
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!

author:Millennial Fun Talk
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!

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Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!
Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!

In the journey of life, we will meet all kinds of people. Some people can bring us joy, energy, and growth, while others can leave us feeling tired, depressed, and even consumed. After engaging with these people, we may find that our mood, energy, and confidence are affected. So, what are the characteristics of these interpersonal consumers that cause us to feel "consumed"? As a professional article blogger, I will reveal the mystery for you with vivid language and professional writing techniques.

First, let's get to know these human consumers. They could be someone in our lives, or they could be a colleague, boss, or client we meet at work. No matter who they are, they all have one thing in common: their actions and attitudes can negatively affect our emotions and energy.

These interpersonal consumers may exhibit the following characteristics:

1. **Communicators of negativity**: They are always full of negative energy, complaining, and full of dissatisfaction with life. With them, you can easily become infected by their negativity and thus become depressed as well.

2. **Vampires who over-take**: They only know how to take, but they never give. Whether it's time, energy, or resources, they always want more from you without considering your feelings and needs.

3. **Extremely controlling overlords**: They try to control your thoughts, actions, and emotions to make you do what they want. With them, you will feel that you have lost your freedom and independence.

4. **Lack of empathy apathy**: They have a hard time understanding your feelings and needs, turning a blind eye to your pain and difficulties. Communicate with them, and you will feel neglected and left out.

5. **Critics who like to criticize and blame**: They are always critical of your words and actions, criticizing your shortcomings and mistakes. With them, you will feel that you are never good enough and lack self-confidence.

6. **Self-centered egoists**: They only care about their own interests and needs and never consider the feelings and interests of others. Work with them, and you'll find yourself always giving in to their interests.

Getting along with these interpersonal consumers can have a lot of negative consequences, such as:

1. **Emotional exhaustion**: Their negativity and criticism can make us feel depressed, anxious, and stressed, and being in this state for a long time can lead to emotional exhaustion.

2. **Energy Consumption**: Their excessive demand and control can make us feel exhausted, affecting our productivity and quality of life.

3. Weakened self-confidence: Their criticism and accusations can make us doubt our abilities and lower our self-confidence and self-esteem.

4. Relationship tension: Their desire for control and egoism can ruin our relationships with others, leading to tension and conflict in relationships.

So, how do we identify and respond to these human consumers? Here are some suggestions:

1. **Observe their behavior**: By observing their words and actions, learn about their behavior patterns and the way they treat others. Pay attention to whether they often exhibit characteristics such as negativity, excessive demanding, and a strong desire for control.

2. **Listen to your feelings**: When you spend time with them, pay attention to your inner feelings. If you feel tired, depressed, or consumed, then you may need to keep your distance from them.

3. Set boundaries: Be clear about your bottom line and principles, and don't let them overdemand their time, energy, and resources. Learn to say "no" and stand firm for your boundaries.

4. Keep your distance: If spending time with them will negatively affect you, consider reducing your contact with them and keeping a certain distance.

5. **Learn to Communicate**: If you have to communicate with them, then learn to use effective communication skills such as listening, expressing your opinions, avoiding arguments, etc.

6. Seek support: Keep in touch with other people who support you, such as family, friends, or co-workers. Share your feelings and experiences with them and seek their support and advice.

7. Focus on your own growth: Don't let their actions and attitudes affect your growth and progress. Focus on your goals and dreams, and strive to improve your abilities and qualities.

Finally, let's remember that life is good, but there will also be some not-so-good people. Keeping your distance from interpersonal consumers is not an escapism, but rather a way to protect your emotions and energy. Let's work with positive, optimistic people to create a living environment full of positive energy.

Let's move on to a deeper dive into how to identify and respond to interpersonal consumers.

In addition to the characteristics and effects mentioned above, interpersonal consumers may also exhibit the following behaviors:

1. They always like to criticize and blame others, but never reflect on their own problems.

2. They are good at manipulating and controlling others, using threats, intimidation, or other means to achieve their own ends.

3. They lack a sense of responsibility and are not responsible for their actions and consequences.

4. They like to play right and wrong, speak ill of others behind their backs, and destroy other people's relationships.

5. They are filled with jealousy and resentment towards the success and happiness of others, rather than being happy for others.

