
"Shenzhou" set off! These colleges and universities are national merits


"Shenzhou" set off! These colleges and universities are national merits

With the successful launch of the "Shenzhou-18" manned spacecraft, China's aerospace industry has once again demonstrated its strong strength and determination to the world. Behind this great scientific and technological achievement, countless universities and research institutions have silently contributed to the country. Today, let's walk into these universities and learn about their outstanding contributions in the field of aerospace science and technology.

"Shenzhou" set off! These colleges and universities are national merits

1. Tsinghua University: Cultivating aerospace talents and innovating scientific research achievements

As one of China's top institutions of higher learning, Tsinghua University plays a pivotal role in the field of aerospace science and technology. Over the years, Tsinghua University has cultivated a large number of outstanding aerospace science and technology talents for the mainland, and they have played an important role in the design, manufacture, and testing of spacecraft. At the same time, Tsinghua University has also undertaken many national scientific research projects and achieved a series of world-leading scientific research achievements.

"Shenzhou" set off! These colleges and universities are national merits

2. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics: professional leadership, science and technology to serve the country

As the only national key university named after aerospace in mainland China, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has made significant contributions to the field of aerospace science and technology. The university has a complete aerospace discipline system, covering the whole chain from basic theoretical research to engineering application. During the development of the "Shenzhou" series of spacecraft, teachers and students of Beihang University participated in the research and development of a number of key technologies, making important contributions to the development of the mainland's aerospace industry.

"Shenzhou" set off! These colleges and universities are national merits

3. Harbin Institute of Technology: The dream of aerospace power, Harbin Institute of Technology is responsible

As an important force in the field of aerospace science and technology in mainland China, Harbin Institute of Technology has significant advantages in the manufacture and launch of spacecraft. Harbin Institute of Technology has made outstanding achievements in the research of materials science and aerospace power, which has provided strong support for the development of the mainland's aerospace industry. In addition, Harbin Institute of Technology also actively participates in international aerospace cooperation and has carried out extensive exchanges and cooperation with many countries and regions.

"Shenzhou" set off! These colleges and universities are national merits

4. Shanghai Jiao Tong University: cross-border integration, innovation leading

Shanghai Jiao Tong University has also made remarkable achievements in the field of aerospace science and technology. The university attaches great importance to cross-border integration, organically integrates aerospace science and technology with other disciplines, and forms unique research characteristics. In the fields of satellite navigation and remote sensing technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University has made a number of world-leading scientific research achievements, injecting new vitality into the development of the mainland's aerospace industry.

"Shenzhou" set off! These colleges and universities are national merits

5. National University of Defense Technology: National defense science and technology, the country's most important weapon

As an important base in the field of national defense science and technology on the mainland, the National University of Defense Technology has also made significant contributions to the field of aerospace science and technology. The university has advanced scientific research facilities and an excellent scientific research team, and has achieved remarkable results in the design, manufacturing, and testing of spacecraft. The National University of Defense Technology has also actively participated in major national scientific research projects and provided strong support for the development of the mainland's aerospace industry.

"Shenzhou" set off! These colleges and universities are national merits

To sum up, behind the expedition of "Shenzhou" is the silent dedication and hard work of countless universities and research institutions. The research and contributions of these universities in the field of aerospace science and technology have not only promoted the development of the mainland's aerospace industry, but also made important contributions to the progress of the world's aerospace science and technology. In the future, we have reason to believe that with the addition of more universities and research institutions, the mainland's aerospace industry will continue to move towards new peaks!

"Shenzhou" set off! These colleges and universities are national merits