
What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog

author:Great discoveries of knowledge

#官方: Resist the erosion of the deformed fan circle culture in the field of sports#

Official: Resist the erosion of the deformed fan circle culture in the sports field

In this era of information explosion, a new word, "fan circle", has quietly climbed onto the stage of social culture, which is like a force to be reckoned with, which not only warms people's hearts, but also sometimes makes people jaw-dropping.

What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog

What is the sacredness of this so-called "fan circle culture", and how has it evolved from a simple love to today's social phenomenon that makes people love and hate.

What is Fanquan Culture?

To put it bluntly, a "fan circle" is a group of fans who come together because of their common love for a certain star, band or virtual character. They have their own language systems, rules, and activities, forming a unique subculture. It's like a small circle in school, but the "friends" in this circle may be all over the world, and even across borders.

What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog
What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog

Those things about the fan circle culture

In this circle, fans don't just listen to songs and watch dramas, they are well-organized and have a clear division of labor. There is a support club that organizes events, a data group that specializes in data analysis, and a station that creates beautiful pictures and videos.

What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog
What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog

Online, they frantically hit the list and control the comments, so that the names of idols dominate the screen on the hot search; Offline, meet-and-greets, concerts, and even doing public welfare for idols, it is commonplace. In a word, for the love in their hearts, fans can do almost anything.

The good and bad of the rice circle

I have to admit that the fan circle culture has its heart-warming side. It allows countless people to find a sense of belonging in the vast sea of people, and the feeling of "we are family" makes many people have something to rely on in the lonely night. Not to mention those public welfare activities launched in the name of idols, so that love and positive energy can be transmitted, and the world can see the beauty of the power of fans.

What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog
What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog

However, there are always two sides to the coin. In the fan circle culture, there are also many problems that make people shake their heads and sigh. Some fans, or "illegitimate meals", do everything to get close to their idols, stalking, secretly taking pictures, and even breaking into their private lives, this kind of cross-border love has become a naked violation. Not to mention the support fees of tens of thousands, which have burdened some young fans and families with a heavy financial burden, and even affected their normal life and study.

The Internet has become a battlefield

In the boundless ocean of the Internet, the fan circle seems to have become an isolated island, and the people on each island only believe in the scenery they see and reject any external voices. These behaviors not only distort the real voice, but also seriously pollute the space of public discourse, making rational discussion more and more difficult. The unity within the fan circle, from the outside, looks like a high wall, isolating people with different opinions.

What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog
What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog

What to do?

In the face of these problems, we must not just shake our heads and sigh, but act. First of all, major platforms should take responsibility and take practical measures to clean up content that violates privacy and spreads rumors, and return the Internet to a pure land. Family education cannot be absent, parents need to guide their children to chase stars rationally, and understand that love is not possession, let alone harm. As for idols, their every move affects fans, so they should become representatives of positive forces and advocate a healthy way of chasing stars.

What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog
What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog

The law is the last and most solid line of defense. For those acts of invasion of privacy and online violence, the law must show its sword to protect the basic rights of every citizen from being violated.

What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog
What does fan circle culture mean? This article will take you out of the fog

Fanquan culture, it is like a double-edged sword, which can not only converge into a warm light, but also become a sharp blade that hurts people.

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