
It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

author:Elegant dreams n

On a sunny afternoon in early spring, Yang Xiaohong pushed her wheelchair and carefully helped 98-year-old Grandpa Yang and 96-year-old Grandma Mei return home. The two elderly people stubbornly adhered to their habits and had to confront Yang Xiaohong every day, which made her frown. Grandpa, grandma, lunch is ready, come over and eat. Yang Xiaohong called in a sweet tone.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

Grandma Mei also complained that it was the same as the food in the hospital, and there was no taste of home at all.

Yang Xiaohong helplessly explained to her grandparents, I will cook light meals for you according to the doctor's instructions, which is better for your health. Okay, you girl, I said that I would cook whatever I wanted, what do you know Grandpa Yang snorted coldly.

In the face of the old couple's brutality, Yang Xiaohong felt helpless and frustrated. Life has been incredibly difficult since she took on the responsibility of caring for her elderly parents on her own.

Although Grandpa Yang and Grandma Mei are old, they still maintain their inherent living habits and preferences, and often express dissatisfaction with Yang Xiaohong's care services. This made Yang Xiaohong feel exhausted, and she cried bitterly in front of the old man several times.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

Of Yang Xiaohong's 10 siblings, she is the only one who stays home to take care of her parents. Others either live far away or are too busy with work to take care of. They came back to visit occasionally, but the care of the old couple still fell on Yang Xiaohong alone.

Yang Xiaohong sighed helplessly, she knew she had to persevere. Although it is hard to take care of her elderly parents, this is her filial piety. Yang Xiaohong gritted her teeth, silently cleaned up the tableware on the table, and prepared to make a new meal.

Although Grandpa Yang and Grandma Mei were always dissatisfied with Yang Xiaohong's care, she still gritted her teeth and persevered. After all, this is her filial piety.

Sometimes, Yang Xiaohong can't hold back her tears. She wondered if she was really good enough and if there was a better way to take care of her. But she is even more afraid that one day, she will give up completely and become cold and numb.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

In order to maintain her relationship with her parents as much as possible, Yang Xiaohong began to slowly learn to compromise. She will take the initiative to ask the opinions and preferences of the elderly couple and try to meet their needs as much as possible. Sometimes, even if she doesn't agree with it, she chooses to back down.

Slowly, Yang Xiaohong found that as long as she could make the elderly feel valued and cared for, they would become more friendly and cooperative. For example, Yang Xiaohong will patiently help the elderly tidy up their rooms and cook their favorite home-cooked meals.

Sometimes, the old couple will also take the initiative to help with some simple household chores. Despite her clumsy movements, Yang Xiaohong would thank them from the bottom of her heart. This has improved the relationship between the two parties and made the atmosphere much more relaxed.

Yang Xiaohong's obedience and compromise also made the old couple gradually change some inherent habits. For example, they will take the initiative to cooperate with Yang Xiaohong's schedule and eat and sleep regularly. Although there are still small arguments at times, overall it is much better.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

With such progress, Yang Xiaohong's life has gradually become a lot easier. She finally had the opportunity to go out for a walk and chat with friends. These days, she has been overwhelmed by the burden of her family, and now she can finally relax.

However, Yang Xiaohong also knew that this was just a temporary calm. At any time, there is a possibility that the conflict will arise again. She must always be vigilant and ready to respond.

At this moment, Yang Xiaohong suddenly thought of a good idea. She decided to invite her family to discuss how to better take care of her parents. After all, this shouldn't be her responsibility alone.

Filial piety is important, but family members also need to support and understand each other. Yang Xiaohong hopes that through everyone's participation, she can provide more thoughtful care for the old couple and reduce her own burden.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

Ms. Yang couldn't wait to call her siblings and invite them back for a family meeting. Although some people didn't respond very positively, she insisted on the invitation. She believes that if everyone works together, a solution will be found that satisfies everyone.

Loved ones are reunited

At Yang Xiaohong's repeated invitations, the 10 siblings finally gathered at Lao Yang's house one weekend. This is the first time they have gathered together in a long time.

