
Suggestion: Entrepreneurs don't donate every day, which money is better than anything else

author:Osmanthus cake

Have you noticed that whenever there is a disaster or need for social assistance, there are always some entrepreneurs who come forward to donate, and the amount is often not small. Of course, this is a kind act worthy of respect and praise, but today Lao Hu wants to discuss with you a question that may be a little "harsh": entrepreneurs, instead of donating these money, why don't you consider giving them as bonuses to your own employees?

Let's start by looking at the benefits of donations. Donations can help those in need, boost the social image of the business, and may even bring some tax benefits. These are very positive and valuable results. But what Lao Hu wants to say is that while pursuing social value, should enterprises also pay more attention to the well-being of internal employees?

Suggestion: Entrepreneurs don't donate every day, which money is better than anything else

Employees are the most valuable asset of a business. They work hard day in and day out and put a lot of effort into the growth and success of the business. However, many times, they are not rewarded for their efforts. Slow wage growth and stingy bonuses are chilling for employees. In such a situation, the large donations of entrepreneurs, although they have won the applause of the society, may also plant the seeds of dissatisfaction in the hearts of employees.

We are not saying that donations are bad, but we are advocating for a balance. While demonstrating social responsibility, entrepreneurs should also pay attention to the actual needs of employees. A generous bonus can mean more practical things to employees, such as improving family life, reducing financial pressure, and maybe even making them more engaged and productive.

Let's talk about the importance of employee motivation. Employees need to be motivated, and money is undoubtedly a very effective way to motivate. When employees see that their efforts can be translated into tangible rewards, their motivation and creativity are often greatly stimulated. This is undoubtedly a win-win situation for the enterprise: the employees get the due return, and the company also gets greater development momentum.

Suggestion: Entrepreneurs don't donate every day, which money is better than anything else

Of course, one could argue that donations and bonuses to employees are not mutually exclusive. Enterprises can provide sufficient incentives to employees while donating. That's true, but the reality is that many businesses are generous when it comes to donating and stingy when it comes to employee rewards. This imbalance undoubtedly requires us to reflect on and change.

Lao Hu is not here to completely deny the donation behavior of entrepreneurs, but to hope that entrepreneurs can show a sense of social responsibility while paying more attention to the actual needs of employees. A healthy and positive internal environment is far more important than a momentary social praise.

So, entrepreneurs, the next time you're ready to donate, think about whether the money can be used in part or in whole to improve the treatment of employees, and increase their motivation and happiness. After all, how can a company that can't even treat its own employees well expect it to make a greater contribution to society?

Suggestion: Entrepreneurs don't donate every day, which money is better than anything else

Finally, Lao Hu wants to ask: If you were an entrepreneur, how would you choose? Is it to win the applause of the society with donations, or to use the money to inspire your employees to create greater value? There may be no standard answer to this question, but it is worth pondering for each of us. At the same time, you are also welcome to leave your views in the comment area, and let's explore this topic together. Don't forget to like and retweet to get more people involved in the discussion!


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