
Mo Yan said: Pretending to be crazy is a red fig leaf, covering your face, all the ugly things

author:Hall of Fame

Pretending to be crazy: That reddish fig leaf

1. Introduction: The appearance and connotation of pretending to be crazy

In a complex and ever-changing society, people often face various pressures and challenges. Sometimes, in order to escape responsibility, cover up mistakes, or seek psychological comfort, people choose an extreme way to cope - feigning madness. Mo Yan once profoundly revealed in his works: "Pretending to be crazy is a red fig leaf, covering your face, and all the ugly things are covered up by an old brain." This sentence not only shows the appearance of pretending to be crazy, but also reveals the deep connotation behind it. This article will discuss in depth the symptoms, causes, effects, and coping strategies of pretending to be crazy.

Mo Yan said: Pretending to be crazy is a red fig leaf, covering your face, all the ugly things

Second, the appearance of pretending to be crazy: a red fig leaf

  1. Unusual behavior

People who play crazy tend to exhibit abnormal behaviors, such as gibberish, bizarre behavior, and emotional out-of-control. These deviant behaviors are a means of disguising their true selves, trying to distract others from their true thoughts and feelings through outward madness.

  1. The absurdity of words

The words of people who pretend to be crazy are often absurd and illogical. They may say things that don't match the reality at all, or exaggerate some inconsequential details as a way to attract the attention of others. This kind of absurd language is not only difficult to understand, but also makes people feel as if they have completely lost their minds.

  1. The extremity of emotions

People who pretend to be crazy tend to show extreme mood swings. They may burst into laughter, crying, or outbursts, making it difficult to grasp their true emotions. The extremity of this emotion is a tactic they employ in order to cover up their true feelings inside, trying to divert the attention of others through extreme emotional expressions.

3. The reason for pretending to be crazy: evasion and cover-up

  1. Evading responsibility and punishment

Some people choose to feign madness in order to avoid responsibility and punishment. When they realize that they have made a mistake or committed a crime, in order to avoid the consequences, they may choose to feign madness to escape legal sanctions or moral condemnation. This avoidance makes them feel that they can escape all responsibility and punishment by pretending to be crazy.

  1. Disguise your true self

Some people choose to play crazy in order to disguise their true selves. They may be resentful or upset about their true identity, character, or behavior, and therefore choose to cover up these deficiencies by playing crazy. They want to distract others from their outward madness and thus avoid revealing their true colors.

  1. Seek psychological comfort

Some people choose to play crazy in order to seek psychological comfort. They may have suffered a huge blow or setback in their lives and felt helpless and hopeless. In this case, they may choose to feign madness to escape the pain and distress of reality, and seek a kind of psychological solace and relief through crazy behavior.

Mo Yan said: Pretending to be crazy is a red fig leaf, covering your face, all the ugly things

Fourth, the effect of pretending to be crazy: the double-edged sword effect

  1. Positive impact: Escape from short-term hardships

Pretending to be crazy can really help people escape short-term predicaments to some extent. When faced with unbearable stress or predicament, playing crazy can temporarily distract others and give yourself a brief respite. This escape, though short-lived, is a necessary psychological buffer for some.

  1. Negative effects: long-term damage and self-disorientation

However, the long-term effects of feigning madness are negative. First of all, playing crazy for a long time can take a toll on an individual's physical and mental health. Continued madness is not only physically exhausting, but also traumatizing to the psyche. Second, playing crazy for a long time can lead to an individual's self-disorientation. When a person hides his true face for a long time, he may gradually forget his true identity and values, and thus fall into a kind of predicament from which he cannot extricate himself.

5. Coping strategies: face the truth and seek support

  1. Confront your true self

To deal with the problem of feigning madness, you must first face your true self. We need to be brave enough to face our shortcomings and mistakes, rather than avoiding or covering them up by pretending to be crazy. Only when we dare to face our true selves can we find ways and means to solve problems.

  1. Seek support and help

When faced with adversity and challenges, we should not go it alone. Instead, we should actively seek the support and help of others. Sharing our confusion and pain with family, friends, or professionals, and listening to their advice and opinions, can help us better cope with problems and find solutions to them.

  1. Establish a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is essential to deal with the problem of playing crazy. We need to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet and exercise moderately to maintain physical and mental health. At the same time, we also need to learn to regulate our emotions and stress and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

  1. Seek professional treatment

If the problem of feigning madness seriously affects the quality of life and work of the individual, we should seek professional treatment. A psychologist or psychiatrist can help us identify the problem and provide effective treatment options. With professional therapy and support, we can gradually get rid of the problem of pretending to be crazy and rediscover our true selves.

Mo Yan said: Pretending to be crazy is a red fig leaf, covering your face, all the ugly things

6. Conclusion: Face up to and transcend the dilemma of pretending to be crazy

Playing crazy is a way to escape reality, but it doesn't really solve the problem. On the contrary, it will only lead us deeper into trouble. Therefore, we need to face up to the problem of pretending to be crazy and be brave enough to face our true selves. By seeking support, establishing a healthy lifestyle and seeking professional treatment, we can gradually move beyond pretending to be crazy and find our own path to happiness and success.