Spending time with these people can make us feel very tired and depressed, and can even affect our physical and mental health. Therefore, we need to learn to recognize these interpersonal consumers and take appropriate measures to protect ourselves.

So, how do you identify these interpersonal consumers? Here are some ways to do it:

1. Observe their words and actions. Pay attention to how they treat others and whether they often show characteristics such as negativity, excessive demanding, and a strong desire to control.

2. Listen to your inner feelings. Pay attention to your emotional and physical reactions as you spend time with them. If you're feeling tired, frustrated, or consumed, then you may need to keep your distance from them.

3. Know their past and present. Learn about their life experiences and relationships by communicating with them or observing their social media. If they are often in conflict or unpleasant with others, then it may be necessary to be cautious about relating to them.

4. Pay attention to their behavior patterns. Observe how they behave in different contexts and see if there is consistency. If they exhibit similar behaviors on different occasions, then vigilance may be required.

5. Seek the advice of others. Communicate with others and listen to what they think and say about the person. Their views may give you some inspiration.

Once you've identified interpersonal consumers, the next step is to take steps to deal with them. Here are some suggestions:

1. Set boundaries. Be clear about your boundaries and principles, and don't let them excessively demand or encroach on your boundaries. Learn to say "no" and stand firm for your boundaries.

2. Keep your distance. Minimize contact with them and avoid being alone with them. If you must socialize with them, try to stay in public and limit the timing and frequency of interactions.

3. Learn to say no. Don't be afraid to say no to their requests or requests, and be brave enough to say "no" if you don't feel comfortable or unable to meet their needs.

4. Stay sane. Don't be influenced by their emotions and behavior, stay calm and sane. Don't get into arguments or conflicts with them and avoid emotional reactions.

5. Seek support. Keep in touch with other people who support you, such as family, friends, or colleagues. Share your feelings and experiences with them and seek their support and advice.

6. Focus on your own growth. Don't let their actions and attitudes affect your growth and progress. Focus on your goals and dreams, and strive to improve your abilities and qualities.

7. Consider ending the relationship. If the relationship with them has had a significant impact on your physical and mental health and cannot be improved by other means, then it may be necessary to consider ending the relationship.

Finally, let's look at a specific example. Suppose you have a colleague who always likes to criticize and blame others, but never reflects on his own problems. Every time you work with him, you will feel very tired and depressed, and it will even affect your work efficiency and mood. In this case, you can do the following:

1. Observe his words and actions and pay attention to how he treats others.

2. Listen to your inner feelings and pay attention to your emotional and physical reactions when you are with him.

3. Learn about his past and present, through communication with him or by observing his social media, about his life experiences and relationships.

4. Pay attention to his behavior patterns and observe whether there is consistency in his behavior in different situations.

5. Seek the opinions of others, communicate with other colleagues, and listen to their opinions and evaluations of the person.

Through the above methods, you may find that he is indeed an interpersonal consumer. Next, you can take the following steps to deal with him:

1. Set boundaries, be clear about your boundaries and principles, and don't let him excessively demand or encroach on your boundaries.

2. Keep your distance, minimize contact with him, and avoid being alone with him.

3. Learn to say no, don't be afraid to refuse his requests or requests.

4. Stay sane, don't be influenced by his emotions and behavior, stay calm and sane.

5. Seek support and keep in touch with other people who support you, such as family, friends, or colleagues.

6. Focus on your own growth and don't let his actions and attitudes affect your growth and progress.

By taking these measures, you can effectively protect yourself from being consumed by interpersonal consumers. At the same time, you can also influence them through your own behavior and attitudes to help them change their behavior.

In conclusion, distancing yourself from people is an important measure to protect your physical and mental health. By identifying their characteristics and behaviours and taking appropriate measures to deal with them, we can avoid being consumed by them and maintain a positive mindset and good interpersonal relationships. Let's stay away from interpersonal consumers and surround ourselves with positive, optimistic people to create a living environment full of positive energy.

Why do you feel "consumed" as soon as you come into contact with some people, netizens' answers are sad!