
Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

author:Aru, who loves to drive tanks
Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

Text丨Aru, who loves to drive tanks

Editor丨Aru, who loves to drive tanks


In a complex era, we are always inevitably affected by the international situation.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

Behind the games between countries around the world, some important international issues have also become the focus of people's attention. As a major country with global influence, Russia has always played an important role in international affairs.

Recently, some of Russia's moves have once again sparked heated discussions in the outside world, and to a certain extent, this is also related to Russia's defense policy.

In this regard, some statements by the new Russian defense minister have also attracted people's attention. What kind of statement sparked heated discussions in the outside world? As an ordinary observer, how do we make sense of these questions?

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

"Unconventional operation" - the Russian defense minister vaguely pointed out two difficult problems

Since ancient times, contradictions and conflicts between countries have been unavoidable, and it is difficult for the positions and interests of various countries to be completely unified on some major international hotspot issues. It is precisely for this reason that in international affairs, blind "peace negotiations" and "diplomatic mediation" may not achieve the desired results in response to these problems, and as a result, some countries may adopt their own ways to realize their national interests. However, this approach may directly contradict the "norms" and "laws" recognized by the international community and be criticized by the outside world.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

In response to the recent military movements of the US military, the Russian Defense Minister openly mentioned the term "unconventional action." The so-called "unconventional actions" obviously refer to some special ways and means to demonstrate Russia's military strength to the United States. The fact that "unconventional actions" can be mentioned openly by Putin, and on important occasions, is interesting in itself. Previously, public opinion had been speculating about what kind of response Russia would take. And now, the statement of the Russian Emperor seems to be in the hands of the outside world, and it also makes the international community feel a kind of "tension" and "uncertainty".

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

In fact, it is not difficult to interpret the statement of the Russian Emperor, and the reason why he dared to openly talk about "unconventional actions" is obviously because Russia is not lagging behind in military terms. On the contrary, Russia has always been in the lead in the research and development and deployment of some strategic weapons. Therefore, when the United States repeatedly "points fingers" at Russia, the Russian authorities will inevitably take corresponding measures to "retaliate" and give other countries a wake-up call.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

In addition, the Russian defense minister's public talk about "unconventional actions" is on the one hand to "show strength" to the United States, and on the other hand, it is also to give other countries a "reference." In international affairs, no country can always be in a weak position, and only with strong military strength and "hardcore" means can it be qualified to "speak" on certain issues.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

If the Russian Defense Minister's incessant talk about "unconventional actions" will bring some worries to the international community, then the two major problems that he has vaguely solved are all the more worthy of people's deep thought. As a matter of fact, in international affairs, there are thousands of "ways to use troops," and in some complex international contradictions and disputes, it is very difficult for countries to properly resolve the problems through "peaceful means." Therefore, in the process of safeguarding their own national interests, some countries may adopt a "hard-hitting" attitude, which is bound to have a certain impact on international peace and security.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

The two major problems he publicly solved were actually like lighting a light for everyone around the world to see clearly. First of all, there is the issue of "nuclear deterrence", and as a high-ranking general with rich knowledge of national defense and military affairs, Shoigu is of course well aware of the importance of "nuclear deterrence". "Nuclear deterrence", as the name suggests, is to deter the reckless actions of other countries, protect their own national interests, and ensure regional peace and stability by possessing powerful nuclear weapons capabilities.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

In fact, the so-called "nuclear deterrence" is based on a kind of "balance" and "fear mentality", and only when confronted with a powerful nuclear power will other countries seriously consider the consequences and will not act rashly. In the famous "nuclear submarine" military exercise, Russia sent a clear signal to the world that only with a strong strategic nuclear submarine force can the "nuclear deterrence" strategy really take root and give other countries enough "deterrence".

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

Second, there is the issue of "defensive dialogue", which can certainly be "demonstrated" against a certain country by "unconventional actions", but if we want to truly solve some difficult problems, we still need to achieve it through "dialogue" and "communication". "Defensive dialogue" is exactly the message that Shoigu wants to convey to the world. "Defensive dialogue" is not the same as "concession" and "weakness", but requires all countries to think calmly, formulate rational national defense policies, maintain strategic stability, and jointly safeguard regional peace and development.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

By solving these two major problems, Shoigu has actually sent a clear signal to the international community that only when all countries in the world can seriously face these two major problems can it be possible to take a new step in the field of military security. Whether it is a nuclear issue or an arms race, all countries need to work together to find effective ways to solve the problem and build a closer international arms control cooperation system.

Maintaining peace and stability in the region - Russia has something to say

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

Some people believe that Russia's statement is too "reckless" and will bring unnecessary "panic" and "tension" to the international community; Some people also believe that Shoigu's statement is very "graceful" and that both the issue of "nuclear deterrence" and the issue of "defensive dialogue" can be "understood" by the outside world.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

As a matter of fact, as a soldier with rich experience in actual combat, the Russian defense minister has faced the problem head-on and publicly conveyed information, which will certainly cause some diplomatic turmoil to a certain extent, but it will also bring some "benefits" to the international community. If certain countries have always been skeptical about Russia's military movements and believe that Russia may take certain "unauthorized actions," then the statements of the Russian authorities can undoubtedly give these countries a "positive example."

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

In addition, the Russian Defense Minister's open talk about "nuclear deterrence" and "defensive dialogue" is also very likely to become a "catalyst" for some countries to really think deeply about these two important issues. After all, in today's world, although there are some differences and contradictions between major powers, no matter what the issue is, it is necessary for mutual understanding and tolerance among countries to find a "balance point" and maintain peace and stability in the region and the world.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

Just as the Russian Defense Minister said, "dialogue" does not mean "compromise," and only through "dialogue" and "consultation" on an equal footing can all countries truly find out where each other's core interests lie and avoid the occurrence of "war." Cooperation in the field of arms control is an "important starting point" for countries to strengthen trust-building, and only when they have a solid foundation of mutual trust can countries "rest assured" of each other.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

Of course, the statement of the Russian defense minister is just a "small pebble" in the international military security issue, and in order to truly solve some difficult problems, it is necessary for all countries in the world to make joint efforts. Whether it is Russia, the United States, or other major powers, "unconventional actions" can certainly "amaze" for a while, but only through "dialogue" and "cooperation" can all countries move towards true "peace and development".

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

The outside world will never stop speculating and interpreting Russia's every move, and we, as ordinary observers, have no ability to directly influence the direction of international affairs. However, through thinking and discussing some major events and issues, perhaps some people can be inspired and touched, so that more people can be aware of the "chess game" in international affairs, so that they can cherish the current time of peace even more.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!

Military security issues involve the "fundamental interests" of every country and people, and we have no reason to ignore them, but we should study and understand them with a positive attitude, and we can also discuss relevant issues with our friends, actively participate in them, and contribute our own strength to the cause of international peace.

Shoigu never dreamed that the Russian Defense Minister would solve two major problems before he came to power! What a professional!