
It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

author:Love-hate emotion

Beijing, China's capital, is a city of prosperity and pressure. Li Qiang is an ordinary white-collar worker in the city, who walks through the glass jungle of high-rise buildings every day. Weekends, for him, are about releasing the burden of life and returning to the most simple harbor - home.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

"Qiangqiang, will you come back for dinner today?" Mother Wang Ting's phone call is always full of anticipation.

"Mom, I'm taking the subway, I'm almost there." Li Qiang's voice passed through the other end of the phone, with a tiredness that could not be concealed.

Since working in a foreign company, Li Qiang has been exposed to many modern management concepts and an open lifestyle. But every time I go home, I always feel an irreconcilable tearing feeling. His father, Li Gang, was a native of Beijing, received a traditional education, and adhered to the ironclad rules and principles in his heart.

As soon as I entered the door, my father's cough greeted me.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

"Are you smoking again?" Li Qiang frowned and patted his father on the back.

Li Gang didn't care, "Smoke some cigarettes to relieve boredom, what are you worried about." ”

Li Qiang sighed lightly, thinking that every time he went home, it was the same conversation. He didn't want to get into conflict with his father over these trivial matters, and tried to keep the conversation flowing on calm waters.

At the dinner table, the dishes were hearty and homely, but the atmosphere quickly became tense.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

"Qiangqiang, you are older, you should have a home. The sons of our neighbor Wang are all married, and I heard that the bride price was given 100,000 yuan! Li Gang held the bowl and inadvertently dropped a depth charge on such a topic.

"Dad, is it really necessary to be so commercial in the matter of bride price now?" Li Qiang responded cautiously, picking up the dishes and putting them in his father's bowl.

"Commercialization? This is our Chinese tradition and respect for the woman's family! Father's voice was raised, with a bit of seriousness.

"Well, I understand the importance of respect, but what Xiaoyu and I think is that we hope to use that money to lay a foundation for our future lives." Li Qiang tried to explain.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

Wang Ting gently patted the back of Li Qiang's hand, "Qiangqiang, listen to your father, you have to understand the thoughts of the older generation." ”

"Mom, I discussed it with Xiaoyu, we don't want to be bound by these forms. We want to be free to fall in love and simply get married. A trace of stubbornness flashed in Li Qiang's eyes.

The atmosphere was at an impasse for a while, and Li Qiang knew that when he went home this time, he had to have a good talk with his family to make them understand that the times were changing, and he could not be bound by old ideas. He needs to find a balance between tradition and modernity, even if the process will be torn and painful, but isn't life about constant struggle and reconciliation?

However, no matter how noisy the outside world is, this is always his last safe haven, and the conflict with his parents is only because they care too much about each other. He intends to give his parents a chance to understand modern ideas tonight, and let them know that no matter how disturbed the outside world is, they are always the relatives he longs for reconciliation the most.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

Li Qiang and Xiaoyu sit in a quiet café in Beijing. Soothing music flowed through the store, and sunlight shone through the windows on the happy faces of the two.

"Xiaoyu, my dad he... He insisted on a high bride price. Li Qiang said helplessly.

Xiaoyu gently held Li Qiang's hand, "I know your dad is a traditional person, but I don't want our marriage to be heavy like a business from the beginning." ”

The eyes of the two are intertwined, full of mutual understanding and support.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

Li Qiang took a deep breath, "Then let's talk to them together and let them understand our thoughts." ”

"Do you think it helps?" Xiaoyu frowned slightly.

"At least we tried, and I don't want our marriage to be a deal, no matter what the outcome is." Li Qiang's voice was firm.

Back at home, Li Qiang and Xiaoyu stood in front of their parents, and the air seemed to be frozen.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

"Dad, Mom, we both want to talk to you about our marriage." Li Qiang was the first to break the silence.

"Talk? What's there to talk about, isn't it just about the bride price? Li Gang was categorical.

"Dad, Xiaoyu and I don't want to make the wedding so commercial, this tradition seems a bit outdated today." Li Qiang cautiously expressed his opinion.

"Outdated? That's what you don't understand. This is a courtesy, and it is a respect for Xiaoyu's family. Li Gang has no doubts.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

"But Uncle Lee, we really don't think that the bride price represents respect or love." Xiaoyu said softly, trying to make her father-in-law understand.

"Xiaoyu is a good girl, we all like it, we can't let people think that our family is stingy." Wang Ting interjected.

"Mom, we don't want people to think that our family is stingy, but now we are more concerned about our future life and our feelings for each other." Li Qiang couldn't help but aggravate his tone.

The honesty and courage of the two temporarily made Li Gang and Wang Ting fall into deep thought. In the end, Li Gang decided to give them a problem.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

"Since you two are so persistent, then I'll see if you can solve a practical problem. If you can buy the wedding house independently, then I will not insist on this bride price. Li Gang said tentatively.

Li Qiang and Xiaoyu glanced at each other, and a resolute light flashed in each other's eyes.

"Then we'll take on the challenge!" Li Qiang made up his mind, and they were willing to use practical actions to prove that their love did not need the support of a bride price.

They began to use their savings, pondering every detail, from the mortgage to the renovation plan, and they wanted to use their own efforts to prove to their parents that they were capable of bearing their love.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

"Qiangqiang, we work together, not to prove anything, but for our happy little family." Xiaoyu rested her head on Li Qiang's shoulder, her eyes flashing with hope for the future.

