreement. "

In the face of these doubts, the relevant departments said that they will listen to the opinions of all parties, reasonably formulate a floating mechanism for premiums, and make clear provisions on special circumstances such as scrapped batteries, so as to truly achieve reasonable premiums and adequate protection.

"Our goal is to make new energy vehicle owners feel at ease and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the new energy vehicle industry. The person in charge said.