As soon as she entered the door, Yang Xiaohong felt a burst of warmth melt into her heart. The relatives who had not seen each other for a long time all had happy expressions on their faces when they saw each other. They greeted each other cordially, as if time had flown by, and they had returned to the days of youth and carefree.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

Yang Xiaohong's eldest brother, Yang Jianguo, took the lead in walking up to the old couple and eagerly inquired about their physical condition. Although Grandpa Yang and Grandma Mei were still a little frowned and displeased, they were obviously moved by the concern of their brothers and sisters.

Yang Xiaohong took the opportunity to explain her intentions. She hopes that the whole family can discuss together to provide more thoughtful care for the elderly couple. This will not only reduce her own burden, but also allow the elderly to spend a more comfortable and healthy old age.

The other siblings agreed. Some of them admit that they do neglect the old couple in normal times, and some put forward various suggestions for care. In the spirit of helping each other, everyone planned together.

In the heated discussion, Grandpa Yang and Grandma Mei gradually lowered their guard and began to actively participate in it. They put forward some of their own ideas and needs to give the children a better understanding of their situation and needs.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

Eventually, the family worked out a well-thought-out care plan. Everyone has taken their own responsibility, both with regular visits and with the arrangement of professional care. The old couple also expressed their satisfaction and satisfaction with this.

Under the care of their relatives, Grandpa Yang and Grandma Mei finally showed a long-lost smile on their faces. Yang Xiaohong's eyes were also moist, and she was sincerely relieved that she was able to gather the strength of her family.

Perhaps, with the participation of the whole family, her life will not be so difficult and lonely anymore. Yang Xiaohong looks forward to the future with hope, believing that she will be able to create a more healthy and peaceful life for her parents.

The story of Yang Xiaohong's family quickly attracted widespread attention in the community. Neighbors have expressed understanding and sympathy, and they share similar situations and troubles.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

Some people offered to help take care of Grandpa Yang and Grandma Mei in their spare time. Others suggested that Yang Xiaohong could seek relevant services and resources from the community.

The community staff also took the initiative to come to the door and learned about the specific situation of the Yang family. They promised to arrange professional home care services for the elderly couple as soon as possible, and provide necessary counselling and consultation for the family.

The whole community seems to have ignited a warm current, and everyone hopes to provide help and support to elderly families like the Yang family in their own way. This made Yang Xiaohong feel cared for and warmed by the community.

With the help of the community, Yang Xiaohong's life has gradually improved. Professional nursing staff will visit the door regularly every day to provide comprehensive and thoughtful care for the elderly couple. This not only reduced Yang Xiaohong's burden, but also made the old people feel more comfortable physically and mentally.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

At the same time, the community also organized some entertainment activities for the elderly, such as singing and dancing, chess and card games, etc. These not only enrich their lives, but also allow the elderly to meet more like-minded friends.

Yang Xiaohong also took the initiative to apply to join the volunteer team in the community. She hopes to use her power to provide support and services to other families in need. This not only allows her to share some of the family pressure, but also makes her feel a full sense of accomplishment.

With the help of the community, the Yang family, which originally seemed lonely and helpless, gradually regained its vitality and vitality. Not only has the quality of life of the old couple been greatly improved, but even Yang Xiaohong herself has regained her former positivity and optimism.

With the tremendous support of the community, the Yang family can finally let go of their worries and enjoy the joy of family. They believe that as long as everyone works together, the life of the elderly will be better and better.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man

And such stories are probably not uncommon in the community. More and more families are under tremendous pressure to care for the elderly, and some are on the verge of collapse. However, as long as all sectors of the community lend a helping hand and give appropriate support, I believe that these families will be able to tide over the difficulties and regain their happiness and well-being.

At present, society is constantly paying attention to and paying attention to this issue. Governments at all levels are improving the relevant security systems to provide more thoughtful care services for the elderly. The community is also taking the initiative to provide specialized help to families in need.

These are undoubtedly a good start. But we also need more love and support so that every elderly person can live a decent and peaceful old age. Only when all sectors of society work together can we create a warmer and more harmonious environment.

Ms. Yang's story may just be a microcosm. However, if we can take this as a lesson and think about and solve this problem in the long run, I believe that it will bring happiness to more families. This is not only a responsibility, but also a heart-warming act of kindness.

It's really difficult to have an elderly person at home, and before fifteen, the little old man was angry and cried three times by the old man