During this period, they did a lot of homework, looking for cost-effective real estate, comparing various loan policies, and even squeezing out time to learn decoration knowledge.

"We must let them see our seriousness and hard work." Li Qiang silently made an oath in his heart.

And whenever they feel under great pressure, mutual support and mutual reliance have become their biggest motivation. With every day of hard work, the relationship between the two has deepened. They understand that the most important thing is not the house, but the people who will live in it in the future.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

Finally, after some hard work, they completed the accumulation of the down payment in advance and successfully bought the wedding house. Li Qiang and Xiaoyu put the keys to the new house and the purchase contract in front of Li Gang, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

This is their commitment to love, and it is also a subversion of traditional rules. They want their parents to agree with their choice and accept their sincerity and determination, which is far more than any material bride price.

The contract and key of the new house were lying quietly on the coffee table in the living room, Li Gang's hands were clenched in the teacup, and his gaze moved from the contract to Li Qiang and Xiaoyu's faces in a complicated manner.

"Dad, we fulfilled our promise and didn't use the money for the bride price." Li Qiang's voice was steady and firm.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

Li Gang snorted, "Are you arguing with me?" ”

"It's not a shoutout, Dad, but I want you to see our determination and plans for the future." Light rain tries to lighten the mood.

"Planning? How can you do it without tradition! Li Gang's tone revealed no doubt.

"But Dad, is that tradition really reasonable? Could it be that such face and respect are more important than our future happiness? Li Qiang couldn't help but raise his voice.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

"Qiangqiang, what is your attitude? Do you think I'll feel respect for you like this? Li Gang stood up, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Wang Ting said softly on the side, "Lao Li, the children have worked so hard, shouldn't we also understand." ”

"Understand? Don't we deserve their understanding? Li Gang retorted dissatisfiedly.

"Mom, thank you for your understanding. Xiaoyu and I really don't want to hurt anyone because of the bride price, isn't it more meaningful to use this money to build our common future? Li Qiang looked at Wang Ting, his eyes full of gratitude.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

Wang Ting patted Li Gang's hand gently, "Lao Li, times have changed, children have children's ideas, we have to respect them." ”

Li Gang was silent for a moment, he looked at Li Qiang and Xiaoyu, his pupils flashed with complicated emotions, "Do you really think you can live well without doing this?" ”

"Dad, I believe we can live well because we have love, ideals, and common goals." Li Qiang replied firmly.

"I married Xiaoyu, not because her family needs our bride price, but because we love each other. I hope that their family can be happy that Xiaoyu has found someone who truly loves her, not how much dowry we give. Li Qiang's words were simple and affectionate.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

Li Gang was moved by his son's words, and his always hard shell cracked at this moment, and his gaze gradually softened.

Wang Ting hugged Li Gang, "Lao Li, you see that the children have grown up, we have to trust them." ”

Li Gang put down the teacup and took a deep breath, he looked at his son, the pride and love in his heart were indescribable at this moment, "Qiangqiang, you have grown up and have your own ideas, your mother is right, I... I have to trust you. ”

The atmosphere eased in the warmth of this home, and Li Qiang and Xiaoyu's eyes were full of gratitude and relief. They walked up to Li Gang and gently shook his hand.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

At that moment, it was not only a victory for the bride price tradition, but also a victory for family understanding and communication. Their love is respected, and family harmony is also sublimated in this tolerance and understanding.

Since that heart-to-heart encounter, the atmosphere of the whole home has changed dramatically. Li Qiang and Xiaoyu's wedding also came as scheduled, everything was so simple and warm.

At the wedding, Li Gang couldn't help but burst into tears. "Look at it, this young man is so promising, our family has a different face!" He boasted to his friend next to him.

"Yes, Dad, seeing that you are smiling so happily today, you know that our decision is right." Li Qiang held the bride Xiaoyu and smiled happily.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

Wang Ting wiped her tears happily, "Yes, Lao Li, our sons and daughters are so competitive, what are we not satisfied with." ”

In the days after the wedding, Li Qiang and Xiaoyu were busy with the decoration of their new home and the trivial matters of life, but they always smiled with love in the face of this complexity.

At night, under the warm lights of the home, Li Gang will leisurely smoke a cigarette in the living room. "Qiangqiang, Xiaoyu, come, let's see how this home is decorated?" Li Gang has become more and more fond of discussing family matters with his children.

"Dad, we want to make this a tea room, where the family can gather in their spare time." Xiaoyu came up with her own ideas.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

"Good idea, I support it." Li Gang's attitude is obviously more enlightened than before.

As the days passed, Li Gang began to share with his neighbors how Qiang Qiang was arrayed in his career and how Xiaoyu was shrewd and capable. He learned that times are changing, and that young people have a young way of life, and this does not hinder family harmony.

On a weekend night, the whole family sat around the dining table, and Li Gang lifted the wine glass, "I want to make a toast for my daughter-in-law, and it is a blessing for you to find Xiaoyu for you and our whole family." ”

"Dad, we are lucky to meet parents who understand us so much." The gratitude in Li Qiang's eyes was beyond words.

It turns out! No matter how filial you are to your parents, you should turn your face, and you must not get used to it

The family is reinvigorated by an argument, and everyone becomes closer because of understanding and respect. Together, they proved that love can transcend traditional concepts and commercial constraints, and that what really matters is family affection and love.

In this increasingly warm little home, people can't help but think, what really warms the home, isn't it everyone's unremitting efforts and understanding?