
The husband resigned because he was too tired to work the night shift, and the wife couldn't breathe when she raised her 2 children, and the family conditions were suffocating

author:Sister Xue is here again

The family pressure behind the husband's resignation


In the midst of a busy city life, every family carries its own pressures and expectations. Recently, a screenshot of the circle of friends has attracted widespread attention, the screenshot shows that a husband resigned because he was too tired to work at night, while his wife posted the hardships and difficulties of raising two children, lamenting the "suffocation" of family conditions. This phenomenon is not unique, it touches the hearts of many family members, and makes us wonder: how to balance the responsibilities and pressures in the family?

The husband resigned because he was too tired to work the night shift, and the wife couldn't breathe when she raised her 2 children, and the family conditions were suffocating


The husband's decision to resign seems simple, but it contains complex family feelings. The hard work of night shift is not only a physical challenge, but also a mental torture. The long-term irregular schedule made him physically and mentally exhausted, and he felt unable to cope with his future career and family life. And his wife is also responsible for taking care of the family and children, and her dedication and efforts are also worthy of being seen and respected.

The husband resigned because he was too tired to work the night shift, and the wife couldn't breathe when she raised her 2 children, and the family conditions were suffocating


The family is the cell of society, and each member of the family plays an indispensable role. However, in a fast-paced life, we often neglect each other's feelings and needs. The husband's resignation may be a desire for a redistribution of family responsibilities, and he wants to have more time and energy to spend with his family and share the pressure of his wife. And his wife also hopes that in this way, more people can understand the hardships of housewives and call on the society to give more support and understanding.

The husband resigned because he was too tired to work the night shift, and the wife couldn't breathe when she raised her 2 children, and the family conditions were suffocating

Call to Action

In the face of all the pressures and challenges in the family, how should we act? First of all, family members should strengthen communication and understanding among themselves, and share family responsibilities. Husbands can appropriately reduce the pressure of work and spend more time with their families; The wife can also seek outside help as appropriate, such as a nanny or relative to help take care of the children. Secondly, society should also give more attention and support. The government can introduce relevant policies to reduce the financial burden on families; Enterprises can optimize the work system and reduce the number of night shifts for employees; All sectors of society can strengthen publicity and education to increase people's respect and recognition of housewives.

Dig deeper

The husband's helplessness and choice

In a competitive work environment, night shift work is often seen as a sacrifice. The husband's decision to resign, although with a certain amount of helplessness, also reflects the importance he attaches to family responsibilities and his concern for his own health. In this way, he hopes to create a better living environment for families and set a healthy and positive example for children.

The husband resigned because he was too tired to work the night shift, and the wife couldn't breathe when she raised her 2 children, and the family conditions were suffocating

The strength and calling of a wife

As another important player in the family, the wife is also under tremendous pressure. She not only has to take care of the children's daily life and learning and growth, but also deal with trivial matters and conflicts in the family. Her dedication and efforts are often overlooked and underestimated. However, she did not give up and chose to call for society's attention and respect for housewives in this way. Her strength and courage deserve our learning and admiration.

Facing together and looking forward to the future

In the face of the pressures and challenges in the family, we need to face them together and work together. Only by strengthening communication and understanding, sharing family responsibilities, and seeking external support and help can we create a better living environment for families and better conditions for children to grow up. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the recognition and respect of housewives in society, and provide them with more support and help. Let's work together to create a better future!