
The bonus is 50,000 yuan, and he was sent to his brother-in-law by his wife, husband: Go to your brother's house for a happy reunion during the New Year

author:Reasonable family affairs

In this quiet small community, Li Qiang and Li Juan's small home is particularly warm. The first rays of the morning sun shine on the bedroom curtains, Li Juan will stretch lazily, and Li Qiang has already prepared breakfast, and a warm smile greets his wife's wake-up. "Wife, your loving breakfast is here." Li Qiang's voice is always so peaceful and gentle.

On weekend afternoons, the two always like to take a walk in the garden of the community. While pruning the flowers, Li Juan shares her gardening secrets with her husband. "Husband, look how bright these flowers are." Li Juan pointed to a bush of delicate roses, her eyes full of childlike joy.

During the working day, Li Qiang is always engaged in work, while Li Juan is busy with housework, but they never complain about each other. As a diligent employee, he received an unexpected bonus, which was a reward of 50,000 yuan for his hard work in the past year. When Li Qiang excitedly told Li Juan the good news, Li Juan was also extremely proud and happy for her husband. "Husband, you deserve it!" Li Juan hugged her husband tightly, and the two of them were wrapped in gratitude.

They began to plan a use for the windfall. Li Juan hopes to use the money to renovate the kitchen, and she has a dream of becoming a master chef. "Husband, I want a better oven and that multi-purpose blender so I can cook more delicious dishes for you." Li Juan's eyes were full of longing, as if she had seen her future as a master chef.

The bonus is 50,000 yuan, and he was sent to his brother-in-law by his wife, husband: Go to your brother's house for a happy reunion during the New Year

Li Qiang has other plans, he wants to use the money to buy some new furniture for his family. "Wife, our sofa is old, how about a new set? We could also have a bigger TV. "Although everyone has their own little ideas, they are all for this small family to be more warm and beautiful.

However, plans always fail to catch up with changes, and while they are immersed in joy and planning for the future, Li Juan's mobile phone rings. It was her brother Wang Lei who called, she looked at the display, took a breath and picked up the phone. "Brother, what's wrong?" Wang Lei's anxious and heavy voice came from the other side of the phone, and he was in some financial trouble.

Through the phone, Li Juan learned that her younger brother Wang Lei's company had been operating poorly recently, owing a large amount of debt, and it was about to reach the deadline for repayment, but it was suffering from no working capital. "Sister, I really have no choice, see if you can lend me some money first to save the emergency." Wang Lei's voice was full of despair.

Li Juan's heart suddenly crumbled, and her soft-heartedness and insistence on family affection put her in a dilemma. "Husband, my brother is in a very bad situation now, can we..." she looked at Li Qiang, there was a trace of expectation in her eyes, but she couldn't bear it.

The bonus is 50,000 yuan, and he was sent to his brother-in-law by his wife, husband: Go to your brother's house for a happy reunion during the New Year

The story of a quiet day is like this, and with this sudden turmoil, the warm atmosphere begins to quietly change. Just when Li Qiang and Li Juan were hesitating about this sudden choice, the old camphor tree in the community stood quietly, as if witnessing every choice and challenge of the couple in the future.

Li Qiang and Li Juan are sitting in the warm living room, sipping the coffee made by Li Juan herself, while discussing how to use this sudden bonus. Li Juan thought that she could use this money to realize the cooking class she dreamed of, she looked at Li Qiang, her eyes were full of anticipation: "Husband, can I use this money to sign up for the cooking school I have always longed for?" I really want to improve my cooking skills. ”

Li Qiang smiled slightly and nodded in support: "Wife, the most important thing is that you are happy, as long as you are happy, you can use it no matter what." Just as the two of them were immersed in the beautiful fantasy of the future, the ringing of the mobile phone interrupted the silence of the moment. A missed caller ID was from Li Juan's younger brother Wang Lei.

The phone rang, and Li Juan's heart was uneasy, as if she had a premonition that this phone call would bring bad news. "Brother, how are you doing?" When Li Juan answered the phone with a puzzled tone, Wang Lei's anxious and helpless voice came from the other side of the phone, telling about his troubles and difficulties.

The bonus is 50,000 yuan, and he was sent to his brother-in-law by his wife, husband: Go to your brother's house for a happy reunion during the New Year

After listening to her brother's narration, Li Juan couldn't reply immediately, and she felt an unprecedented pressure. She hung up the phone and turned to Li Qiang: "Husband, something is wrong with my brother, his company's business is not good, and he may need some money turnover." Her brow furrowed, revealing her inner tangle.

Li Qiang frowned, he didn't know what to do for a while, he knew that Li Juan attached great importance to his family, but he was also a little hesitant: "Wife, what about our own life plan?" We've been planning for that money for a long time. The conversation between the two gradually fell silent, and the original warm atmosphere of the home slowly dissipated, replaced by a kind of depression of word poverty.

The balance in Li Juan's heart kept swaying, on the one hand, it was the love and expectation of the family, and on the other hand, the concern for her blood brother. She walked to the window and looked into the distance, her heart full of infinite thoughts.

Outside the window, the autumn breeze is blowing, and the leaves are falling. Li Qiang walked over and hugged her gently: "Wife, when the family is in difficulty, we can help." Looking at Li Juan's choked back, Li Qiang decided to compromise.

The bonus is 50,000 yuan, and he was sent to his brother-in-law by his wife, husband: Go to your brother's house for a happy reunion during the New Year

However, the inner contradiction was not resolved, and every time in the dead of night, the two of them were thinking about whether the money should really be given to Wang Lei. Between the two, there is an invisible barrier, and the unreserved communication that used to be has become less and less.

