
"A new type of gnawing at the old" is popular, and a 63-year-old aunt cried: seemingly filial children are "nightmares"


Title: "A New Breed of Gnawing the Old": A Hidden Dilemma


With the development of society and the change of family structure and lifestyle, a phenomenon known as "new gnawing the old" has gradually emerged. Compared with the traditional gnawing of the elderly, the new type of gnawing the old is more hidden, and it has a great impact on family relations and family ties. In this article, we will explore in detail the definition, characteristics, and causes of the new type of gnawing on old age, as well as its impact on family relationships, and propose corresponding coping strategies and suggestions.

"A new type of gnawing at the old" is popular, and a 63-year-old aunt cried: seemingly filial children are "nightmares"

1. Definition and characteristics of the new type of gnawing old

The new type of gnawing on the elderly refers to the fact that children rely on their parents in a seemingly filial way when they become adults, so as to achieve the purpose of continuing to enjoy parental resources. Compared with the traditional gnawing of the elderly, the new type of gnawing has the following characteristics:

1. Concealment: New behaviors of gnawing at the elderly are often hidden under the appearance of filial piety and care, and are not easy to detect. Children indirectly or directly ask their parents for resources for various reasons and methods, and parents often feel filial piety rather than pressure from their children in the process.

"A new type of gnawing at the old" is popular, and a 63-year-old aunt cried: seemingly filial children are "nightmares"

2. Universality: With the intensification of social competition, the new phenomenon of gnawing the old is common among young people. Many young people choose this way to alleviate their difficulties when faced with life stress.

3. Diversity: The new type of gnawing on the elderly can be manifested in various forms, such as children taking care of their parents, but in fact letting their parents take care of the housework; Or under the pretext of studying and career development, they rely on their parents' living resources for a long time.

2. Case study: What happened to a 63-year-old aunt

A 63-year-old aunt should enjoy her old age, but she helplessly found that her children seem to be filial, but they are actually gnawing at the old. Here's what happened to her:

The aunt's children often come home to visit, and each time they bring some gifts, which seems to be very filial on the surface. However, in fact, every time the children come back, they will complain to the aunt about the pressure of their life and confide in the unhappiness at work. In this process, the children will unconsciously ask the aunt to help solve various problems, such as taking care of grandchildren and household chores.

"A new type of gnawing at the old" is popular, and a 63-year-old aunt cried: seemingly filial children are "nightmares"

In the eyes of the aunt, the children seemed to ask for help out of helplessness, but she couldn't refuse. After a long time, the aunt felt deeply tired, and the originally beautiful old age life became worrying because of this.

Third, the reason for the new gnawing of the old

There are many reasons for the emergence of the new phenomenon of gnawing the old. The main reasons are as follows:

1. Social pressure: With the intensification of social competition, the pressure on young people in life, work, education and other aspects is increasing. In order to survive this competition, they had to seek help from their parents.

2. Changing values: The traditional concept of "raising children and preventing old age" is gradually accepted by modern society, and many young people believe that it is natural for them to continue to rely on their parents if they are able.

3. Lack of family education: Parents overspoil their children in the process of educating them, resulting in their children's lack of ability to live independently.

Fourth, the impact of the new type of gnawing on family relationships

The new phenomenon of gnawing on the elderly has had a serious impact on family relationships, which is manifested in the following points:

1. Intensified family conflicts: Parents are prone to conflicts in the process of meeting their children's needs. On the one hand, parents want their children to be able to live independently, and on the other hand, they cannot refuse their children's dependence.

2. Estranged family relationships: Children are overly dependent on their parents, which leads to the gradual weakening of the bond between them and their parents. In the long run, the feelings between family members will gradually fade.

3. Increased psychological pressure on parents: The new type of gnawing on the elderly makes parents bear great pressure in their later life, which not only prevents them from enjoying their old age, but also may lead to physical and mental health damage.

5. Coping strategies and suggestions

In view of the new phenomenon of gnawing the elderly, the following coping strategies and suggestions:

1. Family education: In the process of educating their children, parents should pay attention to cultivating their children's ability to live independently, so that they can learn to face the pressure of life.

2. Policy guidance: The government and all sectors of society should pay attention to the new phenomenon of gnawing at the elderly, and provide more development opportunities and support for young people by formulating relevant policies.

3. Family communication: Family members should pay attention to communication, understand each other's demands, form a consensus, and deal with life pressures together.

4. Change of social attitude: Advocate the whole society to establish correct values, abandon the traditional concept of gnawing at the elderly, and respect the independent life of parents and children.

In short, the phenomenon of new gnawing on the elderly has become an important factor affecting family harmony. Only through family education, policy guidance and other efforts can we effectively deal with this problem, make family relations more harmonious, and let parents and children enjoy a better life together.