
What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to

author:Dr. Zhao, Chief of the Department of Internal Medicine
What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to
Aunt Zhang is a retired teacher, just over 60 years old, and her body is usually quite strong. But lately, I always feel dizzy, and sometimes even black. She decided to go to the hospital to find out. The doctor took her blood pressure and found that her blood pressure was frighteningly high.

Aunt Zhang sat in the doctor's office, looking a little nervous. The doctor smiled lightly and comforted her: "Don't be nervous, Aunt Zhang, high blood pressure is a common problem." ”

What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to

Hypertension, as a common chronic disease, has become a health problem worldwide. The risk of hypertension is not only related to the level of blood pressure, but also to the fluctuation, persistence, and comorbidities of blood pressure.

There are 4 types of hypertension that require special attention:

What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to

First, white coat high blood pressure. This type of high blood pressure is high when measured in a hospital, but normal blood pressure at home or in other relaxed settings. Although this condition may not seem serious, it actually suggests that patients are more sensitive to environmental stressors and may also have a hidden risk of hypertension in their daily lives.

If your blood pressure is high when measured in the hospital, you should also take a regular self-test after returning home to see if you have high blood pressure in your white coat.

What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to

Second, occult hypertension. This type of hypertension is characterized by normal blood pressure when measured in the hospital, but elevated blood pressure at home or in everyday life. The danger of occult hypertension is that it is often overlooked, and people who think they have normal blood pressure are actually at risk from high blood pressure.

Pay attention to changes in blood pressure in different environments, and conduct regular home self-tests to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of your blood pressure status.

What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to

Third, fluctuating hypertension. This type of hypertension is characterized by large fluctuations in blood pressure values, which may vary significantly throughout the day. Fluctuating hypertension is more harmful to the cardiovascular system because violent fluctuations in blood pressure increase the pressure on the walls of blood vessels, leading to an increased risk of hardening and rupturing of the arteries.

In daily life, it is necessary to maintain emotional stability, avoid violent mood swings, and monitor blood pressure regularly to understand blood pressure fluctuations.

What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to

Fourth, refractory hypertension. This type of hypertension patients cannot effectively control their blood pressure even after receiving three or more medications. Treatment-resistant hypertension is often associated with other chronic diseases such as diabetes and kidney disease, and patients need to undergo a comprehensive physical examination to find out the underlying cause behind hypertension.

If you find that your blood pressure is not well controlled, you must seek medical attention in time for a detailed examination and adjustment of the treatment plan.

What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Aunt Zhang's mood relaxed a lot. She realized that the management of hypertension is not only based on medication, but also requires attention to lifestyle adjustments.

The key to controlling hypertension is comprehensive management:

Including reasonable diet, moderate exercise, psychological adjustment and medication.

What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to

1. In terms of diet, the doctor advised Aunt Zhang to reduce salt intake, because a high-salt diet can lead to an increase in blood pressure. She should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, increase potassium intake, and reduce red meat and high-fat foods. Doctors also specifically mention that drinking tea in moderation can help control blood pressure, but avoid strong tea and coffee, as these drinks can stimulate the nervous system and cause blood pressure fluctuations.

2. In terms of exercise, the doctor recommended that Aunt Zhang do an appropriate amount of aerobic exercise every day, such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling. Exercise can help improve cardiovascular function and lower blood pressure. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the intensity of exercise not to be too high to avoid the burden on the heart caused by strenuous exercise.

What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to

3. Psychological adjustment is also an important aspect of controlling hypertension. The doctor reminded Aunt Zhang to maintain an optimistic attitude and avoid excessive anxiety and stress. You can relax by listening to music, reading, communicating with friends, etc. If you're feeling stressed, try relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation.

4. It is also important to have regular check-ups and take your medication on time. Hypertension is a chronic condition that requires long-term monitoring and management.

What kind of high blood pressure is most dangerous? Doctor reminds: These 4 blood pressure should pay attention to which one you belong to

Controlling high blood pressure is a long-term process that requires patience and perseverance.

High blood pressure is not terrible, as long as we master the right methods and maintain good lifestyle habits, we can effectively control blood pressure and prevent complications.

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This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspect involved in the text has nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally.

If you feel unwell, please seek help from a doctor in time!

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