
There are 6 major prohibitions for fitness, and you must ban bans, bans!

author:Chuan Jianai shares

There are 6 prohibitions for fitness, and you must avoid these minefields!

As the fashion writer of Toutiao, I am always at the forefront of the trend and reveal the mystery of fashion for everyone. But today, I'm not just going to talk about outfits and style, but about fitness that is closely related to our physical health. In the pursuit of fashion and beauty, we cannot ignore the health and exercise of the body. However, on the road to fitness, some people may step into the wrong place, resulting in poor results or even harming the body. Therefore, today I would like to reveal to you the 6 taboos of fitness, let us avoid these minefields together, and pursue fashion and beauty healthily!

Taboo 1: Blindly follow the trend and ignore individual differences

When it comes to fitness, trends are always on the rise. From trending fitness classes to trending workout gear, there's something for everyone. However, the fashionista Xiaoli has lost her way in this trend.

There are 6 major prohibitions for fitness, and you must ban bans, bans!

"I've seen a lot of people doing yoga lately, and I want to try it too." Xiaoli said expectantly.

I smiled and reminded her, "Yoga is a great way to get fit, but it's not for everyone. Everyone's physical condition and athletic ability are different, and choosing the fitness method that suits you is the most important thing. Blindly following the herd can hurt you or even lose interest in fitness. ”

Therefore, when choosing a fitness method, you must choose according to your physical condition and athletic ability, and avoid blindly following the trend.

Taboo 2: Exercising excessively and ignoring body signals

There are 6 major prohibitions for fitness, and you must ban bans, bans!

In the pursuit of fitness results, some people may fall into the trap of overexercising. They want to reach their goals quickly with high-intensity workouts, but they neglect their body's capacity.

"I have to run 5 kilometers every day and do a lot of strength training, why is the effect still not obvious?" Xiao Li asked in frustration.

I patiently explained, "Fitness is a long-term process that needs to be taken gradually. Exercising too much may lead to physical fatigue, injury, and even weakened immunity. During the workout, be sure to pay attention to the body's signals and arrange the intensity and frequency of the workout reasonably. ”

Taboo 3: Neglect warm-up and stretching

There are 6 major prohibitions for fitness, and you must ban bans, bans!

Warm-up and stretching are two indispensable parts of the fitness process. However, some people often ignore these two steps and go straight to high-intensity workouts.

"I think it's too much time to warm up and stretch, wouldn't it be more efficient for me to just start exercising?" Xiao Wang asked suspiciously.

I shook my head and said, "Warming up and stretching, while deceptively simple, are essential for good health. Warm-up can increase body temperature, promote blood circulation and muscle elasticity; Stretching relieves muscle tension and prevents sports injuries. Ignoring these two steps can lead to sports injuries and poor results. ”

Taboo 4: Improper diet and neglect of nutritional matching

There are 6 major prohibitions for fitness, and you must ban bans, bans!

Fitness is not just about exercising, you also need to pay attention to the combination of diet and nutrition. However, some people overlook this in their fitness journey.

"I've been losing weight lately, so I only eat fruits and vegetables every day." Xiao Fang said confidently.

I reminded her, "While fruits and vegetables are healthy foods, they alone don't meet your body's nutritional needs. During fitness, we need to consume enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support the body's energy expenditure and muscle growth. Eating the right diet is the key to fitness success. ”

Taboo five: lack of rest and recovery

There are 6 major prohibitions for fitness, and you must ban bans, bans!

Rest and recovery are equally important during the fitness process. However, some people often ignore this, resulting in excessive fatigue and injuries.

"I have to work out for hours every day, why do I still feel like I'm not improving?" Xiao Zhang asked puzzled.

"It takes time for the body to recover and adjust to the stimulus of exercise," I explain. If you keep your body in a state of fatigue, it will not only affect the effectiveness of your workout, but it can also lead to injury. During the fitness process, it is important to arrange the workout time and rest time reasonably so that the body has enough time to recover and grow. ”

Taboo 6: Ignoring mindset adjustment

There are 6 major prohibitions for fitness, and you must ban bans, bans!

Mindset adjustment is equally important in the fitness process. However, some people often lose confidence and motivation because of momentary setbacks.

"I've been working out for a long time and haven't seen results, I'm really disappointed!" Xiao Chen said dejectedly.

I encouraged her: "Fitness is a long-term process that requires patience and persistence. Don't focus too much on short-term results, but focus on your physical condition and changes in your mindset. Maintaining a positive mindset and the right mindset of fitness is the key to success. ”

In conclusion, the 6 taboos of fitness are issues that we must pay attention to in our pursuit of health and beauty. Only by avoiding these minefields can we pursue fashion and beauty healthily! Let's work together to become a better version of ourselves!

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