
Now that society has entered the era of "5 noes", countless old people feel sad and can't figure it out

author:Lin Ciღ

In a corner of this bustling city, Li Hao, an ordinary young man, is running for life every day. The soaring housing prices made him feel out of reach of having a home of his own, and the pressure of life made him even more anxious. He often thinks that if it weren't for these problems, he might have lived another life a long time ago.

Now that society has entered the era of "5 noes", countless old people feel sad and can't figure it out

One day, Li Hao happened to see a discussion on social media about the "Five No's Era", and people lamented that young people are no longer willing to get married, have children, and consume, as if the whole society has fallen into a negative atmosphere. Li Hao looked at these comments with mixed feelings in his heart. He feels that he is a victim of the "Five Nos" era, but he does not fully agree with these views.

Now that society has entered the era of "5 noes", countless old people feel sad and can't figure it out

He began to take a closer look at the changes around him, and found that dishonesty seemed to be everywhere. In order to pursue profits, merchants do not hesitate to deceive consumers; People also often lie for their own benefit. Li Hao remembered when he was a child, although the society at that time was materially scarce, the trust between people was so sincere. He couldn't help but sigh, what's wrong with this society?

Now that society has entered the era of "5 noes", countless old people feel sad and can't figure it out

At the same time, Li Hao also felt the pressure of life. His work is getting busier and busier, often working overtime until late at night, and his body is gradually overwhelmed. He saw many of his peers working desperately to make a living, and some even lost their lives because of it. Li Hao couldn't help but ask himself, is this kind of life really worth it?

Now that society has entered the era of "5 noes", countless old people feel sad and can't figure it out

In the family, Li Hao also saw the phenomenon of unfilial piety. His parents worked hard to provide for him to go to college. Now, however, they can only live a poor life in their hometown. Although Li Hao wanted to take them to live in the city, the high housing prices discouraged him. He was very chilled to see that some people were very fond of their pets but indifferent to their parents.

Now that society has entered the era of "5 noes", countless old people feel sad and can't figure it out

One night, Li Hao worked overtime until late to go home. He lay on the bed, looking out the window at the night sky, his heart full of confusion. He remembered the dreams and aspirations of his childhood, but now he felt farther and farther away from them. Just then, his cell phone rang, and it was a call from his mother. His mother asked him about his physical condition and work with concern, which made him feel a burst of warmth.

Now that society has entered the era of "5 noes", countless old people feel sad and can't figure it out

After hanging up the phone, Li Hao fell into deep thought. He realized he couldn't go on like this. He decided to make a change, first of all, to focus on his physical health and stop working hard. He quit the job that had exhausted him and found a relatively light job. He began to focus on exercise and diet to gradually restore his health.

Now that society has entered the era of "5 noes", countless old people feel sad and can't figure it out

At the same time, Li Hao also began to pay attention to the family. He often called his parents to ask them about their physical condition and living conditions, and planned to pick them up to live in the city. He knows it takes a lot of effort, but he's willing to work for his family.

Now that society has entered the era of "5 noes", countless old people feel sad and can't figure it out

In terms of socializing, Li Hao also began to become more sincere and kind. He no longer lies or deceives others for personal gain, but is honest with everyone and everything. His actions also affected those around him, who began to re-examine their values and behaviors.

After a period of hard work, Li Hao's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. He no longer feels lost and anxious, but is full of hope and motivation. He believes that together we can create a better future if everyone is honest about life, cares about others, and strives to pursue their dreams.