
Hand grinding nanochips, craftsmen dry lithography machine! What is the major of international students in North Korea? Featured in the world's first

author:Oh peel apple cores
Hand grinding nanochips, craftsmen dry lithography machine! What is the major of international students in North Korea? Featured in the world's first

A new level of craftsmanship

In this era of rapid development of science and technology, a Chinese aerospace super-grade technician has created ultra-precision materials with 5 nanometer precision by hand, which has aroused heated discussions among netizens about whether it means that nanochips can be manufactured by hand. This technician's name is Ye Hui, he has been engaged in the precision machining of spacecraft parts for a long time, and after decades of research and training, he finally broke through the technical bottleneck of precision grinding of such ultra-thin materials.

Ye Hui's manual grinding technology has reached an incredible level, and the accuracy far exceeds the top level abroad. He was able to control the surface roughness of the material to within 5 nanometers through long-term hand grinding, which is already close to atomic precision. In order to pursue the ultimate surface finish, he even grinds off his own fingerprints, just to prevent fingerprints from affecting the smoothness of the surface of the material.

Hand grinding nanochips, craftsmen dry lithography machine! What is the major of international students in North Korea? Featured in the world's first

This amazing skill has aroused widespread attention and discussion among netizens. Some netizens believe that if the accuracy of 5 nanometers can be achieved by hand, is it possible to manufacture nanochips by hand? After all, one of the keys to chip manufacturing is the extremely high demand for precision. However, some experts explained that Ye Hui's 5 nanometers refers to the surface roughness, not the width of the chip manufacturing process, and the manual manufacturing of chips is still an unattainable goal.

The inheritance of the spirit of craftsmanship

Ye Hui's ability to achieve this ultimate level of craftsmanship stems from his persistent insistence on the spirit of craftsmanship. Since his entry into the aerospace industry, he has been honing his craft and practicing two sets of workpieces a day, which takes up to 12 hours. He knows that the most important thing about fitters is the feel, and only through long-term hard practice can he master exquisite manual skills.

Hand grinding nanochips, craftsmen dry lithography machine! What is the major of international students in North Korea? Featured in the world's first

In Ye Hui's view, the limit of manual processing accuracy can reach 1/20 of the diameter of a hair, which requires extremely high manual skills and perseverance. He adheres to the training secret of "a hundred times is not as good as this one", and meticulously crafts each workpiece, striving for the ultimate perfection. It is this dedication to craftsmanship that has allowed him to finally break through the technical bottleneck and achieve an amazing 5nm level of accuracy.

Ye Hui's deeds reflect the long-standing craftsman spirit of the Chinese nation. Since ancient times, China has bred many master craftsmen, who have carved countless exquisite works with their hands, and passed down this professional ethics of dedication, dedication and excellence from generation to generation. From Luban in the Spring and Autumn Period, to the master craftsmen in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and then to the contemporary national intangible cultural heritage inheritors, this craftsman spirit has been deeply integrated into the blood of the Chinese nation.

Hand grinding nanochips, craftsmen dry lithography machine! What is the major of international students in North Korea? Featured in the world's first

Controversy in the media

Although Ye Hui's skills are admirable, his deeds have sparked some controversy when the media reported on them. Some netizens believe that the style of this exaggerated reporting is similar to that of North Korean media, and ridiculed "what majors do Chinese students study in North Korea?"

Some commentators have pointed out that this type of reporting is mimicking the North Korean media, and is similar to that of its neighbors, which are "the world's best duck raising technology." North Korea's media has a reputation for exaggerating and exaggerating, often rendering ordinary things to the ground. And this way of exaggerating Ye Hui's handicraft skills and rendering it into a "dry lithography machine" seems to be a bit full of grandeur.

Hand grinding nanochips, craftsmen dry lithography machine! What is the major of international students in North Korea? Featured in the world's first

There are also people who defend the media. They believe that the purpose of media coverage is to draw public attention to the spirit of craftsmanship and stimulate people's enthusiasm for technological innovation. Even if it is a little exaggerated, it can be forgiven if it can achieve this goal. In the fast-paced modern life, it is easy to overlook these seemingly mundane but precious skills.

The reality of chip manufacturing

Although Ye Hui's craftsmanship is impressive, making chips by hand is still an unattainable goal. Chip manufacturing is an intricate system engineering, which requires a large amount of advanced equipment and huge capital investment, which cannot be completed by manual alone.

Hand grinding nanochips, craftsmen dry lithography machine! What is the major of international students in North Korea? Featured in the world's first

Chip manufacturing requires the use of lithography to transfer chip design patterns to silicon wafers, and the most advanced lithography machines available today cost hundreds of millions of dollars and need to operate in a dust-free and sterile environment that is beyond the reach of manual work. Chip manufacturing also requires a lot of chemicals and gases, and the environmental and process requirements are extremely demanding, far beyond manual work.

Chip manufacturing also requires a lot of manpower and capital investment. A state-of-the-art 12-inch chip production line requires billions of dollars in investment and the collaboration of thousands of engineers and technicians. Although Ye Hui is skilled, he is only one person's strength after all, and if he wants to make chips by hand, it is undoubtedly water without source and wood without roots.

Hand grinding nanochips, craftsmen dry lithography machine! What is the major of international students in North Korea? Featured in the world's first

Although the goal of hand-manufacturing chips is still out of reach, Ye Hui's deeds still greatly encourage people's confidence in the development of China's chip industry. China has done a good job in the field of chip design, and as long as it continues to increase investment in the future, it will one day be able to achieve a breakthrough in the manufacturing process and truly achieve independence and control.

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