
Pig's trotters become a "killer" of kidney failure? Many old people will make the mistake of eating these things to raise their kidneys!

author:Liu Suzhen ear, nose and throat

Wang Dawei, a 50-year-old accountant, was recently found to have abnormal kidney function indicators during a physical examination, which made him very nervous. He decided to come to the hospital for professional help, hoping to find out what the problem was and get effective treatment.

Pig's trotters become a "killer" of kidney failure? Many old people will make the mistake of eating these things to raise their kidneys!

At the hospital, Wang Dawei met Li Xiaofen, an experienced geriatrician. Dr. Lee carefully inquired about his medical history and lifestyle habits, and then performed a series of tests for him. The results of the examination showed that Wang Dawei's kidney function did have some problems and needed to be treated in time.

Dr. Lee told Wong that the kidneys are important excretory organs in the human body and are responsible for removing waste and excess water from the body. If there is a problem with kidney function, it will not only affect the health of the body, but also may lead to a series of complications. Therefore, it is very important to protect the health of your kidneys.

In order to help Wong improve his kidney function, Dr. Li advised him to start with his diet and adjust his eating habits to increase the intake of foods that are beneficial to his kidneys. At the same time, Dr. Li also developed a personalized diet plan for him, including the principles of a low-salt, low-fat, low-sugar, high-protein diet, as well as moderate exercise and good work and rest habits.

Pig's trotters become a "killer" of kidney failure? Many old people will make the mistake of eating these things to raise their kidneys!

David Wong agreed with Dr. Li's advice and decided to follow Dr. Li's guidance and embark on a journey of dietary exploration for kidney health. He believes that as long as he adheres to a healthy lifestyle, he will be able to improve kidney function and restore health.

1. Do pig's trotters really cause kidney failure?

Pig's trotters are a very popular delicacy, especially for those who love collagen. However, the collagen in pig trotters may increase the burden on the kidneys during metabolism. Dr. Li explained this to David Wang, especially for patients with poor kidney function, pig's trotters are not the best choice.

Collagen is a large protein that needs to be broken down and excreted by the kidneys. If the kidneys are not functioning well, collagen metabolism can become a burden on the kidneys. In addition, the fat content in pig trotters is also higher, and excessive fat intake may also cause additional stress on the kidneys.

Pig's trotters become a "killer" of kidney failure? Many old people will make the mistake of eating these things to raise their kidneys!

Therefore, while pig's trotters are a delicious food, they should be consumed with caution for people with poor kidney function. While enjoying good food, we should also pay attention to our own health, especially kidney health. If you have any concerns, it's best to seek advice from a doctor or dietitian.

2. What are the foods that must be eaten to protect the kidneys?

The kidneys are one of the vital organs of our body, which is responsible for filtering waste products and excess water from the blood, maintaining our body's water balance and electrolyte balance. However, due to poor lifestyle habits and diet, many people's kidney health is threatened. So, what are some foods that can help us improve kidney function?

Pig's trotters become a "killer" of kidney failure? Many old people will make the mistake of eating these things to raise their kidneys!

First of all, Dr. Lee recommended black beans. Black beans are a food rich in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, which can help us improve kidney function and increase the detoxification ability of the kidneys. In addition, black beans also have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood pressure-lowering effects, which are positive for the prevention and treatment of kidney disease.

Secondly, jujube is also a good food for the kidneys. Jujube is rich in vitamin C and potassium, which can help us improve the blood circulation of the kidneys and improve the detoxification ability of the kidneys. At the same time, jujube also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunity-enhancing effects, which is of positive significance for the prevention and treatment of kidney disease.

Pig's trotters become a "killer" of kidney failure? Many old people will make the mistake of eating these things to raise their kidneys!

Finally, pumpkin is also a kidney-friendly food. Pumpkin is rich in β-carotene, vitamin C and potassium, which can help us improve blood circulation in the kidneys and improve the detoxification ability of the kidneys. In addition, pumpkin also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood pressure-lowering effects, which is of positive significance for the prevention and treatment of kidney disease.

Overall, black beans, red dates, and pumpkin are all kidn-friendly foods that are rich in nutrients that can help us improve kidney function and improve the kidneys' ability to detoxify. However, relying on food alone is not enough, we also need to maintain good lifestyle habits, such as moderate exercise, salt intake, and good sleep, to better protect our kidney health.

Pig's trotters become a "killer" of kidney failure? Many old people will make the mistake of eating these things to raise their kidneys!

3. The effect of drinking tea on kidney health

Dr Lee also mentioned that drinking tea has certain benefits for kidney health. Tea contains a variety of components that are beneficial to the human body, such as tea polyphenols, catechins, etc., which can help remove free radicals in the body, reduce oxidative stress, and thus protect kidney cells. In addition, the caffeine in tea also has a diuretic effect, which can help remove excess water and salt from the body and reduce the burden on the kidneys.

However, Dr Lee also reminded Wong that while drinking tea is good for kidney health, excessive consumption can be counterproductive. Ingredients such as caffeine and theophylline in tea, if consumed in excess, can increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys and may even lead to impaired kidney function. Therefore, drinking tea in moderation is key.

Overall, drinking tea has some benefits for kidney health, but drinking too much can be counterproductive. Drinking tea in moderation can not only enjoy the delicious taste of tea, but also protect kidney health.

Pig's trotters become a "killer" of kidney failure? Many old people will make the mistake of eating these things to raise their kidneys!


Through this consultation, Wang Dawei learned that pig's trotters are not the best food choice for kidney health, and that some healthier foods should be chosen to maintain one's kidney health. He learned to include foods such as black beans, red dates, and pumpkin in his daily diet, which are not only nutritious but also have great benefits for the kidneys.

In addition, drinking tea in moderation can also help with kidney health. Ingredients such as tea polyphenols and vitamins in tea can help detoxify the kidneys and promote metabolism, which is of great help to kidney health.

Overall, through this consultation, Wang Dawei learned a lot about kidney health and how to maintain his kidney health through daily diet. Hopefully, he will be able to apply this knowledge to his life and make his kidneys healthier.