As the days passed in such silence, Li Juan occasionally spoke to Wang Lei on the phone to confirm his situation and try to find other solutions. Although Li Qiang didn't say anything on the surface, he was quietly accumulating dissatisfaction in his heart.

Until one day, Wang Lei begged his sister for help again, and this time his tone was more urgent. Li Juan held the phone, bit her lip, and looked at Li Qiang with her eyes pleading. Li Qiang took a deep breath, and the scales in his heart were already tilted. He realized that this would be a turning point in the family's history, an important moment to test the couple's feelings and family harmony.

After a series of psychological struggles, Li Juan finally made a decision, she took a deep breath and slowly spoke: "Husband, I want to give the money to my younger brother, I know that this means that our plans are to be postponed, but family always comes first. When Li Qiang heard this, there seemed to be a small family they had carefully built together in front of him. There are still many plans and dreams in life, and they promise each other to work together to achieve them, but this time they have to make concessions.

The bonus is 50,000 yuan, and he was sent to his brother-in-law by his wife, husband: Go to your brother's house for a happy reunion during the New Year

"Wife, I understand you and want to support you." Although Li Qiang's voice was a little helpless and lost. He turned his head, not wanting Li Juan to see his lost expression, but he couldn't hide the pain in his heart.

In this home, the previous warmth and harmony were replaced by a sudden coldness. There was no more laughter between the two, replaced by a wordless dinner and evasive glances at each other. Home, a place that is supposed to be a warm harbor, is now filled with the sound of silent breathing.

Until one evening, the two happened to sit on the balcony together, watching the sunset slowly sink, Li Qiang suddenly spoke: "Wife, this year's New Year, let's go to your brother's house for a happy gathering." Li Juan was stunned, she didn't expect Li Qiang to make such a proposal, she looked up and saw a faint smile on Li Qiang's face.

"But, our plan..."Li Juan's tone was full of hesitation and uneasiness. Wife, the family still has to be reunited. Li Qiang interrupted her, "We can plan and work harder, but the warmth of family affection cannot be measured by money." Our little family will not fall apart because of this challenge, on the contrary, it will make our relationship stronger. ”

The bonus is 50,000 yuan, and he was sent to his brother-in-law by his wife, husband: Go to your brother's house for a happy reunion during the New Year

A trace of tears flashed in Li Juan's eyes, and she grabbed Li Qiang's hand tightly: "Husband, thank you, I was wrong, I should have discussed with you earlier." You're always so considerate. Li Qiang patted the back of her hand lightly and responded: "Wife, no need to say thank you, we are a family." ”

Although this experience left some scratches in both Li Qiang and Li Juan's hearts, they understood that as long as they trust and tolerate each other, nothing cannot be overcome. This Chinese New Year is not only a gathering of family affection, but also a proof of the strong relationship between the two.

As time passed, the icy atmosphere gradually dissipated, replaced by a deeper understanding and support for the family. Although the future is unknown, as long as the two are together, the small family will always be full of love and warmth.

The bell of the Spring Festival rang, and Li Qiang and Li Juan embarked on a journey to Wang Lei's house. Walking into the foyer of Wang Lei's house, festive red lanterns and window flowers came into view, and Li Juan's younger brother Wang Lei and his family greeted him with smiles on their faces. Wang Lei warmly took Li Juan's hand, and his joy was overflowing: "Sister, thank you, you are really my great benefactor." ”

The bonus is 50,000 yuan, and he was sent to his brother-in-law by his wife, husband: Go to your brother's house for a happy reunion during the New Year

The atmosphere in the home is warm and cheerful, and everyone's face is filled with festive joy. At the feast, the tables were filled with sumptuous meals, and the aroma of fish and the warm lights gave this mundane space a festive meaning. Children frolicked, chasing the joy and hope of the new year.

Li Juan looked at all this, although there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, her eyes were full of complicated emotions. Turning his head to look at Li Qiang, he saw that he was silently holding a wine glass, staring at the vacant seat opposite. The joyful scene did not warm Li Qiang's heart, on the contrary, a feeling of neglect slowly spread in his heart.

Li Juan asked him softly, "Husband, are you okay?" Li Qiang replied with a reluctant smile: "Wife, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired." ”

Gradually, Li Qiang realized that even having plenty of money did not necessarily bring true happiness and harmony. The most important thing is the trust and support between the wife and the family, as well as the responsibility and care for the family. In the face of such an understanding, he deeply sighed that the meaning of home is not only material richness, but also spiritual connection and spiritual resonance.

The bonus is 50,000 yuan, and he was sent to his brother-in-law by his wife, husband: Go to your brother's house for a happy reunion during the New Year

At the end of the party, when Li Qiang and Li Juan were walking home hand in hand, Li Qiang suddenly stopped, looked at Li Juan seriously, and said firmly: "Wife, no matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, we will face them together and work together." ”

Li Juan nodded movingly, with deep love in her eyes: "Husband, thank you for your tolerance and understanding." With you by my side, I am not afraid of how bumpy the road ahead may be. ”

Li Qiang held Li Juan's hand tightly, and the night wind blew, but the hearts of the two of them felt unprecedented warmth. They understand that as long as they stand firmly together and clasp their hands, there is no problem that cannot be solved, and the warmth of home and the happiness of life bloom in the company of this tacit understanding.

The windfall of Wang Lei's family finally became the cornerstone of their relationship. It is these unexpected challenges and choices that make them cherish each other more, move forward firmly, meet the unknown tomorrow, and write their own stories side by side.

The bonus is 50,000 yuan, and he was sent to his brother-in-law by his wife, husband: Go to your brother's house for a happy reunion during the New Year