
Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

author:Little dragon talk

This time, Wang Xiaofei is not a vegetarian. At the trial on May 20, he directly named Da S and asked her to appear in court in person, and not to hide behind the lawyer's back to spread the word.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

This scene is simply a courtroom version of a variety show, who can guess what amazing performances will be next?

The big drama of the trial, Wang Xiaofei is domineering!

The atmosphere of the trial was as warm as a movie premiere, and everyone was looking forward to the showdown between Wang Xiaofei and Da S.

Wang Xiaofei's performance today was completely different from usual, he looked scrappy, as if he wanted to uncover all the mysteries.

He pointed directly at Big S, and his voice revealed a determination to solve the problem.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

He complained that Big S always likes to solve problems through legal means, but rarely comes forward in person, which makes him feel a little dissatisfied.

He even questioned Big S, why don't you pay more attention to your children, what's the point of repeated lawsuits? This remark caused a lot of discussion at the scene, and some people supported Wang Xiaofei's statement, believing that Da S should indeed pay more attention to the growth of children, rather than indulging in legal battles.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

While others believe that the law is a way to resolve disputes, and there is nothing wrong with Big S's approach.

The atmosphere of the trial became even more tense, as if a bigger spark could erupt at any moment.

Wang Xiaofei flashed her sword and pointed at the sinister mind of Big S!

At the scene of the trial, Wang Xiaofei's dissatisfaction with Big S was overflowing.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

He unabashedly mentioned that Da S and her current husband refused to appear in court on the grounds of physical discomfort while strolling in the park, which in his opinion was disrespectful to the court and everyone present.

He bluntly pointed out that Big S's behavior is not in the pursuit of justice, but in the pursuit of personal interests and satisfaction.

This remark caused an uproar at the trial scene, and some people expressed their agreement with Wang Xiaofei's point of view, believing that Da S's behavior was unfair and detrimental to the dignity of the court;

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

Others think that Wang Xiaofei is exaggerating and exaggerating the seriousness of the problem.

What's even more surprising is that Wang Xiaofei also questioned Big S's cultural literacy and business ability.

He believes that Big S is unable to cope with various challenges in reality and does not have the ability to solve problems.

The remarks sparked more discussion among those present, with some arguing that Ms. Wang's words were too sharp and should not have brought personal attacks into the trial.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

Others said that Wang Xiaofei's questioning may have some justification, because Big S, as a public figure, should have higher cultural literacy and coping ability.

Wang Xiaofei's criticism of Big S continues to escalate!

At the trial, Wang Xiaofei not only criticized Da S's personal behavior, but even his mother Zhang Lan also stood up to "help" and bluntly said that Da S's behavior was unbearable.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

The two of them agreed that Da S's entanglement with his ex-husband was too much, and he was still involved in his ex-husband's affairs even after marriage, which was unacceptable.

They pointed out that what Big S did not only showed her selfishness, but also made her image worse.

In the atmosphere of the trial, Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan's remarks resonated with more people.

Some of the audience present agreed with their opinion, believing that Big S's behavior has indeed crossed the bottom line of morality and behavior, and needs to be condemned and stopped.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

But there are also some who have reservations, believing that this may only be a party to the trial and that more evidence is needed to substantiate it.

Netizens watched and had different views!

Netizens have a lot of discussions about this "demolition" of celebrity couples.

Some people praised Wang Xiaofei's courage, thinking that he dared to speak out against Big S and showed his firm position, which is impressive.

They believe that in this trial, Wang Xiaofei showed true manhood and responsibility.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

However, there are also people who question Big S's behavior pattern, believing that she is always entangled and pursuing personal satisfaction, which is disgusting.

They think that Big S is too selfish and emotional when dealing with her ex-husband and family affairs, and lacks the maturity and rationality she deserves.

However, there are also some netizens who are neutral, believing that this is their private matter and outsiders do not need to interfere too much.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

They believe that conflicts and disputes in marriage should be resolved by the parties themselves, rather than publicly exposed through court hearings.

These netizens pay more attention to the legal details of the case and the fairness of the trial, rather than the personal grievances between celebrity couples.

Public opinion is spreading across the Internet!

This celebrity dispute was not only staged in court, but also caused an uproar on the Internet.

Supporters and critics have launched a fierce confrontation on major social platforms, pointing the finger at each other, and for a while, neither of them will show weakness or admit defeat.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

On social platforms, supporters have called for their idols, expressing their support and encouragement, believing that they have the courage to be righteous and dare to defend their rights.

They spread messages, pictures and videos to each other in an attempt to gain more voice and support for their side.

Not to be outdone, critics insist on harshly criticizing and accusing the other side, pointing out all kinds of inappropriate behaviors and remarks, in an attempt to let the public see the truth of the incident more clearly.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

They use various methods to dissect and expose each other's flaws and mistakes, in order to make people have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the incident.

The strife continues, and the future is full of uncertainties!

Whatever the end result of this conflict, it will become an integral part of their life journey, shaping their future image and destiny.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

As bystanders, we should look at all this with respect and tolerance, understanding and accepting everyone's choices and positions, because everyone has their own story and background, and perhaps we don't know everything.

However, we also cannot ignore the impact their actions have on the public's perception of them.

As public figures, their words and deeds are not only related to individuals, but also to the interests and values of the public.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

As a result, their actions will inevitably be scrutinized and judged by the public.


The continuous fermentation of this dispute has brought people to think and reflect.

Whether you support Wang Xiaofei or Big S, I hope they can properly solve the problem and find their own happiness and peace.

Wang Xiaofei was furious! Taiwan media broke the news that the court held on May 20 to ask Da S to appear in court for a face-to-face confrontation, and the comment area was fried

At the same time, it is expected that they can create a healthy and happy environment for children to grow up.

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