
Zhang Weiwei: a vassal of power, not the spokesman of the people



In recent years, with the continuous development of society, public opinion has also emerged in an endless stream of discussions. In the eyes of some people, public knowledge is the elite of society, and their remarks and opinions can often arouse heated discussions in society and promote some problems to be better solved. However, there are also some people who have a skeptical attitude towards public knowledge, they believe that the current public knowledge has deviated from its original intention, and has become a vassal of power in the service of power, only praising authority on the back and ignoring the suffering and demands of ordinary people.

Indeed, in the current society, we can see all kinds of public knowledge, some of which have become social stars through their own efforts and struggles, and their remarks and opinions can influence and lead a large number of people. However, there are also some people who are known to have not stood on the side of the people, but have become vassals of power for the sake of their own interests, defending some irrational phenomena and policies, and even giving some wrong guidance and incitement.

Zhang Weiwei: a vassal of power, not the spokesman of the people

1. What is the essence of public knowledge?

Gongzhi, as the name suggests, is a person with a certain knowledge reserve and social influence. In social life, public knowledge often plays an important role in leading public opinion and promoting social progress. Through their words and actions, they can let more people understand the real situation of society, pay attention to some important social issues, speak for the people, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

It can be said that the essence of public knowledge is to become the spokesperson of the people, they should stand on the position of the people, care about the people's weal and woe and demands, bravely point out the problems and injustices in society, and fight and shout for the interests of the people. Only in this way can public knowledge truly win the trust and respect of the masses of the people and play a positive role in promoting social development and progress.

Zhang Weiwei: a vassal of power, not the spokesman of the people

2. Why is the current public knowledge only sycophant?

However, with the continuous change and development of society, some public intellectuals seem to have deviated from their essential roles and began to serve power, becoming vassals of power, only good at sycophants and praising authority, while ignoring the sufferings and demands of ordinary people.

So, why has the current public knowledge become like this? In fact, the reason behind this is inextricably linked to the pattern of social interests.

First of all, the pressure of social competition is very great now, and in order to stand out in the fierce competition, some public intellectuals have to choose to compromise and pander, become "loyal fans" of power, obtain some benefits and resources by patting on the back and touting authority, and protect their status and interests from being violated.

Second, some public intellectuals may be full of dissatisfaction and despair with reality, and they feel that even if they issue criticism and suggestions, they will not be able to change any problems in reality, but will bring some trouble and distress to themselves, so they choose to "keep silent", or even "surrender", and become "accomplices" and "stability maintainers" of reality.

In addition, there are also some public intellectuals who use their social resources and influence to become "disciples" and "spokesmen" of power, defend some unreasonable phenomena and policies, and obtain rich returns.

Zhang Weiwei: a vassal of power, not the spokesman of the people

Third, this kind of public knowledge is meaningless to society and the people

Whatever the reason, this kind of public knowledge that only makes a fool of itself does not mean anything to society and the people.

First of all, such public knowledge cannot become the spokesperson of the people, they will only stand on the side of power and carry out "public opinion momentum" for power, while turning a blind eye to the demands and interests of the people, which will undoubtedly exacerbate social inequality, make power more concentrated, and the voice of the people will be further ignored and marginalized.

Secondly, such public knowledge cannot really solve social problems, they will only give some wrong guidance and incitement, so that more prejudice and misunderstanding will appear in society, and will also give some lawless elements an opportunity to take advantage of it, causing a certain impact and damage to social stability and harmony.

The most important thing is that this kind of public knowledge gives the society and the people a wrong example, so that more people feel that "patting on the back" is a shortcut to success and status, and it will also make people question and reject the public knowledge group, which is actually a very big harm and obstacle to the development and progress of the whole society.


It can be seen that there are indeed some problems in the current public knowledge, and some public knowledge has deviated from their essential role and become vassals of power in the service of power, only praising authority on the back and ignoring the sufferings and demands of ordinary people.

Therefore, in the future development, we need to be more soberly aware of such problems, and we also need to give such public knowledge a certain degree of supervision and criticism, so that they can realize their mistakes, re-examine and think about their words and deeds, return to the essential role of public knowledge, and truly struggle and shout for the interests and well-being of the people.

At the same time, it is also hoped that the general public can have their own independent judgments and opinions, not blindly worship and follow some public knowledge, but also bravely voice their own voices, become a member of social issues and promote social progress, so that the voice of positive energy can spread and grow, and inject continuous impetus and hope into the development and progress of society.