
Former Japanese Minister's Visit to China "Japan is Too Backward" Some people still lived 30 years ago and did not accept China's wealth

author:Worry-free passion fruit 6mE

Hey guys! Today I want to tell you the most exciting story in history - the feelings of a former Japanese minister after visiting China! I heard that he said something that shocked everyone! He said: "Japan is too far behind! Many Japanese people lived 30 years ago and did not want to accept that China was rich. "Unbelievable, right? That's an absolute big deal!

Former Japanese Minister's Visit to China "Japan is Too Backward" Some people still lived 30 years ago and did not accept China's wealth

First of all, let's get acquainted with the "brave" former minister. What's his name? Oh, by the way, the Japanese call him "Secretary Dakang" (だこうしょき). Of course, his real name is Yasuo Tanaka (たなかやすお). He used to be a cabinet minister in Japan, and his power was monstrous! However, it is nonsense to dare to say such a thing! Fortunately, we can take a peek into the inner world of the Japanese and see if they are really "backward".

To get back to the point, after Yasuo Tanaka's visit to China, he expressed his feelings to the media on the way back to China. He said that China has developed too fast, and they have become rich and strong! However, many Japanese people are still stuck in 30 years ago and do not want to accept this reality. People who heard the news were shocked! How could such a thing happen?

Former Japanese Minister's Visit to China "Japan is Too Backward" Some people still lived 30 years ago and did not accept China's wealth

Are the Japanese really afraid that China will become stronger? Perhaps, it is precisely because of this fear that they have rejected China. They are afraid that their position will be replaced, that China will become the number one in the world! However, this kind of thinking is too backward! The times are developing, the world is changing, we can't stay in the past, we must meet the future!

China is rich, that's a fact! They have used their own efforts to find a unique path of development and become the focus of the world. Their technology, culture, and economy are all rising rapidly! And the Japanese are still obsessed with the glory of the past and cannot accept this new reality.

Former Japanese Minister's Visit to China "Japan is Too Backward" Some people still lived 30 years ago and did not accept China's wealth

Of course, we cannot deny Japan's contribution and excellence. They used to be world leaders and have made great achievements in technology, automobiles, anime, and more. However, these achievements are long gone, and now it is a whole new era! We can't always be immersed in the glory of the past, but we must face the future, meet the challenges and adapt to the changes!

Hey friends, do you think Yasuo Tanaka is right? Are the Japanese really too backward? No matter how you look at it, we should face the world with an open mind.

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